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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 4330

Merlin sensed that the young man must’ve been harboring some secrets. He could be crazy or strong, but even so, he still needed enough confidence. Merlin wondered why and how that young man gained the confidence to confront Xavion.

To Merlin, this young man might be the breakthrough he needed for this case.

Now, Merlin had a new worry. He didn’t know how to get in touch with that young man. If he approached the man without any justifiable reasons, the man would doubt his motives.

When smart people sensed something was wrong, they would immediately take countermeasures and keep their guard up. If that happened, Merlin wouldn't be able to find any breakthrough to help him with the case.

While he was troubled over this matter, Christian suddenly called. Merlin didn’t hesitate to answer.

On the other side, Christian cut to the chase and asked, "hammy, do you have any new findings?"

Christian didn’t sleep much last night as well. He simply couldn't understand how and where Quinn got the news of Keith’s critical condition.

Yesterday, he told Merlin that he refused to investigate Quinn. Thus, he was embarrassed to ask Merlin about the matter in such a direct manner. He could only vaguely ask if he had any new discoveries.


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