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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 52


But this time, there’s curiosity in them.

“Well now, isn’t this shit fucking interesting.” Alejandro remarks.

“Skyla, Sky baby.” Kiara whispers, caressing her hair.


Stop saying my name, Love…

It’s already hard not to go to her and harder to stop my heart from racing wildly.

“She’s calling you.” Kiara says quietly. “Come.”

Alejandro scoffs and I don’t know what to do. I’m sure Kiara is just concerned and wants to see her daughter wake up but I’m so fucking close to breaking down.

I walk to the bed, trying to calm my thundering heart as I look at the goddess on the bed.

She’s going to be ok…

Another moan leaves her lips and Delsanra moves back, allowing me to step closer.

“Skyla… Can you hear me?” I ask quietly.

Her heart rate quickens and reaching over, I tenderly brush her hair back.

Wake up, Love.

It’s taking my all not to break down right here and just pull her into my lap and tell her, fuck the world and let's do whatever we want. The fact her parents are here no longer feels important, but life isn’t a fairy tale…

“She’s a fighter.” I say quietly, forcing myself to move my hand back. “We should head back; I’d appreciate it if my involvement does not get to my father.”

“Oh, and why would that be?” Alejandro asks.

“I prefer my business to remain my own.” I say simply, turning to the women, about to bid them farewell when Kiara speaks.

“Won’t you stay for a while longer? She seems to… have an attachment to you. Perhaps she’ll want you to be here when she wakes up, if that’s ok of course.” She smiles at me.

I see Alejandro frown, and I’m certain she mind-linked him.

This is the woman they say tamed the Lycan King, and it’s clear she has him wrapped around her finger.

“I need to go deal with what’s happened and see if the girls who were killed have been identified. One is a werewolf; their Alpha would have felt the pack link break.” Alejandro says, running his hand through his hair before he wraps his hand around Kiara’s waist and kisses her. “I’ll be back once I’m done.”

“I will come with you. If the other is a witch, then I’ll talk to the coven.” Delsanra says, stepping closer to the bed and kissing Skyla’s forehead before looking across at Kiara. “She’s going to be ok.”

Kiara smiles slightly and nods.

“Thank you once again.” I say to Delsanra.

She tilts her head, “No need to thank me, you saved our Sky.” She says. “It was lovely to meet you, Charlotte.”

“You too.” Charlotte gives her a small wave, and only then does Delsanra head to the door, where Alejandro has it held open with his foot, as he takes out a cigarette and lights it.

“Sit down.” Kiara offers, gesturing to the chair.

“No need, I’m ok thank you.”

“Okay…” Charlotte hums. “So mind if I go see if I can get a drink?”

I can see the way she’s scanning the room, I know she just wants to explore, but this is a foreign pack. If something happened to her…


“I think I need a drink too. How about the two of us go together?” Kiara offers her.

“Sure.” Charlotte agrees. “Is that alright Royce?”

“Fine.” I reply, tugging her cheek.

“Would you like a drink, Royce?” Kiara asks me.

I glance at Skyla, thinking just earlier we were playing with cream, and she had made me a hot drink.

I don’t want my next drink without her.

“No thanks.” I say quietly.

“We’ll be back. Please keep an eye on her, just in case she wakes up.” Kiara says.

I nod, glancing at her. She’s willingly leaving her daughter alone with me… Is she assuming there’s more between us, or is she generally just trusting?

They walk to the door as Kiara begins talking to Charlotte.

“How old are you now, Charlotte?”

“Oh, I’m sixteen…” The door shuts behind them, and I’m left alone with Skyla. I exhale as I sit down on the edge of the bed, taking her hand in mine, my eyes running over her tattooed arm.

I look at her face, but fuck, it’s hard to keep myself under control.

I kiss the back of her hand softly, feeling her smooth skin beneath my lips as I inhale her scent.


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