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The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon) novel Chapter 37

Chapter 37 

After we left the ballroom, we made our way back to the room and I noticed that Jaden and his brother had 

disappeared. Jaxon had probably dismissed them while we were dancing. As soon as we got to the room, we freshened up and we were so tired that the moment our heads hit the pillow, we were asleep

I woke up the next morning to an empty stomach and an empty bed. I was slightly frustrated that Jaxon had left before I woke up but I knew that he was doing his duty as the king and there was nothing he could do about it save for stepping down and I wouldn’t want him to do that

I freshened up and decided to check on Kiara. Jaden and his brother were back outside my door and Jaden flashed me a discreet smile when he saw me. I made my way to Kiara’s room and saw two guards outside her door as well. Jaxon was really serious about the protection and he was not taking chances

When I got in, Kiara was already dressed for the day in a beautiful pink dress and her hair was up in pigtails. She was sitting cross legged on the floor and playing with her dolls but when she saw me, she instantly threw them and jumped into my arms. I caught her and buried my face into her hair so I could inhale her scent

I am so sorry I didn’t come back to you last night. I lost track of time and by the time I realized, it was already late.I said as I took her in. Who got you ready?” 

Daddy did, he said you were sleeping so he wanted to do it,she said excitedly. He spent a bazillion years doing my hair and he said a bad word.” 

She added the last part in a whisper and I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. I was shocked and relieved that Jaxon had helped with Kiara. If someone had told me a year ago that I would be at this exact point, I would never have believed them. I would have called them mental and told them that Jaxon Eaton was not capable of any 

form of affection

Well then, since you’re dressed up, do you want to go for breakfast?” 

The word breakfast seemed to ignite a spark in her because she nodded eagerly and wiggled out of my arms. Before I could even blink, she was out of the door and her guards were following her as closely as they could. I loved how oblivious she was to everything that was happening and how she was still able to run around with 

reckless abandon

I don’t know about you,I heard Jaden whisper to his brother. But I am glad that we did not get stuck with the 


I couldn’t help but laugh because honestly, I would have felt the same way


Chapter 37 

The maids had already set out our breakfast by the time I got there and I wolfed down ever single bite. I hadn’t eaten since breakfast yesterday and I didn’t even realize how hungry I was until I saw the food. It took me half the usual time to finish my food and I felt very self conscious when I realized how fast I had eaten

Kiara was still busy with her bananas so I decided to take my plate to the kitchen. I knew she was safe with her guards so I quietly left the table. When I got to the kitchen, I met the same woman I had met yesterday. She just gave me a curt nod of acknowledgment and I smiled at her

She walked over to me and took the plate from my hands. I took the liberty of placing the brownies in the fridge. if that’s what you’re looking for.” 

I had completely forgotten about the brownies. It felt like a lifetime ago that I was making them for Kiara when in reality, it was just one day. I thanked her and quickly left the kitchen to check on Kiara who had finally finished with her food

I wiped down her hands and face and took her out of the dining room. Nadia was already waiting for her when we got to the room and I reluctantly let her go. I made a mental note to come by and check on her but first, I planned to take some brownies to Jaxon

When I got back to the kitchen, it was completely empty. I was grateful for the silence and the loneliness. I took out the brownies which had been wrapped in foil and cut off a generous piece for Jaxon and Aiden because I remembered Aiden asking for some. While I was cutting the piece, I wasn’t paying attention and I accidentally sliced my hand

I muttered a small curse and immediately dropped everything I was holding. I remembered seeing a first aid box in Jaxon’s room so I rushed there while clutching my hand to prevent blood from dripping. I could feel the confusion from Jaden and his brother as they followed me but I couldn’t be bothered to pay attention or offer them an explanation

By the time I got to the room, I rushed into the bathroom and took out the cotton wool. I glanced at my hand fully preparedito clean it only to see that it was healed. I mentally face palmed when I remembered that I had. shifted and therefore now had the same speedy healing that werewolves had

I couldn’t help but laugh when I realized that I had panicked for nothing. I put the first aid box back and was my way out when I noticed something on the dresser. It wasn’t there in the morning but sometime between when I left the room and now, someone had dropped a letter on my dresser

I approached it like it was a ticking time bomb and I saw my name printed on it in perfect cursive. I knew that it was printed because there was no way a person was able to get such perfect calligraphy. I gingerly picked it up and hesitated before opening it


Chapter 37 

On one hand, I wanted to give Jaxon to read it but I knew if he did, he would not let me see the contents. I sucked up the fear building in me and I pulled it open

It was just like the last one. It was a few lines but those few lines were able to make chills run down my spine

Your mate is doing a valiant work but he won’t find us

He will find us when we want to be found

Until then, you don’t think a few guards is going to keep us away, do you

Right as I had finished the letter, as if on cue, there was a loud bang that shook the earth beneath my feet. My first thought was my daughter and I sprinted out of the room. I could hear Jaden and his brother calling out to me but I ignored them and ran to Kiara’s room

I pulled open the door to see her crying in Nadia’s arms. As soon as she saw me, she rushed over to me and I pulled her close to my chest relieved that she was safe

What was that?I asked and Nadia shrugged. I turned to Kiara. Are you okay?” 

She sniffled and nodded and I let out a sigh of relief. My heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest and I felt the fear settle and I was left with nothing but grief. I knew that whatever happened was as a result of the rogues who had sent the letter but how could they have planned it so well and why were they targeting me

While I was thinking, I heard the door open and Jaxon rushed into the room. He took in Kiara and I and he let out a sigh of relief. He shot a look towards Nadia and without another word, she quietly exited the room. Jaxon ran his eyes over us as if looking for any obvious signs of injury and I shook my head to show him that I was fine

What happened?I asked but he stayed silent. I deserve to know what that was.” 

Something was blown up,he explained slowly. I have guards checking on it right now. I should be there with them but I needed to make sure you were safe first.” 


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