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The Man's Decree novel Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Refining Spiritual Energy

“Jared, she’s such a nice lady. I could sense that she came from a well-off family. Despite that, she never once acted arrogantly. You have to work harder so that you can have a relationship with her!” Hannah advised after Josephine had left.

“Mom, stop it! We’re just friends!” Jared answered helplessly.

“Indeed, Jared. I think she’s nice, too! Listen to your mom. Work harder to please Josephine. You know I’m always right when it comes to these things!” Gary added.

It was incredibly rare for Gary to talk casually with Jared. So, it meant that he was very sure of how he felt toward Josephine.

“All right, you two. Stay out of it!” Jared went into his bedroom after that.

After he had gotten into his bedroom, Jared didn’t go to bed. Instead, he sat down on the floor with his legs crossed. He then calmed himself down and shut his eyes before initiating the Focus Technique. Suddenly, waves and waves of spiritual energy rushed toward him.

Throughout the past three years, Jared had never skipped a day of his training. Although it was an instruction from Draco, Jared insisted that he would continue refining his spiritual energy even after getting out of jail.

Not long after that, all the spiritual energy on the mountain top had gathered around Jared and formed a whirlpool. Gradually, Jared breathed in the spiritual energy.

Due to Jared still being in the early stages of the process, the amount of spiritual energy that he could absorb was still considered to be little. However, slowly but surely, he could improve himself over time.


By the time Jared opened his eyes, it was already sunrise. After letting out a long breath, Jared realized that he had never felt better in his life. It was because the spiritual energy at the mountaintop was way purer than in prison. Instead of tiredness, he felt rather energetic after the cultivation.


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