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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 43


My heart’s racing as she sits there in front of me, looking the perfect image of the sexy little thing she is.

Her seductive, tantalising behaviour is luring me in and I’m falling.

Just the way I began falling for her without seeing her… the reason I began to struggle to connect with my ex…

I’m not falling because I know I’ve already fallen for someone I shouldn’t fall for.

And this time, I know she’s not flirting on purpose. It’s not to get to me, but if only she knew this got to me more.

I want to yank her close and kiss her senseless, but how do I do that when I’m the worst thing for her?

Being a part of my life is nothing I’d wish on anyone… even if I wasn’t her teacher, being with me… would be hell.

My gaze dips to those plump lips, the corner smeared with cream that I just want to lick right off… But I don’t- I can’t.

Instead, I reach up. Brushing my thumb across the corner of her mouth, she turns her head instinctively and licks the cream off my finger. Those pretty lush lips wrapping around them.


She acts feisty; she acts like she’s the queen of zero fucks, but there’s a vulnerability inside of her that fucks with my mind. She acts brave, to show the world she’s dealing, when I know she’s struggled with more things than she’ll ever voice out aloud.

I want to shield her from it all… I’m ready to, and I don’t know why.

But I know the greatest thing I need to protect her from is my family… If only it was just them… but the Court of Solaria is behind them.

Am I strong enough to take them both, or will I fuck this up even more?

The sound of footsteps makes me jerk back, my heart thudding as I stride towards the sink, just as one of the Westwood boys enters.

“How long are you… wow, what happened here?” Ares asks, and I know he’s watching us sharply.

“Food fight.” Skyla says, chuckling lightly, but her heart’s still racing.

Glad he hasn’t shifted and can’t hear that. I wash my hands and face in the sink. I’m a mess though, there’s whipped cream everywhere…

I almost smile. I can’t deny that it was fun.

“Well, the final round is going to start soon.” Ares says.

“Oh yeah, let me finish the drinks. We’re coming.” Skyla sounds a bit distracted.

“Sure…” He replies before I hear him walk out. I turn to Skyla to see she’s wiping her face and neck.

“I’m actually going to head out. I’m going to get this all over everything if I stay.” I say quietly.

She looks at me, and I think I see the flicker of regret in her eyes.

Fuck, I hate that I’m making her feel like she’s done something wrong.

“Your drink… it’s still hot yet.” She says holding up a black cat-shaped mug.

Is that your way of asking me to stay for longer?

I walk over to her, trying not to let her scent get to me as I pick up one of the hot chocolate mugs.

“Lucky for me I can fix the temperature.” I whisper, letting coolness flow through to the mug until it cools a little before downing it in one go.

“Sexy.” She remarks before shaking her head. “I mean the powers.”

I nod, “Sure.”

Our eyes meet, and that urge to kiss her again rises inside of me.

I’m not safe around her, it’s getting harder… and fuck, the fact that there’s a room full of people just down the tiny hall and it’s not bothering me is bad.

“Thanks anyway for coming to check up on me, I appreciate it.” She says, running her fingers through her hair before she cringes when she gets cream on her hand.

“Yeah, you better wash that out.” I smirk. “So, I’ll probably miss the final round, but keep me filled in?”

Her heart skips a beat before she smirks and nods. “I’m great at commentating.”

I know you are…

It’s not the first time I’ve had to miss matches due to meetings, Dad and other engagements. She would always keep me updated.

I miss that…

I place the mug down and head out to the hallway.

“Do you want a blanket or something to put over your seats?” she asks when she pulls open the front door, glancing out at my car.

“No, it’s alright, the seats are leather, easy to clean.” I say, pulling my top off, and wiping the cream that got on my neck off with it. “Besides, it’s mainly on my T-shirt. You really went crazy with that can.”

She smirks, leaning against the door frame and crosses her arms.

“It was worth it.” She muses, with a tilt of her head, her eyes raking over my abs before she snatches the shirt from my arms. “I’ll wash it and return it.”

I won’t argue…

An image of her in my shirt fills my mind and I force it away.

“Do you mind?” I say, since she’s still shamelessly checking me out.

Taking my keys out, I step outside.

“Not at all, I can enjoy a good view, can’t I? Besides, we’re friends. I should be allowed to admire a fine sculpture. Got to have some benefits to being friends with a total hottie.” She states.

Yeah, I didn’t mind, but I don’t want her to recognise me as Reign… the temptation to just tell her is there, but I don’t.

“Yeah, don’t get too confident. So, I’ll see you tomorrow. Let’s meet for training before classes. I think we can use a change of place.”

“Oh? sounds like a plan, what time?” she scrunches up her nose.

“Six am.”

She groans but nods, her eyes raking over me once more before I turn and head to my car. She’s still watching as I get in and start it up.

Even now, I am unable to get what had happened out of my head.

For a few minutes, I was able to forget everything else.

Bloody hell…


Reaching home, I enter, bidding Charles a good evening and head straight upstairs to shower, but first I lock the blood away in my safe. One that no one can access.

Even in my own house, I cannot trust everyone.

I will run some tests tonight…


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