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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 4403

As he thought of that, Charlie asked Jarvis, "Mr. Yant, did you pay attention to the Acker family's reaction? Can you tell me who she is?"

Jarvis thought about it and said quickly," There was a man, I think it was her husband. The younger man called the other man Kaeden. I heard her call the woman’s name. I think it was Adrienne."

When Charlie heard this, he immediately understood that this dead woman was his third aunt. After all, the only ones who were younger than Kaeden were his third uncle Jaxson and youngest aunt Lulu.

The dead woman's identity was initially Charlie’s biggest fear. He feared that the dead woman might be his youngest aunt Lulu. It would mean that the Acker family had been infiltrated from within, and that was an unacceptable situation. Therefore, he was slightly relieved to hear that the dead woman was his third aunt.

However, that relief wasn't much. After all, third aunt Adrienne had been married to his third uncle Taxon for at least a decade. Why would his wife turn out to be a soldier on the enemy's side?

Charlie pondered about the mysterious organization's strength. Did they brainwash Adrienne while she was settling in the family? Their brainwashing abilities must be at the top of the pinnacle if they could convert a daughter-in-law of a top family into a soldier.

Another possibility was that Adrienne was already a member of the mysterious organization before marrying Jaxson. She was trained and went into the Acker family undercover. But if that was truly the case, then the mysterious organization's strength was all the more terrifying!

The mysterious organization trained a soldier who willingly married into the Acker family. She stayed married to Jaxson for more than a decade, and even had a child with him. If this was all part of the mysterious organization’s plan, they must be very twisted with their strategies.

Plus, the organization had brainwashed her to such an extent that Adrienne didn’t hesitate to sacrifice her husband, daughter, and her own life to further the organization's agenda. Thinking of the organization's fearsome controlling prowess, a cold chill ran down Charlie's spine.


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