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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 27


The next few seconds feel like minutes as we wait for her to speak.

“A servant of Apophis...” Kataleya whispers. All three of us stare at her as she gazes unblinkingly at the centre of the table, her eyes glazed a dreamy pink.

Dad frowns, his heart beating a little louder than normal as he watches her intently.

I’m not sure if it’s because of what she said or if it’s because she displayed her gift in front of an Arden.

“Kat.” Dad’s voice is low, but I can hear the tension he is trying to mask in it and I don’t blame him.

The risk that comes with Kat’s gift is terrifying.

Royce is watching her. There’s a glimmer of curiosity in his eyes as I place a hand on Kataleya’s shoulder.

“Kat.” I say, shaking her silently.

She jerks back, inhaling sharply as she looks around, as if trying to remember where she is, her breasts heaving as she gathers her bearings, gripping my hand.

Dad’s gaze flicks to Royce and I know he didn’t want anyone to learn of Kat’s gift, but it’s too late. However, something tells me that Royce wouldn’t tell anyone, anyway.

“Apophis? Like the god of darkness?” Royce asks, sounding uncertain.

I’m surprised he didn’t question her, clearly not phased by what just happened. Maybe he might think she has some witchy powers.

Kataleya looks at Dad worriedly before she nods.

“Like for real? Now we have a Snake God unleashing some immortal beasts onto the planet to cause havoc?” I snicker, trying to lighten the mood. But no one joins in as all eyes turn to me.

Wait, do they actually think that? But… even though I’m trying to brush it off, I know that there is something coming…. Something huge… Something that is the reason that a demi-god walks this earth…

My brother.

He’s here for a reason and I know that whatever it is, will aim to destroy us all…

“If it’s some sort of monster from another realm, that would explain why no one can see it.” Dad murmurs, but I can sense his unease.

Why could I see it?

“Dad, have you yourself ever gone after it?” I ask curiously.

“No, I’m afraid I have had no encounter with it. It’s mainly around the south side.”

Hmm, is it because I’m a Lycan then? I wonder…

Kataleya sips her juice, but her chest is still heaving, and I can sense her unease.

“Did you see something else, Kat?” I ask her quietly.

She looks at me, and it makes my stomach twist when I see the fear that taints her eyes.

“There’s more than one…” She whispers before turning to Dad, who is now frowning deeply at her words.

Her visions, if you can call them that, come randomly, and often she’d say things which might not make sense. At other times they did, like now.

It is a little like Mama’s, but not as cryptic or as clear as Dante’s. Damn, I have weird siblings.

‘Kat… Did they see you?’ I ask through the link, the price she pays… every time she sees something, they also see her, and that makes me sick.

We had found that out the hard way. Several years back, someone had been murdered by a rogue, and Kat had identified him. The only thing is, he also identified her and came after us. Luckily, she has a lot of protection around her constantly.

'I don’t think so.’ She smiles reassuringly, but I’m not so sure…

We continue eating. The conversation between Royce and Dad is regarding the divine death-noodle.

“With what Kataleya has said, that may be something the coven could look into. I don’t think it’s uncommon for us to deal with things that don’t belong here.” Royce says.

Our knowledge of other supernatural beasts and species has grown, what with it becoming a subject at school. However, I don’t think I have heard of Apophis being a deity that has any species on earth.

Heck aside from those that we know of, who knows who or what else actually exists up there.

“Yeah, I will have a word with them. I’m fucking lucky that I have two highly efficient witches in the family, after all.” Dad says.

“I heard; I also know they are slated to take the position of the high witches of the coven of England, aren’t they?” Royce asks with a faint smile.

Dad nods. “If they accept, right now neither wants to and no one can force them.”

“It’s good to hear you’re not one for pushing someone into positions of extreme power for your own benefit.” Royce replies, downing his water before placing his glass down.

He has ignored me for the majority of the dinner, almost as if I wasn’t even here.

‘How is he during your training sessions?’ I ask Kat.

She looks at me sheepishly. ‘Umm…’

I narrow my eyes. ‘You skipped it, didn’t you?’

She blushes. ‘No… I was helping the special needs new year students with their herbology homework.’

I shake my head. This girl does not like fighting. Even though she is an excellent fighter, with it having been drilled into us for our own protection, she would rather not if she has the choice.


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