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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 97


Saying goodbye to Royce was scary and so fucking emotional whilst trying to pretend it wasn’t, because I didn’t know when I’ll see him again.

Sure, Leo wired us up, him with a new number, and made sure no one can get into my phone. At least I could talk to him, but still knowing that I won’t get to be by his side tonight… or until who knows when.

Everyone agreed that it would be too risky, and he needs to stay away from anywhere near the Shadow Wolves Pack or the academy.


I never knew I was so fucking needy until him… but it was always like this… even when we were talking as Reign and Luciferess, we couldn’t spend a day without talking.

He kept his walls up, but his hug lasted a little longer. The way he cupped my face and caressed my cheek was for a moment longer… as if he too knew we won’t see each other soon.

I don’t want that.

We’re now at Midnight Academy, in the headmaster’s office and Rivers has just given Dad his unwanted opinion on how I should be in school, or he was, until three other Alphas and two witches, had shown up.

There is Flint from the council and two other Alphas I don’t recognise. From the witches there is Magdalene and that weird quiet Sephora, she’s the youngest and I don’t really like her. I know Raihana gets so fucking mad at her.

Now that the formalities are done, Rivers clears his throat. “As I was saying about attendance-”

“Really? We have more pressing matters to tend to and you think her attendance is important!” Magdalene snaps.

Rivers really is fucking annoying. Funny he wants me in school now because didn’t he fucking want me out the fucking way and suspended?

“Nine days for a hearing. That’s fucking long, ain’t it?” Dad asks Magdalene. “And just to give one fucking date, you called us all the way down here?”

“Well, there is more to it than just the date King Alejandro. Three more dead. Do you not think it a coincidence that the two of them were last seen talking to Skyla Rossi?” She says sharply.


“What the fuck do you mean? And why the fuck was I not notified?” Dad asks coldly.

But my heart skips a beat, unable to focus properly.

I know they mean Royce, but who else was last seen talking to me?

“Yes, that’s what we wanted to discuss, King Alejandro. We didn’t withhold it from you, it only came to our knowledge recently, and we thought it best to tell you in person.” Flint says seriously.

“I know about Kenneth’s son-”

“And do you know about Zayn Freeman, the same boy your daughter almost killed last year?” One of the Alphas says.

“Zayn? Zayn’s dead?” I ask, shocked, but no one answers.

“Keith, you will know fucking better than to accuse her!” Dad snarls as he stands up, his aura rolling through the room.

Silence falls as every werewolf in the room lowers their head to the Alpha of Alphas. Yeah, fuckers.

Magdalena tuts as Sephora stands up. “The truth may hurt, but people are dying!” She exclaims defiantly, although I can tell his aura is affecting her too, but she too, is powerful.

“King Alejandro, there is footage that Skyla was the last one to see him alive.” Rivers says quietly.

“Yet your cameras didn’t catch the attack, now did they?” Dad growls.

I try to think back to when I had ever seen him. That was ages ago…

“I haven’t seen him in ages.” I interrupt again, this time speaking loud and clear.

“Rightfully so, his body was found at the bottom of the trench down at the end of the academy grounds, pretty much decomposed… and he had died from the same poisoning as the girls,” Keith says.

“Let’s not jump to conclusions. The king can see the body himself.” Flint adds, clearly conflicted and I know he is loyal to Dad, but he is also level-headed.

“I will, but to blame Skyla without proof-”

“He had a piece of torn clothes in his hand, and they contained Skyla Rossi’s DNA.”

Silence falls and my stomach twists. I feel nauseous as I try to make sense of it all.

That isn’t fucking possible.

“If finding out the truth is so fucking urgent, then why the fuck are you holding that trial in nine days! Let’s probe her mind and get the answers now!” Dad growls as the door opens and Kenneth the Cunt enters.

I have to admit he looks… not like himself. He looks tired, but I guess losing a son does that. Did he regret everything he had forced on Royce? I mean, is it even real?

“Protocol! You do not understand how things work!” Magdalena shouts. “I trust you King Alejandro but-”

“But not enough to believe that I know my daughter and I know she did not fucking kill anyone!”

“I have always sided with you! Don’t you think I have a reason for doing and saying as I am!” She snaps back, her aura swirling around her.

“And what may that be?!” Dad roars. “Probe her mind now!”

“I won’t! don’t you see, I’m trying…”

“Allow me.” Sephora says, placing a hand on the older woman’s shoulder.

Magdalene frowns as she looks away, and Sephora looks at Dad.

“We have seen glimpses of the havoc of darkness in the future, King Alejandro and I see her in the midst of it all. She is tied to servants of Apophis, heed our warning.”

My head shoots up and my heart thuds.


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