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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 14


Now that I wasn’t expecting and I can’t help but smirk at his struggle, he growls in frustration, letting go of me and turning his back on me. I chuckle, sliding my gown up over my shoulder.

“You really are so boring.” I tut, pushing past him, not bothering to tie my gown as I shamelessly turn and stop in front of him. “You’re not my teacher right now.”

“No thanks. How did you get hurt?” He asks icily.

“I don’t really like to share my secrets.” I reply icily, “Now, do you want to join me or do you plan to leave?”

He’s refusing to look at me and my stomach twists when his gaze falls on the bathroom door. The broken glass… I see his gaze go to the ground, his frown deepening. There are bits of dirt but I hope the dark wood flooring disguises it somewhat… He seems to be thinking something over before he looks at me sharply, clenching his jaw as he reaches down and yanks my gown together.

“Have a little respect for yourself.” He says coldly, his words making irritation flash through me.

“Excuse me?” I say, not missing the anger in his eyes as he ties the gown sash tightly. I gasp as the belt digs into my waist.

“You heard me. Do you have a habit of throwing yourself at any bloody man that you see?”

I clench my jaws, my own anger rising. “Oh, don’t forget the women. You have no right to question my self-respect, if I want to go fuck ten men right now, that’s my choice, and it doesn’t take away from my self-respect just because we don’t fit into the mould that you men have made for us.” I growl.

His eyes flicker to the bathroom door again, but those cold eyes are on me again within seconds.

“Then please, go find those men. I really don’t care.” He says. “But if you think I’m going to be one of your games… you are sorely mistaken, love.”

“I’m not asking you to put a ring on my damn finger, and it’s not like you don’t want this.” I say, looking pointedly at the impressive shaft in his pants.

“I already made it clear that from this day forth we’re teacher and student. I am not about to break the trust one has in that position, no matter what, no matter how much either of us wants to.”

Clearly you don’t want it as much as I do.

Scoffing, I nod. “Yeah, who are you trying to please, my Daddy?” I mock. “Nothing else new there.”

His eyes flash and I knew I had hit a nerve. “Not everyone cares for the King’s acknowledgement, especially not someone like me. I don’t see you as his daughter, I-“ He turns away with irritation and for a second I think he’s about to punch the wall, instead he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. “I see you as someone entrusted to me… I’m in a position of trust. I’m not about to break that, no matter who wants me to…”

Can someone really be so… decent? Well, yeah I guess we have a few respectful men in the family, but most of them are arrogant and were definitely fuck boys until they met their mates… it’s different to come across someone who doesn’t see me as the quick passage to Dad. It’s refreshing but at the same time it stings that he values his position and ethics so damn much.

“Wow, did Selene drown you in a bucket of righteousness and good before dunking you on earth golden boy?” I ask. “You know I’m not asking for your virginity… Wait, are you a virgin? Is that why you are so-”

“No, I’m not.” He growls.

“Great, then I don’t get it, and Dad wouldn’t say anything. I mean he can’t, he was entrusted to look after Mama, with 16 years between them might I add and he knocked her up, so.” I shrug.

Why am I holding on? I mean, now I’m sounding desperate. There’s plenty of men out there… or was it the fact I liked to be refused and then getting that man was so much more satisfying?

“Karma? So you're saying I should do the same simply because he didn’t make the best of choices and that he deserves it?”

Not exactly… kinda? I nod, folding my arms and looking at him defiantly.

He shakes his head and I think I see the faintest of emotions in his cold eyes. “They say a man should be the kind of person that he would want his daughters to be with… that is the idealism I will stand by, because when that day comes, I’ll proudly be able to tell my kids that I treated others right, so whether it suits you or not I really don’t care, but I’m not changing my stance.”

I don’t know what to say, for a strange crazy moment he reminds me of Reign, the sweetness and that mentality… I hate that it makes my heart flutter strangely… It’s rare to find a man who actually won’t take advantage of someone, especially one he clearly desires…

He’s about to walk out when something on my face seems to make him hesitate. To my surprise, he reaches over, brushing his fingers through my hair, and I can’t help but close my eyes as his touch makes tingles dance across my skin.

“I didn’t mean to be harsh. I am a man and regardless of what I believe, it does get hard for me, too. I’m only saying you’re worth more than a one-night hook-up.” My green eyes stare into his grey ones and for once I’m blank. I can’t think straight…

How do you respond to that?

He doesn’t wait for a reply and swiftly turns, heading to the open door, about to step out, when a shadow appears in the door.

“What are you doing here?” Royce growls.

My eyes widen as I find myself looking at none other than Aleric, like Royce he’s only in a pair of sweatpants, his are black, his long hair falls messily around his shoulders and I can’t help but appreciate his body. He’s not as bulky as his brother but he is equally toned… there’s a gracefulness to the way his body glistens with that perfect tan and side by side I realise despite them both being blond and tanned Aleric’s skin held a gold hue whilst Royce’s is more cool.


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