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The Lycan's Soul Mate novel Chapter 3

Luna got off the bus and stood outside the college taking in the scenery. She thought to herself “Boy is this really a school?” the school was newly built and sat on 15 acres of beautiful gently sloping land bordering with the nearby woods. There were several fountains, 3 ponds and a river right out back passing through the property. As she walked over to the directory, she realized that the main campus building comprised of 6 floors and the dorms were out back. The other buildings like the cafeteria, library and A huge garage were spread out at different locations on the campus.

Luna took one last deep breath and walked on to enter the school. She had to head over to the Dean’s office to get her schedule as she had some last-minute changes made. Luna as she walked up to the dean’s office, she caught wind of the most captivating fragrance that had her looking around to try to get to the source of it. The fragrance filled her senses as it calmed her and made her feel like she needed to be near that scent.

She started to follow the scent but instead bumped head on into a pole trying to avoid a collision with a young man skating his way through the hall. It was partly her fault as she like an idiot had her eyes closed trying to follow the scent. “The fuck is wrong with you!”, she shouted at him as she frantically started to pick up her phone on the ground. “And look, it’s broken. Who goes round skating their way through a hall anyway? The hell do u have legs for anyway.”

“I’m so sorry” the blonde-haired hippy apologized. “I’m just so late for my business class, please don’t report me I promise I will have your phone repaired. Where were you headed anyway?There’s nothing over there. Dean’s office is the other way Just the men’s washrooms in the end of the hall. Unless you’re a dude and that’s where you were headed.” He smiled slyly.

“Oh,” she responded flushed. “I didn’t realize I’m actually headed to the dean’s office. Must have walked right passed it. You know what never mind about the phone, it’s just a chip off the edge, no worries.” He apologized once more an took off on foot this time with his skates in hand. Luna put the captivating scent to the back of her mind and made her way to the Dean’s office wondering what had come over her. Why she had gotten so riled up about a scent. It really was the most beautiful scent she’d ever come across but it was masculine. It’s not like she could as whomever owned it the name of his perfume as she couldn’t wear men’s perfume. “Luna please for the love of god, Get a hold of yourself. This is college, this is an opportunity to make a difference, good impressions. Get your head in the game. Daaamn.” Luna walked into the Dean’s office to get her time table and made her way to Anatomy class. As she was a nursing student she majored in the sciences. Luna always had a deep love and appreciation for nature and the simple complexity of the human body, how everything worked together to make our bodies work allowing us to stay alive. After the untimely loss of her father years ago she made it her duty to learn all that she could about the body and to play a part in helping people. She found that nursing was the best way to do that. Looking back; she remembered the time when she fell of her bike at age 7 and fractured her left arm, she recalled how loving and caring the nurses on the pediatric ward were and this experience also played an integral role in her decision to sturdy nursing today. The only thing she had a problem with was the fact that this college had made it compulsory that every student partake in their gym program and that those grades be added to their GPA.

Luca and Soccorah walked up to the school with Soccorah on his arm portraying the image of a power couple. He smiled slyly as he listened to the whispers of the girls. He felt sorry for them as he knew that he looked good and was practically irresistible to them. Hell, the she wolves of his pack all wanted him let alone human girls. Everything about him was so enticing that sometimes he thought it to be a curse rather than a gift.

Soccorah threw him a look as if to say show off and clung to his arm and asked that he accompany her to the Dean’s office to see about some stuff. He agreed as he gave her a kiss on the cheek while letting her know that he had to pick up his schedule from the office as well. As they entered the office, he was greeted by a middle-aged lady who seemed to be the administrative assistant. He stated his business, smiled at her, collected his schedule and went to use the Gent’s restroom toward the end of the hall leaving Soccorah to tend to her business.

Soccorah left the office and made her way to her first class of the day……Anatomy. Being a nursing Student anatomy was a necessity. Soccorah loved the notion that someday sooner rather than later that she would become a nurse, someone who could help heal mankind’s ails and actually make a difference in the world. Being a Fay, she had a knack for herbs and wanted to specialize in natural and Traditional medicines. She had a connection with the herbs. Being part Fay and part wolf, she found herself caught between two worlds. She couldn’t shift to bring her wolf out and had not inherited her father’s magic either what she had inherited was the wolf’s gifts and the ability to communicate with her inner wolf. As a consequence of her deficits, it made it much easier to live with the humans. She didn’t have to worry about the full moon nor did she have to worry about controlling any Fay magic because she had none. “Well, Soccorah, Let’s see what this school year has in stock for you. It’s time to make your mark. Here goes nothing” she muttered to herself.


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