The drive to the City Hospital gives me time to consider my options. Pulling into the rear parking lot, some smart-ass tries to tell me I can’t park there, but waving my police pass at him gets me a scribbled visitor permit.
In the morgue, Borje’s mood hasn’t improved. As he sees me, he straightens up from where he’s delving into the body cavity of the murdered woman, at least, what’s left of it. “C.o.D. confirmed as asphyxiation…” he says. “…as per the earlier cases. I can give you all the details if you want it…?”
“Does the detail change any of what you said at the crime scene?”
“No. I’ve sent the strands from inside her throat to the lab, but I’ll be surprised if they don’t confirm that they’re taken from the wig.” He shoves hands in pockets, stares down at the butchered corpse. “Although the killer broke pattern with that, in other ways, she was much like the previous victims. Young. Fit and healthy. No damage from, or evidence of, smoking, or of drug or alcohol abuse.”
“Do you have photos of the wig as it comes from the manufacturer? Or another of the same model? For comparison.”
He raises a finger. “In fact, I do. Just came in five minutes ago.” Rummaging through a stack of in-trays, he passes me a plastic-wrapped object, complete with manufacturer’s label. “Feel free to open and handle it. I have another one.”
As I extract the hairpiece, something rattles behind us. “Doc?”
I glance up to see an orderly in the ubiquitous green overalls, pushing a trolley. “They sent me down for a pick-up. Name of Carter. Which one is it?”
Borje pauses, forehead creasing. “Carter? Oh, yes. The coroner cleared that one last week. The family can have him back.” He aims a forefinger at a bank of cold-storage cabinets. “Number fourteen. Give me a second, Ricky. I’ll just get the release papers for you.”
He shuffles through another of the in-trays. “Excuse me a moment, Larry. I’ll just deal with this.” He points me to a computer screen. “Take a look. You can see my findings so far.”
Spreading my fingers into the wig, I dangle it mid-air, trying for a feel of how it might look when worn; long, chestnut hair, glinting red under the lights, swishes. It’s quite attractive, and right on target for the Surgeon’s taste in victims. Barring the detail that it’s not the girl’s own hair.
Borje signs off some papers and sends the orderly on his way, this time with a green-draped hump loaded onto the trolley. He returns his attention to me.
“Do we have a name for her yet?” I ask.
“Hanna Novak. They tell me her flatmate reported her missing.”
“And she’s come in? To ID the body?”
“No.” Borje traces an outline in the air over what remains of the face. “With the remains in that condition, all apart from the distress caused to a friend, it wouldn’t have been reliable. But dental records confirm it’s her.”
“How about DNA evidence from the killer?”
“Not so far.” He arches brows, blows air. “As with the others, he’s used the obvious precautions: condom, gloves and so on. With modern analysis techniques, it’s difficult not to leave something of yourself behind, but he’s been very careful.”
“Careful in a way that suggests he understands what’s involved? Specialist knowledge?”
“Could be.” Borje face is bleak. “Why do something like this? I see all kinds in here, but this…” His words fail.
And there’s the crux of course, our killer’s motive.
Borje is still speaking. “Find this bastard, Larry. He’s not going to stop. And if I can do anything to help, call me. Any time, just call me.”
“I’ll do that.”
He surveys the cadaver, his breathing shallow.
He doesn’t look up. “Hmmm?”
“You okay?”
He blinks up at me. “What do you think?
“Perhaps when you’ve done your work here, you should take some time for yourself?”
“Couldn’t agree more.” The corpse of a smile tugs at his mouth. “Just what I was planning, in fact. I’m seeing Georgie later… Um…” He hesitates, clears his throat.
“Um? Is there something else?”
“Yes… There is… Listen, I had a conversation with James. He told me about Georgie's abduction last year. I understand you were the reason she was taken…”
His eyes narrow… “…Although he wasn’t clear about the reason for that. Nonetheless, my thanks for your part in her rescue. And my apologies. I understand now why you would feel protective towards her. Why you treated me with suspicion at first.”
“You do?”
“I do.” He rocks his hand back and forth. “It’s not always easy to sort out our emotions, but sometimes in life, you pick up the baton, and then you run with it.”
My arm hooked through his, Borje and I stroll through the City centre. He’s strangely quiet.
People are out and about: window-shoppers, loafers and strollers, but the weather is sizzling, and the heat is slowing everyone down, turning the buzz of walker, runner and talker alike to a slow, easy rhythm.
At first, I put Borje’s silence down to the heat.
“You seem tired?”
“No, I’m fine.”
Empathy’s not my strong suit, but…
“Don’t know about you, but I could use a drink.”
“Absolutely.” He puffs out his cheeks, blowing air. He flashes brows, looking more his usual self. “Something cold where I have to blow the froth from the top.” He aims a finger to half a dozen tables outside a kiosk. “How about there? We’ll be under the shade of trees.”
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