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The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon) novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45 


I felt drowsy and numb but I knew it was as a result of the morphine that had been pumped into my system to keep me from feeling the pain. I knew my injuries were going to heal within a few days at most but right now, all! wanted was to see my mate and make sure that my daughter was safe and fine. I couldn’t care less about the bandage wrapped around my head or the wires that were attached to me

I waited almost impatiently and as soon as the door opened, I smelled him. I felt all the tension sag out of my shoulders as Jaxon walked in holding a sleeping Kiara in his arms. She looked better than the last time I had seen her and she had a band aid on her forehead and the swelling on her cheek had reduced considerably. I reached out to her but my hands felt like lead so I had to drop them immediately. Jaxon noticed and walked over to me until he was sitting on the chair next to my bed and she was within reach

I allowed my hand trail down her back softly then I turned to Jaxon. Thank you, for saving her and for saving me. I knew you would find us.” 

As if my words spurred some sort of memory, his features dipped into a frown and I saw his eyes harden. I knew instantly that he was pissed that I had gone out without telling him. If I were in his shoes, I would be too but the truth was that I didn’t want to risk Kiara’s life and the letter explicitly stated that if I were to show up with anyone, she would die

What were you thinking?he whisper yelled. Do you realize what could have happened if I didn’t come looking for you when I did? Do you realize how incredibly reckless of you it was to sneak out of the window? You could 

have fallen and broken a bone. You could have been killed.” 

I’m sorry.” 

He opened his mouth to yell some more but then paused as if unsure whether he had heard me right. He scrunched his brows and I allowed him see the sincerity in my gaze. I was sorry for not telling him- that was the truth- but if I had the opportunity to do it over, I would still refuse to tell him. My daughter’s life was at stake and 

her life means a lot more to me than mine ever will and Jaxon understands that because he would have done 

the same. I put down my walls so he could see that I was not lying and he ran his hands through his hair in 


I’m still pissed at you,” he murmured and I nodded because I didn’t expect anything less. You said something. right before you passed out. If it was a spur of the moment action then you don’t need to say it again but if it 

wasn’t then 

Chapter 45 


I knew what he was talking about and I couldn’t stop the corner of my l*ps from tilting up in a smile. The big, bad lycan king wanted to know if I really loved him. It was cute to watch him get flustered as he tried to find the right words while also simultaneously trying not to overwhelm me

I love you,I repeated softly and I saw relief wash over his entire features. He closed his eyes as if to savor the moment and the corner of my l*ps tilted up in a smile. I love you Jaxon Eaton and it doesn’t matter if I’m half delirious or conscious, it’s true.” 

He leaned down so his l*ps hovered over mine. I love you, too.” 

The doctors came in shortly after that to check on me and give me some fluids. They offered Jaxon one of the private rooms for Kiara to sleep in but he was adamant not to let her out of his arms and instead told them that he wanted me home. They were against it at first but after a little convincingfrom him, they discharged me with a set of rules and guidelines for me to abide by

It took almost an hour for me to be discharged and I felt incredibly weak. I had to lean against Jaxon for support because I felt like I was going to keel over at any second. He started having second thoughts and almost asked for me to be admitted again but I promptly refused because I wanted to be home. I wanted to be surrounded by the people I loved in an environment that I loved and the hospital was not it

Aiden drove us and through the mirror, I saw him wink at me. I couldn’t help my smile and for once, I was grateful for his presence- not just for my sake but also for Jaxon’s. I knew that Jaxon would need someone at this difficult time who would be able to keep him grounded when and where I couldn’t and there was no one better for that job than Aiden. If Jaxon was a raging inferno, then Aiden was a soft flowing stream and he was always 

there to be counted on

Kiara woke up sometime during the car ride and when she saw the palace, she practically leaped out of Jaxon’s arms and ran to her room. I could tell that she wanted that feeling of familiarity and I was happy when I saw her smiling because it felt like a step in the right direction

-She will be fine,Jaxon said when he noticed me watching her out of the corner of my eye. I will protect her 

with my life, I can promise you that.” 

I know you will.” 

That was the truthI knew that Jaxon would do everything in his power to keep her safe. He led me towards our room and the moment I walked in, I knew that things had changed. For once, the dresser had been replaced with something similar but with different wood carvings and the vanity had also been replaced. I looked around carefully trying to figure out everything that had changed and honestly, it looked like someone had redecorated the room while trying to keep it looking the same but failed


Chapter 45 

What happened here?I asked Jaxon and he hesitated before responding

When I saw that you were missing, I lost my cool because I couldn’t find any hints as to where you had gone. It wasn’t until after I had almost completely trashed the room in a rage that I noticed the letter under the bed.” 

I furrowed my brows in confusion. I put it on the bedside table.” 

That was my assumption too. The wind probably blew it off.” 

Before I could open my mouth to speak, he pulled me close to him and he k*ssed me softly and with more restraint than he had ever done in his life. I placed my hands on his shoulders and allowed him hold me tight. Through his k*ss, I could feel his fear and his worry and his relief that I was safe and I tried to convey all the love I had for him

He finally pulled away and rested his forehead against mine with a sigh. I wanted to do that since I saw you. I knew that you were bleeding but I was so relieved that you were fine. I was worried that something terrible was going to.” 

It doesn’t matter,I cut him off softly. I am here and I am fine and nothing will ever take me away from your again.” 

I ran my hair through the mass of curls on his head knowing that it always relaxed him. I felt him sag i in relief as I fingered the curls at the base of his neck and he let out a small shudder before picking me up and walking me over to the bed. My first thought was all the filthy things he could do to me but I quickly realized that Jaxon would never risk doing those things especially since I just came out of the hospital


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