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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 6


Midnight Academy. Home to the annoying hormone-ridden spawns of the supernatural. One of the four schools founded by my own father, a place meant to make us fit in, to feel at home, to be ourselves. Only that depends on what is considered the norm for the supernatural. I’m one-of-a-kind, or two if you add my father. No one knows exactly what I am, but they fear me. I can see it in their eyes, smell it reeking off them.

I now glance around the halls wondering if Kataleya, my twin, has arrived. Dad had offered to collect me and drive me here, but after that argument last night, I ignored his messages just letting Kat know I’ll make my own way.

I walk down the hall to my locker, not missing the way those nearby edge away. They’re still scared after last year… but because they know I’m the king’s daughter, they won’t dare try to insult me when there’s no one around to protect them. Their eyes say it all. Pathetic cunts.

I poke my eyes out at the nearest little putrid spawn and despite being of Alpha blood; he flinches and I smirk.

This can be a little fun.

Smirking smugly, I pop a green apple-flavoured gum into my mouth, not bothering with any more of them as I glance at the gap in Kataleya’s locker. Letters are sticking out and it’s obviously full to the max.

My twin is the opposite of me, where people avoid me like I’m the plague or the devil himself, people love Kataleya, she’s the polar opposite of me, with long Rapunzel hair, and curves that rival the sexiest anime character. With her coy, demure behaviour, she is the girl every guy in this place craves. But they forget two things: one, she’s a good girl, and second, she has the devil for a sister.

You don’t mess with my sister… I remember last year, the trigger that had pushed me over the edge and I shake my head, blocking the thought away, not letting the unease get to me.

I take my phone out and open his chat. Not one… it’s been five days and not one message… well, I’m not messaging either. I place my extra books in my locker, skimming over my schedule.

“Mm, I can work with that.” I say to myself, it’s double training. Although I never struggled with studies and ace it all, I prefer physical training sessions, as in weapons, martial arts, or sports.

After what happened, I didn’t think I’d be able to continue… to the point that there were talks of me dropping out of the school, but that’s until Dad pulled some strings to make sure I’m staying. I know the rumours, even though he denies having a hand in it… They say the new trainer is a powerful Alpha.

Yeah, I’m strong and I’m certain there’s only a handful of alphas who can handle me.

I snap my locker shut as a familiar scent fills my nose.


I turn, my eyes widening when I find myself staring at Prince Charming from the cottage. Dressed in white pants and a pale blue shirt that is tucked into his pants, he looks effortlessly good, and I instantly remember his look-alike from the club.


“Skyla Rossi, we meet again.” He says with a small smirk.

It takes me a moment to remember his name.

“Aleric.” What is he doing here? He’s definitely not a teen.

“Ah, yes, sorry I did not realise we would meet again here. I should have clicked when you told me your name was Skyla. Forgive me. Allow me to officially introduce myself, Aleric Arden. I’m the new science professor.”

“Nice,” I say, not knowing what else to say when all I can think of is that I’m certain I made out with someone who looks so similar to him that they must be related.

“How about we have lunch together? I wouldn’t mind getting a little tour around here by one of the students herself after?”

“Sure.” I find myself saying.

“Then I’ll see you at twelve.” He gives me one of those sexy smirks, that I have to admit doesn’t go unnoticed.

He walks off, radiating power and I wonder why such a powerful Alpha is taking up the job of teaching here, I mean – My heart thunders as I realise a small, vital detail.

Aleric Arden.


The name of the Alpha family of the Shadow Wolves Pack, the Alpha, is a man that Dad doesn’t like. My stomach twists as I continue to stare at his receding back. Alpha Kenneth Arden has twin sons…


That means I made out with the other Arden twin.

Oh, I’ve fucked up… bad.

Someone brushes past me, jolting me to reality.

“He’s so hot…”

“Ah, I’m so jealous, he talked to her…”

“Well, she is the King’s daughter…”


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