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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 10


“I just wanted to say welcome.” The pretty little blond says as she holds out the hamper filled with chocolates, wine and a mug with my initials.

How thoughtful… but I’m a little busier admiring her breasts.

“Beautiful,” I say with a smile as I reach over and take the hamper from her. She smells good, expensive perfume and, of course, her own scent is pleasant enough.

She blushes and bites her lips as I place it down on my desk. Despite there being a shared teachers’ lounge, I am an Arden and so of course that comes with perks. After all, our father is one of the ones who made this all possible.

“Thank you… oh wait you meant the hamper, yes thank you I made it!” She gushes and I smirk, leaning against my desk.

“I actually did mean you.” I say softly.

So fickle.

She tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear as she looks up at me with eyes that hold lust.

“Thanks.” She says, no longer as coy as she was. “If you do need anything or want anything… I’m always here.”

I stand up and close the gap between us. “Stop by once you're done with work.” I say, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

“Absolutely.” She says, “I’m Martha.”

Ugly name.

She suits something far better.

“Beautiful name.” I lie smoothly. “For professional reasons, let’s keep this a secret.”

“Oh absolutely.” She says, biting her plump little lips. I motion to the door with my head and she walks off, sashaying her hips. She’s got a sexy figure and in that pencil skirt and sheer tights she looks rather fine…

I smirk to myself once the door shuts, walking around my desk to my chair and taking a seat. I slip my two phones out of my pocket, placing one on the table and switch the other on, frowning as I look at the messages on the screen. Irritation flits through me and I toss it onto the table.

Despite what I did… why was the scent of him when he returned the other night so much like hers… did he end up meeting her at the club or is it just me being paranoid… the smell of sex was far more overpowering from him… Was it all in my mind?

He’s so careless… so stupid.

I open my laptop and log on, opening the file on Alejandro’s daughter. She’s a pretty one, both of his daughters are, but the other one is far too innocent. Although I think she would have been an easier target, it just would feel wrong. This one though… she’s a little rebel, and she’s no newbie to sex and sin.

I smirk as I skim through her likes and dislikes… I’ve done some extensive research, and then, of course, all the intel that came directly from her… how careless.

I’m sure I’ll be able to make my way into that mind of hers and break her into submission. I always like a challenge and this one will prove no less of one.

I glance at the clock on the opposite wall. Lunch soon…

Time to make my second move… or should I say third?


I enter the dinner hall, and it doesn’t take long for me to spot her, she’s all in black, carrying a tray of food out into the grounds. Perfect. I get my own lunch and head outside. She’s sitting on one of the benches, playing with her food. Her vibrant green eyes snap to me and I give her a smile.


“Afternoon.” She responds, glancing down at her plate as she continues to eat.

“You don’t seem to be in the best of moods. Anything I can help with?” I ask, taking the seat opposite her.

“I’m perfectly fine.” She says.

“We all say that. It’s irritating when someone keeps asking if you are alright isn’t it?” I sigh, picking up my fork and taking the lid off my pasta.

I’m glad the food is of the best quality at least, although the plastic tubs are not to my liking.

I glance up at her, feeling her watching me, and she looks away. “Sometimes.” She shrugs.

“Of course, harder when people love to jump the gun. I heard that you’re quite the strong one. If you ever want some personal training alone, I would be more than happy to help you. I can assure you, I’d enjoy it.”

She cocks a brow. “Hmm… You’re different…” she muses.

“Than Royce?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

“Maybe.” She says with a smirk. “Tell me, are you the fun brother?”

“I’m not so sure about the fun one, but I’m definitely the one with his head screwed on straight.” I wink, rewarded with her smirk growing.

“Yeah, he’s got a butt plug or something stuck up his ass. That’s gotten lost up there or something.”

I chuckle. “I couldn’t agree more.”

“Why did you want to meet me?” She asks quietly.

“Actually, I wanted to ask about Malevolent. I hope her leg is ok?”

“Yeah… it is. Did I mention her name to you?” She asks, frowning.

“You were talking to her when we were at yours. It’s not a name I’ll forget.” I say, opening my water bottle.

“Hm, so what’s your other reason for wanting to meet me?”

“Isn’t that enough? I smile.

“Not really, everyone has motives… is it my father? Because if you think sucking up to me will get you into his good books, you’re wrong. Or maybe, which I doubt, it’s something else.” She sits forward, and I have to admit, she is stunning… her dark hair is a gorgeous contrast to her vibrant eyes.

She’s my type… maybe a lot more daring than most women in terms of personality and dressing than others, but still I can get used to her. She has a body made to sin…

I sit forward too, resting my elbows on the table on either side of my tray.

“Your smart and maybe you are right… but I assure you I have no ill intentions…” I cast a glance around before I tilt my head. “I was concerned for your cat, and I do want to help with your training, but I will not deny that you intrigue me. Or is that wrong just because I’m supposed to be your teacher?” I murmur quietly.

Her gaze dips to my lips and I run my tongue alone between them slowly, knowing exactly how that works. “I love doing things I shouldn’t,” she smirks. “I don’t mind breaking the rules.”

“Makes two of us…” Our eyes meet, and I see a glimmer of confusion in her eyes, and I swiftly change the topic. “However, on a serious note, if you do need help with training or controlling your abilities, I can help. Growing up, my brother and I were expected to be in control all the time, it gets hard. The expectations, the judgement, even the self-doubt, so I understand and so the offer stands.”

“Thanks. I’ll consider it, but I’m certain you will regret it if I did end up agreeing.” She says, admiring her nails.


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