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The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast novel Chapter 42

I wake up to the scent of cinnamon and strawberries and a slow smile spreads on my face. With my eyes still closed, I pull the warm body towards me and breathe in her perfection, the heaviness leaving my heart as quickly as it sets in.

Opening my eyes, I see that she’s asleep and I spot my healed mark on the nape of her neck just as I tilt my head to kiss her shoulder. That slow smile now grew into a triumphant one, knowing that I claimed the one person who loved me for me.

I trace the mark with my tongue, tasting her distinctive scent, and the sound of her sleepy moan heads straight to my cock.

“Niko…” she whimpers, tilting her head to offer more of her neck to me, but then she suddenly turns on her back and narrows her eyes at me. “No, we are not doing this right now!”

Frowning, I brace myself on my elbow and raise my eyebrow at her. “Your reaction makes me think that you didn’t miss me one bit, little rabbit,” I say.

She shakes her head, gets to her feet, walks over to my side of the bed, then pulls my arm. “That won’t work on me, Alpha. Yes I missed you, yes I am dying to make love to you but you are still covered in blood and kinda stinky.”

I stare at her for a few seconds and walk with her in a daze as she leads me to the bathroom. “Did you just call me stinky?”

“I sure did and you can’t tell me I’m lying,” she says with a grin and stops walking before facing me. She cups my face and places a light kiss on my lips. “Good morning.”

Returning her good morning and continuing with my scowl, I let her undress me while silently grumbling inside. Okay, I get it; I am still covered in my own blood but the least she could have afforded me was a little touching, for fucksakes.

She tries to stifle a smile but eventually giggles and leads me over to the steamy shower. “I can feel your annoyance, but just bear with me for a little while, Alpha. Afterward, I’ll do that thing with my tongue you like so much.”

Okay, that shut me up.

I let her wash me down, reveling in the feeling of her soft touch; her hands go everywhere, but she hands me the loofah so I can wash my mid-section. It’s so weird that I don’t feel nauseous when she touches me, but the second she touches anywhere on my chest, that feeling is back.

Taking her hand, I pull her closer and claim her lips with a kiss that I can feel everywhere. Her soft mouth on mine, the way her fingers play with my hair at the back of my head, listening to her heartbeat…all these little things I love about her.

“I missed you, kardia mou,” I sigh and draw my forehead to hers. “Fuck, it feels good to have you in my arms again.”

“Thank you for coming back to me and keeping your promise,” she says and I can hear the relief in her voice. “I missed you too.”

When we’re done washing and drying ourselves, we walk out of the bathroom, but then as she walks ahead, I pull her back. She looks at me with a lift of her brow, and I grab the front of her towel.

“Are you forgetting what I am owed?”

It takes a few seconds for this to register on her face, but when she gets it, a shy smile crosses her lips. She walks me backward until I bump against the bed, then she pushes me down before getting on her knees in front of me.

“I’m starting to think you like seeing me on my knees,” she says as she opens the towel around my waist.

“What can I say? I love to see you look up at me like that,” I say and groan when she starts stroking my cock.

She bites her bottom lip and teases me with the tip of her tongue. “Do you like it when your Luna submits to you, Alpha?” she says in a voice laced thick with need.

“Fuck, yes,” I moan and throw my head back when she slowly licks me from the base to the tip.

I never would have thought Mia could be so fucking dirty, and yet here she is looking up at me like she’s made to please me.

“Will you show me how much you like it?”

I’m a fucking goner when she says this. Rolling her hair around my fist, I push her down and she sucks me in all the way. Her throat constricts around my length and when she gags, her eyes roll back in her head and it fucking sends me.

She pushes her tongue down and takes in more of me while grabbing my sides and embedding her claws in my skin. I groan at the feel of her marking me up, her hot mouth bringing me closer and closer to my climax.

But before it could hit, she pushes me back and straddles me, then she sinks down onto my cock, and my back arches off the fucking bed.

“Gods, Mia,” I groan when she moves her hips, grinding on my cock as if she wants to show me how much she missed me. She’s deliciously wet for me, the sounds of our slick skin meeting is like music to my ears and I drink it all in.

The first quiver of her pussy lets me know she’s close, and as soon as I feel her trembling for me, I sit up and slam her down on my waiting cock. With her legs around my waist and spread wide, I hit the spot I know drives her crazy and when her second orgasm hits, I meet her right there.

“Mark me, vasílissa mou,” I breathe into her ear. “Make me yours completely.”


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