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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 45



I turn to see Charlotte run over to me. I can see she’s near to tears as she latches onto my arm.

Concern fills me as she buries her head in my chest and I wrap my arm around her, rubbing her back. We may argue often, but she’s still my little sister.

“Hey… it’s going to be alright… The offer to get out of here still stands?” I offer gently.

She nods, moving back and taking a deep breath.

“Yeah, I don’t want food, though. I want ice cream from one of those poor hygiene places.”

I cock a brow. “They may be smaller places, Charlotte, but that doesn’t mean the hygiene isn’t good.”

She shrugs, “Ok, can we go?”

I nod, “Sure we can.”

I’ll face the consequences later. I know I will, but tonight I’ll aim to make one of us have a good end to the day.

“Let me go grab my keys.” I say to her,

“I’ll get them!” She says quickly. “I need to grab my coat!”

“Sure. Grab my wallet too.” I say, as she skips upstairs. I shove my hands into my pocket, staring at the blank space near Dad’s portrait.

For the next Alpha…

“Royce.” I turn when Aleric’s snarl rumbles through the grand hallway, his blazing aura seeping powerfully through the halls. I can see the heat waves around him as he tries to control his rage. “How dare you.”

“Not today, Aleric.” I reply coldly.

“Royce.” He hisses,

The sound of Charlotte’s footsteps stop me from replying and I realise why she had wanted to go upstairs, unable to hide my amusement at the fact she’s topped up on her gloss, and her perfume, now holding a faux fur coat in her hands.

“Neither of you is leaving this mansion.” Aleric warns menacingly.

I cock a brow. “Who’s going to stop us?” I say, placing my arm around Charlotte’s shoulders protectively.

“I will.” He snarls.

I ignore him. Turning and leading the way to the door, the butler opens it. Despite remaining emotionless I can sense his fear.

We haven’t even stepped out when, in a flash, Aleric is in front of us.

“You have caused Mom and Dad to argue and you think you can just walk away, like always?!” He sneers. “Fix it.”

My patience is wearing thin as I glare at him. “Aleric, do not push me.” I warn him quietly.

“What will you do? All you do is walk away like the coward you are! You will always be the loser, in every aspect of life.”

Charlotte looks upset as she steps back.

“Look, we don’t need to go, I asked him-”

“Stay out of this Charlotte, know your place!” Aleric snarls, making my eyes flash.

I don’t think he realises that when the one who wields the most patience reaches their limits, even the heavens will tremble.

“Do not talk to her like that.” I snarl protectively, stepping in front of our sister. Blocking her from his view.

My heart’s racing in anger as I glare at him.

“Step. Aside.” I try one final time.

“Let him go.” Dad’s voice comes, making Aleric look up at him in shock over my shoulder.

I don’t bother turning, my heart thudding violently as I take Charlotte’s hand and lead her out of the mansion.

“What a coward.” Aleric hisses. “No wonder she’s drawn to me.”


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