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The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast novel Chapter 10

The black cotton dress hugs my body tightly, and I admire how it gives the illusion of curves when I have clearly been starved all my life. It has been a week since my positive pregnancy result and Josef has informed me that Alpha Nikolaos would like to see me this evening.

My closet has been filled with clothing in all shapes and sizes according to my body type and how it will grow. From evening wear to comfort clothing and fuzzy slippers. The lush robes are a favorite of mine!

So, I decided to wear this dress to my meeting with the Alpha…not that I am much to look at, anyway.

Dull brown curls, dark brown eyes, and a body showing years of neglect. There’s nothing overly special about me, just the fact that I am carrying his child.

I am nervous, though, since he wants to speak with me. We haven’t seen each other since the night of my first heat and that mortification still burns hot in my chest. Thank Goddess that won’t be recurring, though.

As soon as I leave here, I’ll be on heat suppressants again. Being a slave to your body is an awful feeling and it’s even worse on a full moon. But I haven’t shifted in years; Mikhail never allowed me to and Star has been quiet.

I’m basically a human with supernatural healing now.

Evening swiftly approaches and I am a nervous wreck by the time Josef comes to collect me. There’s no indication as to what this meeting is about, and the thought alone makes me even more nauseous.

“Where are you taking me, Josef?”

He chuckles at the hitch in my voice and shakes his head. “Don’t worry, Miss Mia, the Alpha won’t do anything to harm you,” he says with complete faith. “He’s asked me to take you to his private dining quarters.”

I freeze up. “P-private dining quarters? Why?”

Josef shrugs. “That’s where he usually has his important meetings,” he says, and that serves to shut me up immediately.

Important meetings. I suppose that seeing his surrogate would count as a meeting as well, wouldn’t it? Not that I am complaining since I have no idea what to expect from this. My terms and conditions were clear in the contract, so what will meeting with me accomplish?

I realize then that this is my first time walking this side of the pack house and taking in the sleek look of the entire place. Blacks, whites, and gunmetal - the place feels sterile. This Alpha definitely spent a lot of money on this place.

We come to a stop outside two large dark wood doors and Josef knocks three times before opening the door. The same color scheme is visible here, but my eyes immediately fall on Alpha Nikolaos seated at the head of a dinner table.

He’s sitting back in his chair, elbow braced on the arm and his chin resting on his fingers. Wearing black once again, the top two buttons of his dress shirt are open, showing off where the tattoos on his neck lead to.

Those green eyes of his have clouded, as if he’s not in a very pleasant mood, his dark hair slicked back - looking every inch of the mafia boss that he is.

“Thank you, Josef. I’ll call you when you need to collect her,” his low voice booms through the room and a shiver runs up my spine. Goosebumps are puckering all over my skin already, and that anxiety gets even worse when Josef leaves.

I’m still standing and uncertain of what to do next. In the presence of this Alpha, I feel completely small, dwarfed by the immense intimidation he’s exuding. No wonder so many others are terrified of him, he doesn’t even need to lift a finger to make them feel that way.

Is this what it means to be a True Alpha?

“Are you going to join me, Mia?” his voice cuts through my self-panic and I immediately take a few strides toward him. As much as his aura repels, it also attracts.

I see a space made up for me to his left, so I sit down and place my hands on my lap. The uncertainty is eating away at me slowly, and since I am not one to really talk, the silence is killing me.

“Is there a reason you wanted to see me, Alpha?” I finally squeak out when I can’t take the silence anymore. “As far as the contract goes, we don’t even need to see one another.”

The silence persists for another few seconds, then I hear his deep chuckle and turn my head toward him. He’s wearing an amused smile on his face as he picks up his glass filled with an amber liquid.

“True, we don’t need to see each other at all, but both Josef and Lilah have both informed me of your anxiety and stress. I figured that to set you at ease, I should come to speak with you in person.”

This makes my heart beat even faster and he frowns. “Calm down, kouneláki, there’s no reason for you to be anxious like this,” he says, then a predatory grin splits his face. “I won’t eat you.”

I actually chuckle at this. “You won’t eat me? Dare I say you’re the most dangerous predator in the country, Alpha; devouring me should be quite easy for someone like you.”

That grin slips from his face and his green eyes now glow Alpha crimson, then he tilts his head to the side and looks at me questioningly.

“Hmm, indeed it would be. And if I remember correctly, you taste divine,”

That shut me up immediately and I feel my face blazing with embarrassment. He tasted me on the night of my heat, I remember vividly the way he growled when he placed his fingers into his mouth.

“I’m…that was a mistake. I shouldn’t have asked you to…help me. I apologize-”

“Do I look like I need an apology?” he interjects, leaning forward again. “My little Omega needed my help, who was I to turn her away?”


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