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The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon) novel Chapter 78

Chapter 78
When I woke up, I was in bed and Jaxon was directly next to me, holding my hand and rubbing small circles over it with my thumb. I managed a small smile and tried to sit up but he stopped me immediately. I was unsure of how long I was out for and why they brought me home instead of just keeping me at the palace. The last thing I wanted was for the kids to see me like this.
“They are safely in their rooms, neither of them is coming in here. Jaxon assured me. “Don’t worry about them. How are you? Are you hurt?”
I shook my head. I was a little dazed and confused but otherwise I was fine. When I tried to sit up again. Jaxon didn’t stop me. He frowned to show his displeasure but he allowed me do as I wish. Once I was seated, he handed me a glass of water that 1 greedily gulped down.
“What happened?” I asked and he sighed.
“I got you flowers but somewhere between the florist and your hands, the flowers were laced with a poison and another note was slipped in. I have people looking into it now but so far there is nothing, it looked like it pained him to admit that fact. “1 still don’t have any idea on Violet’s whereabouts which I am beginning to find amusing considering I have searched every inch of this town.
“Jaxon,” I reached out and placed an arm on his shoulder. He reluctantly took a deep breath and rested his head between his hands. “Someone has to be helping her. There is no way she was able to sneak into the pack without someone from border patrol finding her and there is no way she could have gotten access to the flowers unless she was getting help.”
“I know that but there are hundreds of people in the palace every day and thousands at best in the pack. I have gone through every single one of them to the best of my abilities and so far they all look clean. It would need a deeper search but we don’t have the time for that. Violet is going to strike sooner or later and I would rather focus my energy on protecting you rather than chasing a stupid mole.”
I wanted to protest but I couldn’t. I knew Jaxon loved me to extremes but it was one thing to know it and another thing to see it happen. He was king and his main focus should always be to the palace but time and time again he put me first. It never failed to surprise me even after how many times it had already happened.
“You should rest,” Jaxon said suddenly. “The doctor said the poison wasn’t able to work as well since you inhaled it rather than ingested it but you still need your rest before you’re back on your feet.”
“Where are you going?”
“Back to the palace, I have paperwork to finish up and I have to follow up with Aiden on the flowers. He is heading the tear of spies that are looking into it,” he stood to his feet and pressed a lingering kiss to my forehead. “I will come back to you today. I might be a little late but I promise I will be back home.”
“Okay.” I responded after a full minute of silence. “I’ll wait up for you.”
Jaxon left soon after that and I fell asleep. I didn’t realize how tired I was until my head hit the pillow again and I was out like a light. The next time I woke up was from soft knocking on my door. I knew it wasn’t Jaxon or Kiara because they would never knock so I sat up instantly and called out for the person to come in.
There was silence for a full minute and I honestly thought Kieran had changed his mind until he pushed open the door. He was shuffling his feet as if unsure of whether or not he should step any closer. I wasn’t going to pressure him so I just waited patiently for him to make the decision for himself. After about a minute of doubting, he made his way into the room and closed the door..
He was in a tiger printed pajama set and he was barefooted. On normal day I would have been worried about the amount of dirt he would have put on the bed but I decided to let it slide. In his hands was a stained stuffed rabbit. I could only imagine it was something he owned for a while because it looked worn with age.
“Is everything okay?” I asked and he nodded. “Do you want to sit down?”
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Chapter 78
He nodded and I tapped the spot next to me. He practically rushed over and took the empty spot. He looked so small lying on the massive bed and it felt like I was just realizing how young he actually was. I ran my fingers through his hair and I saw his shoulders loosen slightly.
“You were hurt,” he began in a small voice and I instantly realized what this was about. “I saw them bringing you in but the guards said I couldn’t see you. The king-”
“Jaxon,” I interrupted him and he turned to me with scrunched brows. “His name is Jaxon. You can call him Jaxon and you can call me Freya, okay? You don’t have to call him the king.”
He chewed on his bottom lip then finally nodded. “Jaxon said you needed to rest and I should leave you alone for a while so I did but whenever my mummy was sad I would give her this and she said it made her feel better.”
He handed over the rabbit to me and I could see his hands shaking with every movement. I was torn because on one hand, I was unsure if I should take it because of the significance it had between him and his mother and on the other, I didn’t want to refuse it because it felt like such a kind gesture from an innocent child and he looked so terrified of being rejected.
1 hesitantly reached out and took it from him. I saw him sigh in relief as I did.
“I feel better already”
His smile was so bright you couldn’t have possibly missed it. I could see that he was physically trying to hold himself back so I decided to reach out first. The moment I stretched out my hands, he wasted no time in rushing into them. I felt his sigh of relief as I held him. I didn’t let go until he pulled away first.
“Jaxon said you should rest,” he said sofily. “I’m going now,”
He scurried out of the room so fast you would think something was chasing him. I could not wait to tell Jaxon all about it.
By the time the sun began to set and Jaxon’s walls were still up, I knew he was going to be late. I dragged myself out of bed and did a quick mac and cheese dinner for the kids, Kiara asked for Jaxon so many times and I had to look for new and creative ways to change the subject each time.
When I noticed Kieran was too silent, I asked him about school. He gave the expected responses but I pushed more. I needed to know if he was having fun or if he was being bullied. I could tell that Kieran felt uncomfortable being put on the spot and I felt bad for doing it but I just needed to know. After a minute of awkward silence, he finally spoke.
When he started, it was like he wouldn’t stop. He told me about how huge the classes were and how they had a break room with a TV. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before and all the kids wanted to be friends with him because he arrived with royal guard.
Once he was done speaking, he went back to being silent but it didn’t matter to me much. It was fun seeing him break out o his shell even if it was for just a second. I made it a point that I was going to try to make that little boy in him come out mor
Once they were done eating, I loaded the dishes into the dishwasher and started clearing the kitchen. I heard tiny footsteps and I instantly knew it was Kieran
“I liked hearing you talk at dinner today,” I told him and out of the corner of my eye I saw him smile.
“Do you want me to help you? I did the dishes at my dad’s house
I turned to him with a smile which was a stark contrast from how I was feeling inside. “You can go straight up to bed. You have school tomorrow.”
He looked shocked but he nodded and left. I spent about five minutes after that trying to calm myself down. Every time Kieran mentioned his father, it made me want to kill him even more.
Once I was done in the kitchen I glanced at the clock on the wall 9. I doubted Jaxon would be back any time soon and I still
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Chapter 78
couldn’t reach him via his mund link. I could have called him but I knew it would just put him on edge and make him rush home and I wanted him to focus so I shoved down every instinct telling me to call and sat on the couch waiting for him.
I waited and waited until 1 fell asleep.
It was sometime around midnight when I felt shuffling as I was lifted from the couch. I didn’t need to open my eyes to know that it was Jason who was lifting me. He murmured some words ander his breath but I was still too asleep to understand them
“You’re back.” 1 mumbled as he made his were up the stairs. “I waredd for you”
Tsaw,” he chuckled “Tappreciate that baby but please don’t warup for me next time.”
Tilidn’t even realize when he got to our room. He placed me gerely on the bed and I watched as he stripped and got in beside me. He pulled me into his cheat and 1 instantly knew anträthing was wrong. Tran my fingers down his chest
“Do tou scant to talk about it?”
got here he placed a koon my temple. This is our home and I won’t taint it with that knowledge Just let me hold ven tonighi and everything will be firie
12 47 Fri May 24 GRM4.


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