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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 50


“What happened? The King will have my head! That thing was in my territory! I should have been alerted!” Prescott mutters, visibly panicking as a group of doctors rush to Skyla’s side the moment I place her down. Charlotte’s coat covering her.

One of the guards who had accompanied me from the entrance of the hospital now passes me some sweatpants and I pull them on quickly, looking down at her.

The beautiful goddess is in pain. I can see it on her face and the way her body is trembling ever so slightly.

The venom of the snake shuts down the body, and depending on how much venom the person is exposed to, their death can be fast or can take up to a few days. Those who we know have been poisoned are healed before the venom can kill them.

Skyla had been inside of him. Even if it was for a few seconds, she has still been exposed to an extreme level of venom and I had felt her body beginning to shut down.

“She’s so cold…”

I’ve frozen her somewhat, to slow the spread of the poison further. I know it’s something I’m going to have to explain to the royals when they show up, but right now, I don’t really care.

If it can save her life, who cares if I break the oath of the court?

I can’t bring myself to move back, as a nurse quickly puts a sheet over her breasts and private area, removing Charlotte’s coat as they begin checking her stats.

The doctors are panicking. I can clearly see they don’t know what to do.

Now under the bright light of the hospital room, I can see her skin turning grey and it’s not because of me partially freezing her.

“Antivenom! Now!”

I made sure the rain washed off every inch of the poison, but the effect was still here.

“She’s struggling to breathe!” One of the doctors says, “The poison is too strong for her body to take. Let’s try the-”

“I’ve given her a high dose of the best, hook her up to a ventilator, and get a blood transfusion from me. Let’s try to remove the poison from her wound manually.” I command, stepping forward. It’s not the first time I’ve dealt with fatal injuries.

Dad made sure Aleric and I had full experience and knowledge in the medical field.

I’m not letting anything happen to her. I pull my hair back, twisting a strand around it, knotting it fast.


“I need some charcoal and goldenseal, as well as fire…” I say calmly, despite the fear inside of me.

Fear doesn’t help…

“Alpha Arden, are you sure-”

“I know what I’m doing. Until the queen gets here, we need to act fast and slow the poison.” I say, taking a cloth and wiping her side with warm water, seeing the burns spreading across her stomach.

It’s not enough, we’re not doing enough.

Someone brings me the items I asked for, and taking some, I spread it over her side.

A whimper leaves her as her back arches slightly before she becomes still.


“How long will the queen take to get here!” I growl.

“They should be here soon! When I called, he said they’ll be here immediately!” Prescott answers.

My heart is thundering as I place my hand over the injury on her side.

Come on, Skyla… fight it.

Lil Lucifer doesn’t lose to anyone…

You have that spirit… Come on Love…

The burning is spreading, which means the venom is travelling too. I look down at her, trying to think through every solution I can think of.

There’s one that might work!

Burning the venom from the open wounds.

They’re getting everything set up, but they’re still too slow. My own heart is thumping violently as I try to fight the havoc within as I reach for the small lighter.

“You can’t use that method…” The doctor murmurs, now realising what I’m doing.

“It’s the only option I have.” I say quietly.

They hook her up to a ventilator fast and a nurse is by my side, quickly putting a catheter into my hand and connects me up to Skyla.

It’s not like I liked fire, but there is no other option.

I flick the light on, as the tension in the room rises and I run it along with her injuries. Her forehead is coated in sweat.

I hate seeing her like this, but with the combination of the heat burning away some of the poison and the ice slowing its spread, I’m confident she’s going to be ok.

You got to be ok doll…

Is there another injury?

Nothing I do is stemming it and she’s deteriorating fast. I know it’s only been a few minutes, but it feels like years.

“Anyone who is not doing anything needs to leave now.” I command.

They don’t argue as they back out, and I pull the sheet over Skyla’s hips before turning her onto her side. Two doctors hold on to her as her heartbeat begins dropping.

I scan her slender back fast, and that is when I see it, a dark patch forming beneath her skin just below her shoulder blade.

“I need a knife and a cloth!” I exclaim. “Get a bowl ready now!”


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