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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 110


The battering rain is drowned out by the murmur of Long live the king and I smirk at Royce.

‘You aced it. There was nothing for them to doubt.’ I say through the mind link.

He glances at me and smiles faintly. ‘I don’t think they’re done with their questions though,’ he replies, as the white-haired man is the first to rise.

“Your majesty, before you open the vault and announce to the Solaris people that their king is here, will you share who is the woman beside you?”

All eyes now turn on me and I can see the curiosity in them, noticing how Royce’s eyes flick to Owen. Almost as if surprised he hasn’t told anyone anything. Had Royce been testing him?

“She is my chosen, and she bears my mark. This is Skyla Silara Rossi, your queen,” Royce says, reaching over he brushes my hair back turning my head towards him so they can see the mark that adorns my neck. Our eyes meet and his thumb caresses my cheek.

The white-haired man smiles proudly. “Brothers and sisters! We need no further proof of our king when his mark mirrors our sacred crest!” He says.

If there had been any doubt left before, it’s now gone as they all stare at us.

“Your queen is powerful, and if I’m not mistaken… the name Rossi means she is of the Volkov line, and the Lycan King correct?” A woman from the court asks.

“That’s correct,” I reply, now looking at the woman who had spoken.

The woman nods in approval. “Not of the Solaris… but a powerful queen indeed…”

A flicker of annoyance flashes on Royce’s face and I place my hand on his chest.

‘Regardless of her status or strength, she would still be my queen.’ He says quietly.

A ripple of murmurs spread through the room.

‘Don’t get offended, it’s only natural they would want you to have chosen a strong queen. Don’t argue over it when I am strong enough to stand by your side anyway,’ I say, my eyes sharp as they meet his.

His hand wraps around my wrist. ‘I know,’ he replies, he frowns slightly, but the truth is, even if he doesn’t approve, it is how the world works.

I have seen my parents grow up and the pressure and expectations on them. Maybe it’s the fact I grew up like that, that I understand these things.

“Formalities aside, there is something I need to discuss with the court regarding my father, my brother and the wrongs they have committed, to the point that it was my own brother who tried to kill me.” Royce now says as he scans the room.

The mood darkens as everyone exchanges looks, and the white-haired man frowns. “Before the matters of court can be discussed, the king must take the sacred treasures of the Solaris line. Only then will he and his queen be able to cross the barrier and take their position.” He points to the throne.

“You are in a rush to crown me, yet it’s been a while since I last saw you. Will you not hug me, grandfather?” Royce asks quietly.

My eyes fly open as I stare at the man before me. He smiles before he steps forward and pulls Royce into his arms.

“It truly has.” He says quietly. He then turns to me and smiles faintly. “And this is the Lycan Princess… daughter of the Lycan King.” He takes my hand giving it a light kiss on my knuckles before he steps back once more.

“Our king is back. We should hold a coronation in style.” The woman who had spoken before suggests.

Royce’s grandfather glances at her. “There are grave matters to discuss. We will hold a coronation when the time is right. We should not delay this moment. The king is here, and him accepting his birthright as swiftly as possible is best.”

The woman frowns slightly, and I wonder if there’s more to it.

“Does that mean I can finally mark him?” I ask, making his grandfather smile amused.

“You have spark, I think that would only be fair. After the sacred treasures are in the King’s hold, you may mark him,” he then turns to Owen, “You risked a lot to do this, yet you saw that he is the true king, there is no doubt and when the vault is opened, there will be no space left for doubts… now we shall hold our meeting, in that time, prepare a grand feast, for the Solaris King has returned!”

The claps resound through the room as Royce pulls me close, and I can’t help but admire him. He did the right thing by coming here. ‘Just a vault left to open, and we’re done.’ I wink.

‘And the marking… I’m looking forward to that,’ he murmurs, looking into my eyes.


It’s ten minutes or so later and his grandfather, Edward, who is his mother’s father, explains what he needs to do.

‘I’m surprised he isn’t the head of the council.’ I remark.

‘I’m afraid my father beat him in the final round where strength came into it. Grandfather would have been better for the position.’ Royce replies, as he readies himself to place his hand at the centre of the engraving on the marble floor, right beneath the highest point of the dome. The vault is beneath this floor, and it has not been opened for thousands of years, protected by magic.

He takes a deep breath as we all clear the floor, allowing a drop of his blood to fall onto it.

I notice how Edward stays close to me. Royce glances at us before he closes his eyes, allowing his aura to flow through his finger trips. I see it travel through the gold lines of the engraving, making them come alive, dazzling brightly as they fill the room. Then the ground rumbles.

“Only the Solaris King can unlock the vault and unseal the dome, do so and the Solaris people will know their king has arrived,” Edward murmurs, more to himself than anyone.

Royce looks at me, and I wink at him.

“You got this,” I say quietly.

He steps back just as the ground begins to shift and rearrange itself, everyone holds onto their seats and Royce sends a wave of wind my way, and I feel it snake around me almost like his arm, supporting me so I don’t fall to the moving ground. It finally comes to a stop, and I find myself looking down at a stone room, but what piques my interest is the altar at the centre.

Royce doesn’t speak, taking the stone steps two at a time as he approaches the altar. There are three things upon it: a crown, a sword and a medallion. He’s silent, as are the spectators, all who are watching on in awe.

The items may have been locked away for centuries, but they don’t have a speck of dust upon them.

Royce is calm and collected, as if he knows what he must do. He first picks up the crown and looks ahead.


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