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The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon) novel Chapter 55

Chapter 55
Noxian looked older than I remembered. He had grown out his beard but his hair was cut short and close to his head. His eyes were as piercing as ever but there was something about him that just looked off. I wasn’t sure if it was the fact that he Jooked tired or if it was the fact that I just was not attracted to him anymore. To me, he had looked like the entire world but
now, he looked like nothing.
His eyes narrowed when he took in my position on Jaxon’s lap. I could tell that he was uncomfortable with it but he made no move to speak about it. In fact, neither of us spoke and for the first minute it was just us staring at the screen in silence. I glanced up at Aiden who was standing behind the screen and he gave me a soft nod of assurance as if encouraging me to go
“How nice of you to decide to speak to me.” Noxian said breaking the silence between us. “I see you got my letter in one piece. Congratulations on your mating”
“Thank you, even though I knew he didn’t mean his pleasantries, I made sure to thank him just to see his left eye twitch in annoyance. “How is your mate, Violet? I never heard anything about a mating ceremony. Then again. I never cared to ask.
I could feel his annoyance through the screen. His jaw clenched and he looked like he had something to say but he cast one glance at Jaxon who was seated calmly and decided against it. I saw him inhale deeply and run his hand over his head as it he was trying to calm himself.
“Violet is none of your concern. She has been appropriately dealt with
“Did you kill her?” he looked taken aback by my question. “Don’t look so surprised, it is something that you are very capable of
“I did not kill Violet. It is quite the contrary actually, you killed her mother and sister. She was wrecked by what happened and she almost killed herself. I could not have a mentally unstable person as my Luna, so I stripped her of her position and sent her on her merry way.”
I hesitated because I was not sure if Cressida and Dana were actually dead yet. I knew that Jaxon wanted to torture them but I never cared to ask about the details because I felt that what I did not know would not hurt me. I briefly turned to Jaxon but there was no emotion on his face. Through his eyes though, he managed to tell me that Noxian was right- he had killed Cressida and Dana. The real question now was how did Noxian find out?
“What do you want Noxian? I am tired of the back and forth. I got your threat in the form of a letter and now is a good time to say what you want because you will not get another chance.”
He looked a little annoyed that I had forced the conversation to this end. I was sure that he had planned to draw out the conversation probably to get a little rise out of me or to get me to the point where I would say something I was not supposed to but I was not interested in playing his game and I wanted him to know that.
“You used to be a lot more fun Freya, that was one of the things liked the most about you,” he clicked his tongue disapprovingly and I felt Jaxon’s grip on my waist tighten.
“Do you reject everyone you like or was I the special pea in the pod?”
He smiled to himself then sat up straighter. “Although, I heard that motherhood sometimes drains the fun out of everything and everyone. How is your daughter Freya? What is her name again? Was it Amy, Diana? That’s right, it was Kiara.”
My skin turned to ice but I refused to betray any emotion. I glanced up at Aiden and he seemed to get the hint because he was out of the room in the next second. Jaxon’s grip on me tightened and he let out a growl that although was not directed at me, it sent shivers down my spine. Even Noxian’s smile wavered slightly when Jaxon growled.
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11:15 Sat, May 18 M
Chapter 55
“You are walking on thin ice,” he said for the first time since the call began. “One more word about my daughter and there will be nowhere on this earth that you can hide. I will ruin you and make sure that you are nothing but a faded memory. IS that understood?”
For the first time in my life, I saw Noxian look a little scared and although he tried to hide it, the signs were glaringly obvious. Before Noxian could speak, the door opened and Aiden returned, he nodded to let me know she was safe and I let out a sigh of relief.
I turned back to the screen. “I’m bored of this conversation. You can either tell me what you want or you can f*ck off.”
“I already made my intentions clear in the letter. You were my mate before you were his and as far as I remember, you didn’t accept my rejection so our bond is not broken. I renounce my rejection and I want you back.”
“If that’s what you wanted then you should have just said so from the beginning.” I leaned back so I was leaning completely against Jaxon “The answer is no. I would rather go through a million years of suffering than be mated to you.”
His face went red at my obvious rejection and I could see the vein at the side of his head beginning to pop. I glanced at Jaxon to be sure I had said the right words and he gave me a look filled with pride. I leaned more against him and he placed a kiss on my temple which Noxian saw no doubt because he started to resemble a tomato.
“I have more right to you than he does,” he complained sounding like a spoilt child. “You were mine first and I refuse to let you be Queen.”
“So that is what this is about. You are just pissed that I did not remain a lowly omega forever. You cannot stand the fact that I am now in a higher position than you and I practically own your as*,” his frown deepened and I couldn’t help but laugh. “I always knew you were pathetic but this is an all time low.”
“You belong to me- even by werewolf laws.”
“I don’t operate under werewolf laws and you are a pain in my a*s so why don’t I make this easy for both of us?” I sat up straight and made sure he could see every line of my face as I spoke. “I Freya, reject you, Noxian as my mate. Feel free to accept it or not, I don’t care.”
“How dare you?”
“It was nice talking to you but as of right now, I would rather bathe in my own vomit than continue the conversation.”
He opened his mouth to speak but I had no interest in hearing what else he had to say so I hung up the call. I knew it would infuriate him but I could not bring myself to care. Noxian was a chapter that I wanted to keep permanently closed and permanently behind me.
The room fell silent as soon as the call was cut. No one knew what to say and even if they did, they did not know if it was right to say it. I was the one who finally broke the silence when I closed the laptop and pushed it over to Aiden.
“Thank you for checking on her and for listening in.”
“No need, this was,” he paused as if wondering the right words to use. “It was definitely entertaining. Were you really mated to the dude?”
“Don’t remind me.”
Jaxon was still silent so I turned to him. He was lost in thought so I softly stroked the curls at the base of his neck and almost immediately his eyes snapped up to mine in focus. I smiled softly and he reciprocated the action. I cocked my head to the side in a silent question but he didn’t respond, he just gave me a small smile of assurance and turned back to Aiden.
“I need you to find out everything you can on Noxian and Violet he said and Aiden nodded. “I want to know where she is
ADMISSIONS OPEN Prepare for Medical, Engineering, CS & Business Entrance Tests
11:15 Sat, May 18 7 M.
Chapter 55
and if she poses a threat and I want to know everything he does, want to know when he breathes, when he moves and when he takes a f*cking piss.”
Aiden nodded and was out of the room within a second presumably to do what he had been instructed by Jaxon. I was not surprised that Jaxon wanted to keep an eye on Noxian or Violet. After what happened with Cressida and Dana, it was only natural that he wanted to make sure that everyone was where they needed to be. The last thing we needed was surprise attacks.
As soon as the door shut behind Aiden, I stood up from Jaxon’s lap and straddled him on the chair. His eyes followed my every movement but he did not make a move, he just sat and watched me do what I wanted.
“You seem stressed,” I murmured once I was situated on his thighs. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he made a sound close to a groan.
“Are you surprised? It is always one problem after another. What we need is a long as hell vacation or for everyone to just drop dead.”
I laughed at his choice of words. “We really could use a vacation. I agree with you on that one.”
Tell me where you want to go,” he said the words so casually that if it were someone else, I would have thought they were joking but I knew Jaxon.
I leaned back and stared directly at him. “What are you planning”
“Just tell me where you want to
to go.
I thought about it long and hard. I had never really been one to think about vacation destinations because I knew I was never going to get them. As a child, I knew that Cressida would never allow me tag along and when I was with Kiara, I knew I could never afford them. Thinking back it looked so sad but I was grateful for everything that happened because it brought me exactly where I was now.
“I don’t know,” I said finally then I leaned into his ear. “Surprise me.”
When I leaned back to look at him, he had a glint in his eye that told me he was going to rock me off my feet with whatever he was going to choose. He had taken it as a challenge and he was going to do everything possible to make sure that we had the best vacation ever.”
He leaned forward so his lips were brushing mine. “Challenge accepted, we leave in two days.”
As soon as he had spoken, he claimed my lips with his.
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