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The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast novel Chapter 16

Perhaps I was too harsh on Josef; I should probably speak with him again tomorrow. He’s not used to this life and it was placed on me to take him under my wing and toughen him up.

He’ll never be tough if I constantly berate him; I have to teach him our ways and guide him. As I have said before, there’s no room for a soft heart in this pack or in the life of a mafioso. If I don’t teach him the right way now, he’ll be dead before he turns twenty-four years old.

Maxim is sitting in front of me, cradling a glass of whiskey. “Will you be joining your brother’s auction this year? There are talks of Dragon eggs being on the list,” he says.

“Dragon eggs?” I chuckle and shake my head. “Dragons have been extinct for a long time. If he has Dragon eggs, then they’re either fake or petrified.”

“Still, can you imagine owning a fucking Dragon? You’d be the most powerful Alpha, not only in the country but the fucking world!” He says, indulging his fantasies again.

“Hmm, fear is always a good way to force submission. But with that comes a whole lot of enemies,” I remind him. “Do you think I want to go out as Caesar did with knives stuck in my back? No, thanks; give me my city.”

He laughs. “Then give me the Dragon and I’ll rule the rest of the world under SilverCrest’s banner!” he says as he clinks his glass against mine.

But even as I laugh, my thoughts go to her laying in that bath; supple and good enough to fucking eat. If I were any other man, I would have no problem devouring her sweetness…but I am no ordinary man.

Beneath my exterior lay a little confused boy, wondering what the fuck he did wrong to deserve what happened to him for five years. I’m still filled with the same hurt and anger as before, but instead of acting out I now use it well.

I won’t ever be that helpless again; no one will wield that kind of power over me and force my submission. Death awaits the ones who try; my hands are already stained with innocent blood, and I am not scared to get my soul tainted, too.

“Say, Niko-”

A bloodcurdling scream rips through the air, causing Maxim and me to jump to our feet. We look at each other, and the familiar sound of the voice makes my heart constrict with an unknown emotion.

“That’s Mia!” I call out and run out of my office, sprinting as I take large strides to her bedroom.

She shouldn’t be screaming as if she’s running for her life, she should be sound asleep by now, so what the fuck is going on?!

I can smell the scent of a fucking Rogue and lots of blood, and when I take the corner to her bedroom, I see the source - Josef is bleeding out on the floor. /“Maxim, get Lilah!”/ I call over the mind link just as I burst into the room.

My heart plummets at the sight in front of me; some cunt has Mia pinned to the floor and is trying to choke the life out of her. I allow my beast to take over and rush towards the fucker who dared to touch what’s mine.

I rip him from her and throw him hard at the wall, then I walk to where he fell and pick him up by the neck, slamming him against the wall again.

“Who gave you the fucking right to put your hands on my Omega?” I growl, feeling my claws sinking into his flesh. “SPEAK! Who the fuck sent you here?!”

He chuckles, and I can tell by his eyes that he’s resigned to his fate, so I get in a few more punches to his face and chest, listening to the melody of each of his bones shattering under my punches.

Even as I do this he doesn’t say a word or beg for his life, however, he does grin. I think it’s odd for that moment, but then I see a piece of silver in his mouth just as he bites into it.

“FUCKER!” I growl and rip out his heart just as foam bubbles past his lips. I don’t feel anything but pure rage and my vision goes red, knowing what the fuck he’s just done.

The cunt had a wolfsbane/silver suicide pill in his fucking mouth - whoever sent him here knew what would happen and this asshole had no problem with it! I feel warm blood coating my hands and the filthy stench of that Rogue permeates everything in this room.

I need to kill. I need to rip someone limb by limb for fucking with what belongs to me. Someone dared to get past my warriors, kill my charge, and now kill the woman with my heir in her belly.

Who the fuck knows about Mia? That person is DEAD!

“Alpha N-Nikolaos…?”

Her small voice breaks through my veil of fury and the red slips from my vision. When I look down at my hands, I see them covered in blood with various body parts strewn at my feet. I blink and my vision returns, then I realize I lost control and truly ripped this guy apart.

I turn to face her, seeing she’s crouched on the floor and rising to her feet with blood dripping from a gash on the side of her face. That fury boils again when I realize that fucker cut her; he got the easy fucking way out!

I walk towards her, then as I want to take her face in my hands, she flinches. This pisses me off, especially the way she looks up at me with terrified eyes. “Are you okay, Mia? What else did he do?”

She blinks the blood out of her eyes and shakes her head. “He…just cut my face and arms…and he tried to…his hands….” she places her hands around her neck and her mouth pulls down in a grimace.

The more I look at her, the more I realize she’s trying to stop herself from crying. What happened to this little rabbit that made her not even want to cry when she was so close to death?

Something in me snaps and I put my hand on the back of her neck and pull her close. She places her head on my chest and her breathing becomes in quick spurts, but I still do not hear the unmistakable sound of crying.


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