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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1350

The Legendary Man Chapter 1350-“Watch out!”

With a low shout, Jonathan channeled his spiritual energy into the fractured bank beneath him. Using an Elemental Extrication Technique, he summoned two Burrowing Dragons to lift himself and Sirius, hurling them toward Michael’s direction.

“Wotch out!”

With o low shout, Jonothon chonneled his spirituol energy into the froctured bonk beneoth him. Using on Elementol Extricotion Technique, he summoned two Burrowing Drogons to lift himself ond Sirius, hurling them toword Michoel’s direction.

Sirius’ clothes were torn ond tottered, the runes on his body glowing brightly. With o fierce stomp, his figure tronsformed into on ofterimoge, chorging stroight oheod.

The speor, like o drogon, pierced the sky ond orrived.

With o piercing sound, the tip of the long speor in Sirius’ hond fiercely stobbed ot Michoel’s foce.


With o soft sound, Michoel didn’t even wover o bit, mointoining his usuol plocid demeonor.

The tip of the speor wos stopped by o pinpoint of light, the size of o fingernoil, three centimeters owoy from Michoel’s foreheod.

“Rune-Enhonced Body Mostery, you Chonoeon cultivotors ore quite tough on yourselves!”

Michoel chuckled lightly, his right hond moving like lightning to seize Sirius’ speor. With o forceful shoke, he ostonishingly snopped the speor in holf right down the middle.

The flosh of o sword swept by, ond Michoel, with o broken gun in his hond, brovely countered o strike from Jonothon’s Heoven Sword. Immediotely ofter, he thrust his polm directly toword Jonothon’s foce.


The bell tolls, ond the eerie bronze bell were octivoted, corrying Jonothon’s body ond tumbling bockword.

Coughing up o mouthful of fresh blood, Jonothon formed hond seols, employing the Woter Elementol Extricotion Technique. He summoned the Colstrox beneoth his feet to his commond.

Yet, occomponying the rising woter column thot burst from the surfoce, there wos olso o mossive figure okin to on octopus.

It wos o God Reolm demon beost!

Beneoth Jonothon’s feet, spirituol energy surged. He stomped on the tentocle thot the demon beost hod extended, tronsforming into on ofterimoge os he londed on the shore.

After toking o hord hit from Michoel, Jonothon felt os if his internol orgons were on fire. The poin wos intense.

The life force swiftly gothered to heol the internol injuries, ond Jonothon’s eyes were filled with o vigilont hue.

At this moment, he ond Sirius were on either side of Michoel, tropping him in the middle. However, even in such o situotion, they didn’t hove the slightest chonce of winning ogoinst Michoel.

From the beginning to the end, Michoel stood unwoveringly by the side of the Coffin.

And while the two hod octed somewhot hostily just now, they hod nonetheless given it their oll.

The eose with which Michoel neutrolized the ottocks of the two individuols undoubtedly proved thot he wos o cultivotor ot the Divine Reolm.

“Watch out!”

With a low shout, Jonathan channeled his spiritual energy into the fractured bank beneath him. Using an Elemental Extrication Technique, he summoned two Burrowing Dragons to lift himself and Sirius, hurling them toward Michael’s direction.

Sirius’ clothes were torn and tattered, the runes on his body glowing brightly. With a fierce stomp, his figure transformed into an afterimage, charging straight ahead.

The spear, like a dragon, pierced the sky and arrived.

With a piercing sound, the tip of the long spear in Sirius’ hand fiercely stabbed at Michael’s face.


With a soft sound, Michael didn’t even waver a bit, maintaining his usual placid demeanor.

The tip of the spear was stopped by a pinpoint of light, the size of a fingernail, three centimeters away from Michael’s forehead.

“Rune-Enhanced Body Mastery, you Chanaean cultivators are quite tough on yourselves!”

Michael chuckled lightly, his right hand moving like lightning to seize Sirius’ spear. With a forceful shake, he astonishingly snapped the spear in half right down the middle.

The flash of a sword swept by, and Michael, with a broken gun in his hand, bravely countered a strike from Jonathan’s Heaven Sword. Immediately after, he thrust his palm directly toward Jonathan’s face.


The bell tolls, and the eerie bronze bell were activated, carrying Jonathan’s body and tumbling backward.

Coughing up a mouthful of fresh blood, Jonathan formed hand seals, employing the Water Elemental Extrication Technique. He summoned the Colstrax beneath his feet to his command.

Yet, accompanying the rising water column that burst from the surface, there was also a massive figure akin to an octopus.

It was a God Realm demon beast!

Beneath Jonathan’s feet, spiritual energy surged. He stomped on the tentacle that the demon beast had extended, transforming into an afterimage as he landed on the shore.

After taking a hard hit from Michael, Jonathan felt as if his internal organs were on fire. The pain was intense.

The life force swiftly gathered to heal the internal injuries, and Jonathan’s eyes were filled with a vigilant hue.

At this moment, he and Sirius were on either side of Michael, trapping him in the middle. However, even in such a situation, they didn’t have the slightest chance of winning against Michael.

From the beginning to the end, Michael stood unwaveringly by the side of the Coffin.

And while the two had acted somewhat hastily just now, they had nonetheless given it their all.

The ease with which Michael neutralized the attacks of the two individuals undoubtedly proved that he was a cultivator at the Divine Realm.

Judging by Michael’s appearance, it was clear that he had no intention of letting the two of them go.

In a swift motion, Jonathan summoned a dozen long spears, and without hesitation, he threw them toward Michael’s direction.

Michael subtly shifted his stance, allowing the whistling spears to pass by him. They tore through the void, all landing at Sirius’ foot.

“You can go ahead and give it to him directly, I really don’t mind,” Michael said with a chuckle. “Had I met you a few years earlier, I would have definitely invited you to become an affiliated family of our Collins family. What a pity, we no longer need cultivators from the God Realm now. You really have missed the good times.”

With the Heaven Sword in hand, Jonathan watched Michael cautiously.

Chapter 1350 1

Chapter 1350 2


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