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The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast novel Chapter 23

I hate being this far from my own territory and deep in someone else’s, but as I watch Giovanni’s massive mansion come into view, I know this is something that needs to be done. A phone call won’t suffice when it’s something this important.

Maxim is still at the pack house overseeing things while I tend to this matter; no way am I leaving the place without a leader at its head. Especially not after what happened.

Giovanni’s guards usher us in and when I get to his office, I can hear his booming laugh already. I grit my teeth; my respect for this man burnt to a crisp after finding out what he did to Mirabella all her life.

Cecilia was his lifelong mistress; I don’t want to know how many of his children she got rid of before Mirabella was born. Did she think having his baby would keep him at her side? I suppose most mistresses would think this way.

But her one decision led to her daughter having the worst life - abuse on top of abuse.

I gnash my teeth and enter his office with a forced smile, noticing he’s on a call. He sees me and beckons me over while saying goodbye to the other person on the line.

Huge, all muscle, graying beard, and long black hair - Giovanni isn’t just an Alpha by name. This man is powerful, more powerful than me and my father in his prime. There’s an unmistakable cruelty behind those soft blue eyes, a cruelty I was always aware of but never knew how deep it went.

I had respect for this man, I looked up to him - what godson wouldn’t?

“Niko, my boy!” he exclaims while getting up to embrace me. “I haven’t seen you in years!”

I swallow down my revulsion and force out a chuckle. “Months, uncle Gio. It’s good to see you.”

“Ah, years, months; all the same when you haven’t seen your boy!” He says while clapping my shoulder. “Come, let's have some bourbon while we talk. Your message made me worried.”

It should, you fucking asshole.

He pours us each a glass and gestures for me to sit down opposite him on his leather couches. “So, what is this all about?”


He nearly drops the glass; his jaw slacks, eyes wide, and face pale at the mention of his biggest shame. The look on his face tells me he did not expect me to say, or even know this name, but I have so much more to add to this.

“You know about her, then?” he scoffs, taking a sip of his drink. “To think my only heir left alive is a bastard daughter.”

I clench my jaw. “I found her while she was running away from the fucker you gave her to, and she had quite a lot to say.”

“She got away from Mikhail?!” he hollers, looking shocked to shit when I nod.

“Before you call him to ask him about this, you might want to hear what he has been up to these past few months,” I say before I go into everything Mirabella has told me.

How he planned the explosions and assassinations, how he’s going to kill Gio’s wife at her birthday banquet after announcing he’s marrying Mirabella. How he’ll take over the largest pack lands in the country after killing Gio too.

A myriad of emotions crosses his old, wizened eyes - sadness, surprise, disgust, and finally shock. There’s a constant tick under his right eye, and it makes me sit back before I become the object of his rage.

He knows I’m telling the truth because Mirabella could not have known these intricate details unless Mikhail had told her himself, or rather boasted.

The shock gets replaced with fury, and he bares his teeth before he lets out a deafening roar that has me showing my nape in submission. A sick shiver runs up my spine as I drop to the floor, trying to get out from under the effect of his Alpha Roar.

“HOW DARE THAT FUCKER!” he cries out, punching the wall next to the fireplace. Concrete and dust explode all over the office, shattering windows and expensive vases.

After this, he balls his hands into fists and retracts his teeth and claws. With his back to me, he looks up and lets out a deep sigh. “Mirabella told you all this?”

I get to my feet and sit down on the sofa. “She did; she escaped his abuse a few months back and literally ran into me in the alley behind one of my clubs. Mikhail’s men were chasing her, but I killed them before I thought to question them.” I say.

He nods, then walks over to me while snatching the entire bottle of Jack from the bar. “He needs to pay for this - for killing all my children and planning to take out my Rosa.”

It doesn’t surprise me that he doesn’t even care about getting revenge for Mirabella’s abuse, even though her truth can literally save his life. But I am in no position to tell him who to care about, so I simply clear my throat and sit forward in my chair.

“Kill him at the banquet, or wage war on him-”

He suddenly holds up his hand and frowns deeply. “Wait, is Mirabella still with you?”


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