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The legendary warrior novel Chapter 50

Untouched magic encased in ancient ice of five hundred years lay in front of Ricky; its towering height dwarfed his own figure and basked him in a luminous glow. He rested a hand on its hard surface as the relic's inborn light seeped through his thick skin and illuminated the redness of his blood and flesh underneath. Short puffs of white clouds came out of his breath as he exhaled, readying himself for the activation of his Devouring Skill.

Tendrils of wild winds started to circulate the area in dizzying speeds the more he focused on mobilizing his ability. The beginnings of pallid mist engulfed his body, growing thicker and thicker by the minute as he voraciously absorbed the dormant power beneath the hard shell of the iceberg. Prickling cold devoured the warmth of his temperature, robbing him of any solace to counter the freezing atmosphere. It permeated into the deepest depths of his being as it instilled inside his bones and racked him in endless shivers.

"T - The Quincentennial Magic Ice … Its power is r-r-really outstanding!" exclaimed Ricky, managing to squeeze out his words of awe through gritted teeth.

The agony of having the frost stop his blood's circulation turned his face into an unhealthy shade of white and dyed his lips to a sickening hue of blue. It was torture; one that he had willingly dived into, especially when he knew that the outcome of withstanding such unbearable pain thrilled him more than anything. He was determined to reach the Second Degree of the Nine-degree Body Refining Formula, and for that to be attained, he needed to form this numbing power into his own.

He grunted and spasmed as another surge of tremors washed over him. If it were not for his strategy in transferring the acquired energy directly to its new home in the Devourer Zone, he would have been reduced to an iced carcass as soon as he had absorbed a small portion of the magic.

He tried to move, and with great difficulty, his nearly paralyzed fingers took the Body Refining Pill from his pocket and raised it to his mouth, swallowing it as soon as it dropped. He had saved it specifically for this moment, knowing that the Pill would produce the best possible result when taken during the process of refining.

It took a staggering six hours for Ricky to conclude the whole process, the ice melting away as soon as he finished. He could not deny that there were occasions where trepidation tempted him to succumb to his impatience and need for a break from the misery. There was no shame in admitting that he had to fight against his weaknesses; he was still human after all, and his perseverance and greed were enough proof of validation for that aspect.

Sighing in relief and content, Ricky began stretching his limbs in preparation for another gruesome trial. "Good! It's time to start the refinement now," he muttered, standing upright as he wrapped up his last set of warm-ups.

He proceeded to take a meager part of the seized mana from the Devourer Zone and poured it into his regained spiritual meridian. It flowed ceaselessly in his bloodstream, filling up every crevice like liquid pulsing to grant him the chance at rebirth until he felt the magic settle inside him.

It was by no means a comfortable adjustment. It was excruciating, more so compared to the prior experience he went through. Perhaps, it was a given, what with the magic being tremendous to the point where even a warrior at the intermediate stage of Blood Purification might not be able to stand it. As a warrior stuck in the eighth grade of Skin Refinement, Ricky was understandably in a lot more torment that most would not even dare endure in their lifetime.

He felt as if he had reached the last level of hell. Trapped not in a blazing inferno, but in the unforgiving, frigid air of a vast icy terrain with no salvation in sight. Bare, trembling and barely competent in holding himself together after being torn apart mercilessly again and again. He could not relax for the slightest instant, certain that he would not be able to keep himself upright if he did so.

Overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught of trembles that shook him to the core, Ricky felt he did a wise decision by transferring the power back to the Devourer Zone earlier. It seemed to be the right decision, seeing as it would have caused him to meet an untimely death if he had stopped it a bit later.

He gasped, the immense anguish immediately released its suffocating hold and effectively disengaged him from any fatalities he would have gotten from stubbornly continuing on.

He allowed himself to unwind, and within an hour, gooey substances started emitting from the pores of his skin. It was a good sign; it meant that the impurities in his body were being rejected.

Thus, indicating that he was growing tougher and stronger, and that the purer his flesh became.

He progressed using this tactic; consuming the high-class power bit by bit and stopping before he was inundated and rendered incapable.

He could feel his durability rising after every passing second, so he permitted himself to increase the amount of magic he ingested in accordance to his level of tolerance.

Refinement had gone easily with another source to depend on for boosting the action. The thought made him giddy with pride and satisfaction, fully conscious of the great feats he was achieving at present.

And so, after a grueling two days, Ricky had completed his refinement at last.

Thankfully, Heather had delivered his meals consistently during his training, hence helping him replenish much-needed energy for the ruthless and exhausting tasks he performed, as well as the water to clean his body.

Following the accomplished goal, Ricky risked fearlessly plunging into another test once more as he gobbled the Sacred Blood Crystal.

The artifact contained the flames and energies of the blood essence of one of the innate ritual beasts; the Sacred Blood Lion, and although it might already be diluted, it remained in its position as one of the most formidable items in the empire.

Fortunately for him, the refinement for the Magic Ice took place not too long ago, rewarding him unexpectedly with immunity to its scalding fire.

As his refining for the Sacred Blood Crystal initiated at this command, he commenced the second mental cultivation method of the Nine-degree Body Refining Formula simultaneously, intending to reach the Second Degree of the Formula.

Everything went smoothly and naturally, his hard work paying off after winning all battles of resilience within himself. He had fulfilled his mission of procuring the Second Degree of the Nine-degree Body Refining Formula.

Overtaken with happiness and anticipation to test out his results, he activated the cultivation method of the Second Degree of Nine-degree Body Refining Formula. In a flash, his body turned into a light tint of orange. It wallowed Ricky in delight as he felt the rush of adrenaline from the freedom of wielding such massive force.

What he was currently was definitely no weaker than that of a warrior at any inferior stages of Blood Purification. He may even possess the right qualifications to challenge any opponents at the intermediate stage.

"I've moved past the eighth grade of Skin Refinement! And, I even reached the Second Degree of the Nine-degree Body Refining Formula. Next, I'm going for the highest grade of Skin Refinement, just wait for it!" Ricky shouted in glee, triumphantly pumping his fists into the air as a show of his enthusiasm.

For his next objective, he would seek for another method to employ as he didn't want to be constrained by using only the Devouring Skill.


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