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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 73


I don’t know exactly what happened between the siblings, but when Skyla’s face lost all colour, and I saw the guilt and regret in her eyes, I had had enough. Standing up, I had excused us and led her out of the room.

She refused to speak and instead had led the way upstairs to her bedroom where Kiara had told us, she had placed some fresh items of clothes for me.

The moment the door shut behind us, I locked it and then turned to Skyla, who walked over to her walk-in closet and began rummaging for something. Her movements are rushed, and she’s knocking things as she does.

“I’ll shower first if that’s ok.” She says, as I hear something fall and break. I walk to the closet, sensing her aura rising fast.

Her claws have come out and I can see the white hair beginning to sprout from her arms, and the hair on her head is beginning to turn white.


She ignores me as she bends down, cursing as she picks up the ceramic box she has broken.

“Fuck.” She mutters as it cuts into her finger. Instantly I’m by her side, removing her hands from the box.

“Skyla.” I repeat gently, but she stands up and turns away.

She’s avoiding me.

I pick up the broken pieces, placing them aside, not wanting her to hurt herself.

She turns, holding a towel and some blue lingerie, which I notice a little too much. She grabs something denim, something that looks like a jacket before she bundles it up and I cock a brow. She’s not paying attention to what she’s doing.

“Love.” I say, grabbing hold of her elbow as she tries to walk past me and I spin her around to face me. “What happened?”

I look down at her. Her eyes are blazing plum, her heart thudding as she looks at me with such pain, I can almost feel it. Almost as if her pain is mine.

“I just… need a moment. Please.” She whispers, almost pleadingly.

“Alright…” I say, but before I give her what she wants, I have to tell her it’s going to be alright. “Whatever he said, Love… don’t let it get to you.”

She looks away and I know she doesn’t believe me. I let go of her elbow, cupping her face and tilt it up.

Our eyes meet and I hide my surprise when I notice the glistening of tears in them.

A sliver of irritation rushes through me.

“What did he say?” I ask, trying to keep my voice even and calm.

She shakes her head. “It doesn’t matter. I’m going to go shower.”

She tries to pull away, but I pull her close, snaking one arm around her waist, the other tangling in her hair, and I kiss her passionately.

Tingles of pleasure course through me and I’m satisfied when she slowly begins to kiss me back, a soft moan leaving her lips.

It isn’t like her not to tell me what’s wrong. Whatever he said to her has shaken her.

The sweet taste of her mouth makes me kiss her harder.

My Green-Eyed Goddess has a vulnerable side that she hides from the world, but surely her family knows that.

I have half a mind to call him out on it, and I probably will before I leave tomorrow…

I kiss her deeply, hoping that she can feel that she isn’t alone. That I’m here, I’ll always be right here…

We kiss passionately, and after a few moments, she gasps for air, and I slowly pull away.

Looking down, I can see her claws have retracted and her eyes are back to their gorgeous green, but she’s still not herself.

She gives me a small smile before she pulls away and heads to the bathroom.

The door shuts behind her, and I sigh. The fact she isn’t sharing makes me wonder if it is to do with me.

I hear the shower turn on. I can still hear her thumping heart, something that shouldn’t be possible through the door.

Ever since I shook hands with her brother, it almost felt like a wall was brought down, almost like a car battery rejuvenating.

It’s strange, because my powers have never been weak or dull, but now they have increased tenfold.

His words still replay in my mind and that warning…

What makes me uneasy is the way his eyes had shifted to Skyla before he had said those words.

‘Even when the darkness tries to destroy you, remember that you stand for the light.’

Why do I get the feeling he was insinuating Skyla?


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