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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 82


“Calm down, Mama.” Dante says as I pace the lounge, nibbling at my nails, something I never do, but I’m not going to deny that I’m terrified of his reaction.

Last night Alejandro had instantly called Darien to find out whose pack link broke, but no one had raised an alarm but it had also worried him and so he is returning to make sure those pack members not in the country and those who are elsewhere are all safe.

I know I’m going to have to tell him straight away, but the very thought is making me anxious.

“I can’t. You know your father.” I murmur, closing my eyes when I feel his voice through the mind link.

He’s in range.

‘Hey… Any idea what happened, Amore Mio?’ He asks.


‘Come home, I’ll fill you in.’ I say, dropping onto the sofa and running my hands through my hair.

“Mom. You’re shaking.” Dante says, concern clear in his voice as he kneels in front of me taking my hands in his and I realise I am.

“He’s…” I close my eyes. “He is going to lose it.”

I’ve never felt more scared to see Alejandro’s reaction than I am now. He had already been unable to tolerate the fact Skyla was dating someone and was serious about it, despite Royce being a good person. I hoped he would have come to terms sooner or later, but marked… this is an entirely different ball game.

Oh goddess, how am I going to explain this?

“I’m right here. I can handle him and so can you. None of us can change the past. What is done, is done. He’s going to have to accept it or be prepared to lose his daughter. The choice is in his hands.”

He glances towards the window, and my heart skips a beat when I hear the front door open.

He’s here…

The lounge door opens and both Dante and I stand up as I look at my mate.

He looks as handsome as ever, his salt and pepper hair falling across his forehead clearly showing lack of sleep and the fact he’s run his fingers through it numerous times. His shirt is slightly rumpled, his sleeves pushed up, and a few buttons open showing off the chains around his neck.

“What the fuck happened?” He asks, as he comes over to me, pulling me into his arms and kissing me hard.

I kiss him back, trying to calm myself and pour the same calmness through the link, but my heart is still beating violently, the fear of him losing it is not something I can just push away and I’m failing to calm us both down.

He moves back, his hands still on my waist as he tilts his head, his eyes narrow as he observes me sharply. “What am I missing? Something tells me I will not like what I’m about to fucking hear, am I fucking correct?

“Sit down.” I say, pushing him onto the sofa and sitting beside him, placing my hands on his shoulder and thigh.

Dante steps back, crossing his arms.

‘Good luck, you got this.’ He says to me through the link

Do I? There’s no way to soften the blow and so I take a deep breath. “Baby, the pack link that was severed was Sky’s.” I say, and with my hand on his thigh, I give it a gentle squeeze.

“Fuck, where is she! What happened?!” His eyes widen with worry and he’s about to get up when I shake my head, my hair flicking in front of my face.

Despite his worry, he brushes it back as he waits for me to answer.

“She’s fine, she’s simply… marked by her chosen.” I say quietly.

His racing heart and the panic in his eyes seem to suddenly ebb away as he stares at me intently. The slowed thud of his heart echoes in my ears as the reality of what I said sinks in.

I’m almost about to relax a little when his eyes suddenly simmer, burning red. His aura swirls around him and he stands up.

“That fucking Arden…” He growls, his voice an animalistic snarl as his claws come out.

“Alejandro, she chose-”

“He took away her choice! For fuck’s sake, he knows she’s only fucking eighteen. I don’t care what the fuck she wanted! She’s fucking eighteen, he isn’t even her fucking fated, so I know this is a fucking mistake!” He roars, his voice ringing in the room, as I close my eyes.

“Alejandro, it’s done. She’s made the choice.”

“There’s no fucking choice if the bastard is dead, my daughter will not be marked by an Arden!” He hisses.

My heart skips a beat. That was not something I expected him to bring into this.

“Baby, Royce is not his father. That is unfair.” I say quietly yet firmly, my own eyes flashing violet.

“Well, he won’t be fucking anything when I’m done with him.” He snarls, trying to push past me but I’m blocking him. I know he won’t push me but he suddenly picks me up and dumps me on the sofa, making me bounce and he’s at the door in a flash.

“Alejandro!” I exclaim, getting to my feet.

Dante sighs, and he moves, instantly blocking his father’s path.

“I’m going to kill him!” Alejandro snarls.

“Then you’re clearly forgetting that he can beat you in a fight. Calm down Dad.” He says, crossing his arms.

“Dante, move the fuck out of my way, NOW!” Alejandro snarls as I hurry over to them. “Move or I will mess up that pretty face of yours.” He threatens our son.

Dante cocks a brow, “Really?”

“Not now Dante.” I whisper. I know he’s trying to channel his father’s anger and have it directed at himself, but I don’t want him hurt. Sure, he’s strong, but Alejandro is powerful too and can still cause some damage.

“I’m going to kill him. All that fucking façade about being responsible was fucking lies! I knew I should never have trusted a fucking Arden!” Alejandro growls, but his voice is more animal than human, and the hatred in his eyes and his raging aura is spreading through him, the bond and the room itself.

“Alejandro, if you say anything to him, you will lose your daughter. You know Sky!” I exclaim, gripping his arm, as I force him to turn towards him. “You know her!”

“Her fated is out there! This could become a fucking shitshow, Kiara!” He snarls as he looks me in the eye.

“I know, my love. I know… but she’s made her decision, plus Royce is not someone I think will play her. He’s strong, loyal and honest.”

“I’m sure Dad knows the strong part after getting his ass beat by him.” Dante hums, making Alejandro send a deadly glare his way.


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