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The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast novel Chapter 26

This woman drives me fucking crazy.

I went on my knees for her yesterday as if she were my queen, called her my Luna, and vowed to protect her. Now she’s parading around in a fucking swimsuit right below my office window while my warriors make her laugh.

How can one movement change me like this? The second I felt my child move, every single part of me snapped to attention. My beast growled deep within me, and that little link I felt to Mia now pulled tautly. I’ve been trying to push this feeling down, but the more I do, the more I fucking realize…

She’s mine, and I don’t want her to leave.

When did this become so fucking complicated? Knox looks at me with a grin and I nearly want to punch his fucking smug face. I know when it became complicated; when I sampled her during her heat.

Now I want more of her. I want her close to me; I want to feel her skin on mine, I want to hear her say my name without the fucking title like she did yesterday.

/“Why don’t you just make your feelings known?”/ Knox asks, perplexed. /“Things would be so much easier if you just told her how you feel.”/

“Because I promised her the freedom she craved. I won’t keep her prisoner here,” I say out loud, watching as she sits at the edge of the pool with a lacey red cover over her swimsuit.

The more I watch her speaking to two of my warriors, the more I want to go to her. She’s laughing, her smile contagious from the way those warriors are looking at her. Her hand goes to her mouth as she laughs and I frown, noticing that my ring is nowhere to be seen.

Growling, I stomp downstairs to give her a piece of my fucking mind. How dare she take my ring from her finger? I put it there for a reason, and now she just removed it?!

I step into the pool area and my warriors turn to look at me, scattering when they see my eyes and sense my anger. Mia watches them rushing away from her and frowns, then she sees me and her eyes widen.

“Alpha Nikolaos!” she exclaims and jumps to her feet while looking confused. “It’s a hot day. I hope you don’t mind me being out here!”

I grab her left hand and hold it up. “Where is your ring?” I growl.

Her eyes narrow at me, and her mouth opens slightly. “I…I left it in my bedroom before coming down here to swim. I didn’t want to risk losing it…” she trails off, then she smiles slightly. “Do you want me to put it on again? I can go-”

“No,” I sigh and let go of her hand, feeling like a goddamn idiot. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

She smiles slightly and cocks her head to the side, looking so cute and fucking innocent. “If I knew it would make you this angry, I would have kept it on.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose and growl. “It’s okay, Mia- fuck, Mirabella.”

“I like it when you call me Mia,” she says, her voice tinged with something other than shyness. When I look up to see that smile on her face again and my heart fucking constricts.

“Then you’ll be my Mia, if that’s the name you prefer,” I say, and nearly punch a wall at what I’ve just said. “I’m sorry for getting angry like that. Of course you can take it off if you feel it’s necessary.”

My Mia, what the fuck is wrong with you, Nikolaos? She’ll be your Luna in marriage only, nothing else…it can’t be anything else.

That smile remains on her face as she takes a step towards me with her hands behind her back, but there’s a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Maybe it's the heat getting to you, Alpha,” she says and cocks her head to the side again. “Perhaps you need to cool off.”


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