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The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon) novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41 

After reading the letter, I was wracked with a grief that I could not comprehend or put into words. The ache in my chest created a pressure so deep that I did not think I would be able to form words and even if I could, there were no words to describe how I felt. I was in complete shock and disbelief and I had to rub at my eyes hoping and praying that I had read wrongly but no, the words remained fixed on the paper

I shoved the paper into the back of my pocket and started planning my next move. I couldn’t tell Jaxon about it and even if I wanted to, the letter had clearly told me not to and the lock of Kiara’s hair that was stapled to it and stained with blood was enough to convince me that Jaxon did not need to know. I paced the length of the room while trying desperately to come up with a plan when the door opened

Jaxon walked in and there was exhaustion etched on his features. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration and I stopped my pacing in order to look at him. His eyes found mine and he offered me a small smile but I knew it didn’t reach his eyes and I knew that whatever happened in that meeting must have pushed him to his limits

He walked towards me, pressed a k*ss to my forehead and walked over to the bed where he did not hesitate to lie down. I hesitated before making my way over to him and I sat right beside him then slowly ran my hand through his hair. He let out a small groan from deep in his throat and I realized that he probably enjoyed my movements so I did not stop. I kept moving my fingers in and out of his hair until I felt the tension drain out of his shoulders

“How did things go?I asked and he shrugged and muttered something unintelligible. Do they still hate you?” 

They don’t hate you,” his voice was a lot clearer this time. Their job is literally to be assholes and huge pains in my ass. I would have disbanded them if it was not too much work. They have been around since my father’s time and I have not found people I consider worthy enough to be on the council.” 

I hummed and Jaxon turned his head so he was looking at me. Although he looked tired, he still analyzed my face as if he was trying to find out what I was thinking. I wanted to turn away but something kept me staring straight ahead at him

What is it?he asked after a second but I stayed silent not wanting to betray a single emotion. I can see there’s something you’re not telling me. What is it?” 

There’s nothing.” 

That’s a lie,he cut me off. He sat up so we were directly facing each other. We will find her; I promise you that I am doing everything in my power and more to find our daughter. Two days is a very long time but there is no stone that I have left unturned to find her. I will move the heavens and the earth just to bring her back home,



A pool or tears garnered mrmmy 

Then what is it?” 

I couldn’t answer so I just shook my head. Jaxon sighed and pulled me into him so my head was resting in the crook of his neck. I allowed him hug me and pull me close and I basked in the feeling of him. If I opened my eyes, I would have seen the letter hidden in the nightstand drawer but Jaxon was blissfully unaware and I planned to keep it that way. There were some things that did not need to be discussed

I don’t know how long we stayed there just wrapped up in each other’s arms but it was a considerable amount of * time. I pulled away first and Jaxon searched my eyes once more but I was careful to hide my expression. Once he was satisfied with what he saw, he helped me to my feet so we could return to our search for Kiara without the added presence of the elders.. 

Jaxon told me that he sent them away right after his conversation with them. From the way he spoke, I was almost certain it was a one sided conversation where he spoke and they had no other choice but to listen. I couldn’t help but feel like it would come back to bite us in the ass but at that moment, I couldn’t bring myself to 

about. care because we had more important things- I had more important things to worry 

Aiden was to give us responses and feedback from some of Jaxon’s friends and spies around the world. Some 

were rogues

and some were other super naturals but to our disappointment, none of them had seen or heard of Kiara. The people who took her where doing a good job at keeping her very hidden and I knew that it was up to me to find her, the problem was finding a way out of the palace without being noticed

Jaxon mistook my quietness for sadness because he kept sending me looks of empathy and guilt. I wanted to assure him that I was fine but I couldn’t do that without giving up the information I already had so I stayed quiet and tried to find an escape. That escape ended up coming in the form of Aiden excusing himself

I have some more leads to check in on,Aiden said as he stood to his feet and I stood up 

as well

I need to be excused as well,I couldn’t come up with a valid excuse as to why but didn’t need to because Jaxon came up with one all by himself

Guilt wracked his expression and I wished I could reach out to console him but I couldn’t I forced myself to keep my eyes off him and on the task at hand

I decided to leave with Aiden hoping that his presence would mean that my guards would not follow me but to my own shock and disappointment- they did. I loved having Jaden and Jael around but it was a major 

inconvenience at this point. Aiden left to continue his duties and I was left feeling confused and conflicted about 

where to go


Chapter 41 

Suddenly, an idea popped into my head and I made my way towards Jaxon’s room. I got to the door and I saw Jaden and Jael exchange a look of pure confusion

I need to use the bathroom,I said more to myself than anyone and I made my way into the room

Once I was safely inside, I locked the door behind me and I grabbed the letter. I read through it again trying to commit it to memory because I was going to leave it behind in the hopes that if anything went wrong, Jaxon would know where to find me

I have her

If you want her back then you have to find me

Come alone or else she dies

You for her 

The Forbidden Forest, follow the crows

Once I was sure that I had gotten the information, I placed the letter back on top of the dresser and walked over to the balcony. It was at least three floors above the ground so I knew I couldn’t jump but there was a pipe that I could climb down. I knew it was extremely risky but it was a better option that jumping and breaking my leg so l threw one leg over the balcony, muttered a small prayer to the goddess and started to climb


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