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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 397

After waiting for three hours, Allen hadn't seen Joey's surprise, and he was a little impatient. "Honey, what are you going to show me? We've been sitting here for almost three hours."

Joey felt uneasier because of Allen's inquiry. She immediately called Fiona.

Joey knew how much Fiona loved his godson Sammy, and she loved him more than she did to her own son. Joey didn't tell anyone that Sammy's father had come back because she was afraid Fiona would think too much about it, so she didn't urge Fiona to come here. But something seemed to go wrong.

Fiona had turned off her phone. Joey was a bit nervous. What happened to Fiona?

Joey immediately called Shawn.

Since Fiona and Sammy lived in City A, Shawn also stayed in City A. The relationship between Fiona and Shawn was ambiguous. Shawn might be the very one who knew the whereabouts of Fiona most because Shawn attached great importance to Fiona.

But even Shawn's cell phone was turned off.

Joey was panicked!

She quickly called Philip.

It got through, but no one answered the phone. Joey's eyes were red with anxiety.

Allen was watching Joey calling others, and she looked more and more anxious. Although he didn't know what was happening, he had an intuition that Joey was in a very upset mood at the moment, and something must have happened.

"Honey, what's going on? Tell me and I'll fix it."

Allen looked at Joey worriedly.

Chapter 397 Getting Involved into Troubles 1


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