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The Luna Trials by Marissa Gilbert novel Chapter 79

Epilogue 1


“Kai, we should stop!” Savannah pleaded as her husband kept peppering her neckline with kisses, trying to relieve her of her

“We really shouldn’t,” he murmured softly, biting her shimmering North Star mark, which always made his wife throw her head back and give him better access. He stood behind her, hands greedily travelling all over her body, grasping and kneading everything that finally belonged to him.

“We have to-” Savannah gasped, forgetting what it was that they had to do. There had been so much work in the past few weeks. that they couldn’t enjoy their life as newlyweds the way they desired. In fact, they either did not see each other during the days or, worse – they saw each other, were so close to each other, but the circumstances did not let them touch each other. Reunited only at night, they

both lacked sleep. However, the choice was always obvious. Especially now that their subordinates made the mistake of leaving them.

alone together for a few minutes.

What were they thinking? That Kai would be locked in a room with his beautiful wife and not touch her? Not a chance!

“I don’t know about you, but I just have to have you. Now!” His voice rasped somewhere in her hair that he let down, throwing away the pins that held an intricate hairdo a few seconds prior. Something that took her omegas an hour to make look perfect. “Your scent drives me crazy, Savvy, so it’s your fault anyway.”

“And how is this fair?” She giggled, ready to succumb to his advances, when someone knocked on the door, disturbing them.

“Shh,” Kai bit her earlobe gently. “If we are quiet, they will go away!”

“No, they will not!” Lachlan grunted behind the door.

“You two are too loud anyway!” Zara supported her mate with a chuckle. “And it’s time! Everyone is already here.”

‘Just five minutes!” Savvy yelled at their friends and turned to face her husband.

“Ten!” he growled, crushing his lips to hers, and then added, when he broke the kiss to breathe, “Twenty!”

Zara and Lachlan stepped away a respectful distance from the door, knowing it would be longer than twenty minutes. Their King

and Queen never knew how to stop once they got together. Which was understandable, of course, but it made their lives so much more


Zara closed her eyes, and Lachlan chuckled, “What are you doing?”

“Asking the maids to bring a new dress here and to search for the one who did Savvy’s hair. All the previous work just went in the

bin. Kai is too passionate to bother with these things. And while I deal with the Queen’s look, you deal with him.”

The werebird pointed at the Western King, who strode in their direction accompanied by his wife. Riannon’s belly was already round

and plainly visible and she had one of her hands laid on its top, looking like a vision in her milky white silk dress without any extra

decorations. Only a delicate gold and diamond tiara adorned her head in the shape of flowers.

Gideon looked beyond annoyed. “Where the hell are they and how long-”

A loud feminine moan emerged from Kai’s office, followed by a growl that shook the walls.

The four of them froze, which only let them clearly hear another moan.

“Never mind,” Gideon winced, furrowing his brow. “Tell them-”

A scream this time.

“We’ll meet them in the throne room!” Riannon let out a soft laugh, leading her traumatised husband away. “I told you they were busy!” she jabbed him as they made their exit, clearly enjoying his predicament. “That serves you right.”

This time a moan and a growl happened simultaneously, and the King and Queen of the West had to speed up to escape the audible evidence of the newlyweds’ happy moment together.

“Well, at least no one will question if the marriage is consummated!” Lachlan joked, trying not to think of the woman next to him.

She looked too gorgeous tonight to ignore and he was not made of stone.

Kai and Savannah emerged from the office one hour later, eyes sparkling with happiness and hair and clothing completely




“For Fenrir’s sake!” the Beta ran his hand through his hair as he observed the royal couple, unable to erase the wide grins from their

“Relax!” Kai gripped his shoulder in a friendly manner. “We are the King and the Queen. They literally can’t start the event without

“Yeah, yeah,” Zara rolled her eyes, pushing Savvy back into the office. “With all due respect, you aren’t making our lives easy! Lan, keep him there until we are out. Don’t let him in! Or it will be the same thing all over again!”

“Your command is… well… my command,” Lachlan chuckled as a swarm of omegas appeared to help Savvy look like a picture-perfect Queen again and not like the happy newlywed she really was.

She reappeared in a beautiful blue gown with a train and flowers embroidered all over it. Her hair was up again, although in a more relaxed style now, a few strands loose and her beautiful mark on full display. This was just how Kai liked it. He wanted the whole world to know that this woman chose him and now belonged to him. He allowed himself to wear a black collarless shirt and blazer today so that his North Star was visible as well.


They passed a group of Lunas who probably were supposed to accompany their Alphas but were actively discussing something

From the corner of her eye, Savvy recognized a familiar book. The hot pink cover with a Northern blue stripe in the middle and the picture of Claude and Chloe back to back was hard to miss.

“And then the Queen ripped his heart out with her bare hands!” one of the women gasped. “They blurred it in the tv special, but in the book, Claude tells-”

Kai rolled his eyes, lacing his fingers with his wife’s.

“I hate that book,” she mumbled, and he nodded understandingly.

“Those two are something else!” Kai chuckled. “How is it that the book is about us, but they are the ones on the cover?”

“Oh, please!” Savvy let out a little laugh. “If you would like that, I can arrange it! The sales will certainly spike!”

“No, thanks!”

“Besides, haven’t you heard?” Savvy taunted. “The real heroes of the story are Claude and Chloe themselves. Apparently, Chloe told me what to do back at the bear castle and gave me the strength to rebel. While Claude risked his life to get us all out of captivity and then personally encouraged you to turn into Amarok.”

“Seriously?” Kai raised his brow, holding back a laugh. “And people bought that?”

“Well, it’s not like you or I corrected them, right?” Savannah snorted quietly. “So yeah, they are getting away with this one, and everyone loves it. All that being said, our ratings are through the roof now, and Kyle says the book helped sustain the favourable impression we gained after the Avalanche Battle.”

“Are the twins invited today?” Kai glanced at Zara as she was the one who had a folder with the guest list in her hands.

“They are invited everywhere,” Elene greeted her brother at the entrance to the throne room with a stiff smile. She had been waiting for them for Fenrir knew how long. “All the best places, too. You are late. And what the hell did you do to King Gideon? He looked like he was about to get sick. If you ask me, greenish skin colour doesn’t suit him.”

“We’d better not share the details,” Kai winked at his sister, “or you will join him.”

“I am not going to ask.” Elene sighed, shaking her head, Let’s go! After you, Majesties.”

They walked into the Grand Hall decorated for the occasion with blue flowers of different shades. The royal couple of the North took their time getting to their thrones, knowing that all eyes were on them.

Just one month had passed since their wedding and coronation, but they’d mastered every move to perfection. They knew how important today was because their people needed to see them. After the devastating war where so many shifters died, and their world turned upside down with Fenrir’s and Joran’s blessings, it was easy to dwell in panic. The whole continent could be easily devoured by chaos. It was their role to project confidence to their subjects as a sign that everything was going to be fine and that they had everything under control. They had to give them hope and stability, even if they were still finding their feet in this changed world.

They were finally at the top of the stairs and turned their backs to their respective thrones. Elene and Lachlan stood at Kai’s side, while Zara and Kyle took place next to Savannah.

“We are happy to welcome you to our house,” Kai greeted the guests. “It’s a huge honour to have so many friends who came to help

us in our time of need. Today, we will be celebrating the heroes, dead and alive, saying our thanks to each of you and ensuring that no debt is left unpaid.”

“We will start with a minute of silence, as we remember every woll, werecat, witch, werebird and other shifters who did not survive the war,” Savannah announced loudly. “While no words will be pronounced, we’ll each reflect on what happened to us and why, pray to our gods, and think of what we can do to avoid letting this happen again.”

One of the lower ranked lycans rang a bell, and everyone present bowed their heads in respect. They had all lost someone in the Avalanche Battle, or in smaller fights and attacks that preceded it. They all personally knew the price of the war.

When the minute was over, and the guests raised their heads, Savannah smiled through tears. It was harder to control her emotions now, thanks to hormones.

“And now we will celebrate life!” she gave the floor to her husband.

“King Gideon and Queen Riannon Stormhold,” Kai called the first names and gestured for their relatives to join them at the top of the stairs. “We are family now, but it was a rocky road getting here. I am proud to call you both my friends and family, and I give you my word that I will do everything in my power to ensure that the alliance between The Northern and The Western Lycan Kingdoms remains strong for as long as I live.”

“Accept this token of our gratitude,” Savannah took a little box from Zara and handed it to the couple. Riannon gasped when she saw a beautiful labyrinth medallion with a Northern Star in one of the paths.

“Even in your darkest days, you can count on us,” Kai promised. “It’s enough to send a messenger with this pendant, and we will

bring an army to help you.”

“The honour is mine,” Gideon bowed his head respectfully and whispered so that only Kai and Savvy could hear him. “Next time, I

will bring you something shiny and pretty too, Fionnlagh.”

“Don’t worry about it. No one expects you to have decent manners!” Kai gave him a crooked smile, and it looked like two old friends

were happy to see each other in front of the many cameras in the room.

They exchanged sharp glances, but then Rinannon sighed and asked her husband to help her down the stairs. She could walk

perfectly fine, of course, but since Gideon was overprotective of her in this “delicate state”, it worked like a charm.

“Nayara Knight,” Savannah called the next name and the werecat with silver hair walked up to the King and Queen in an elegant

green velvet dress. “You saved my life several times already and proved that you could be trusted. I will forever consider you my personal

friend, Naya. And I am so grateful for everything you’ve done.”

Savvy handed the woman in front of her a box with the same locket and the same message. If Naya ever needed help, she would get

The new werebird leader accepted her box, and the land promised for their help.

Salome was the next one to be rewarded, and after accepting her token, she handed Savannah a box of her own.

“Keep it with you during labour, and your child will be safe,” she whispered. “My Coven will take your baby under its


Others were rewarded with smaller tokens of appreciation, but all meaningful nonetheless.

When everyone thought that the main ceremony was over, the bell rang again, and Lachlan announced loudly, “Alpha Brigit


Brigit was nervous. They did not let her into the Northern capital for almost a month. A month while the fate of her people was being decided. For all she knew, they could already be doomed despite her attempts to save what was left of them. It was entirely possible that she’d been invited today simply to be executed publicly and in front of the cameras. After what had happened to Aspen, she

was sure that everyone hated her.

She deserved it, though. She was no saint.

She had to wait at the entrance, wearing a beautiful silk sea blue dress with long sleeves and a cape covering her shoulders. Today she was representing her kind, and they already had a bad enough reputation alter the war.

Brigit had a couple of challenging weeks behind her. When they were ordered to return to their lands, even after submitting to the Lycan King and Queen, she couldn’t help but feel disappointed. Although maybe it was what the bears deserved. They couldn’t be trusted

after so many schemes and plots. When she returned to the Bear castle with other Alphas, she had to deal with the aftermath of Bjorn’s

rule and death.

Her pack was rightfully accused of being traitors because they killed their own during the battle. Brigit ensured her pack’s survival

by challenging the biggest and baddest Alpha bear in the room with the dirtiest words in his mouth. And when she killed him in front of

The Luna Trials By Marissa Gilbert Chapter 79 1


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