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The Medallion novel Chapter 1057

Naturally, like the Holy Dragon Empire and the Timber Deity Empire, the Magic Phoenix Empire was also supported by a high-level spiritual race—the Phoenix Master Clan. It was said that the Phoenix Master Clan and the Dragon Master Clan came from the same clan. But because of their disagreements, they were divided into two different clans. After being divided, the Phoenix Master Clan became an all-female clan, with no male spiritual beings involved in their group. As a matter of fact, the female spiritual beings of the Phoenix Master Clan were considered to be more thriving than the ordinary spiritual beings because they had the ability to give birth to their offspring in some unique way without the need for sex.

Female power dominated the Magic Phoenix Empire, and this would not be possible without the support of the Phoenix Master Clan. Since their independence, the ruler of the Magic Phoenix Empire had always been a female, and those who supported the ruler were female ministers in all ages.

Moreover, people in every corner of the Magic Phoenix Empire saw women as noble, while men as slaves. In fact, the Magic Phoenix Empire was a matriarchal empire where women were seen as authorities, while men were seen as worse than pathetic dogs.

After entering the border of the Magic Phoenix Empire, Rocky and his two associates all put on their disguise to make them unnoticeable. In this way, they could easily avoid any trouble that could get in their way. And of course, this made Rocky suffer a lot.

Meanwhile, there was a vast city located in the northeast of the Magic Phoenix Empire, which was called the Blood Phoenix City.

At that moment, two women and a man walked distinctly on one of the bustling streets on the Blood Phoenix City, attracting a lot of attention from passers-by.

Needless to say, they were Rocky, and the two women—Sabina and Lucilla.

Both of these two women were dressed in exotic clothes at that time. Despite their faces being covered with veils, they were not able to hide their innate characters. Therefore, all eyes were focused on them wherever they went.

On the other hand, Rocky wore an ordinary dress, along with a shackle clamped on his left hand. At that moment, Sabina dragged him so that he would look like the ordinary men on the street, fawning on his two masters.

"I never thought that the Magic Phoenix Empire will be this freaky. And why should a man be treated like a dog here? Has the world turned upside-down?" Rocky couldn't help but protest the aching status of men in this country. At that moment, there was nothing he could do but look sympathetically at those men around him who had suffered the same as him.

"Because men are trash!" Sabina said in a sarcastic tone.

"You don't have a choice, Rocky. You have to put up with it. Don't worry. We don't have to pretend anymore after we leave this place." Lucilla gave Rocky a soft gaze as she felt sorry for what he had to go through.

"Oh, Lucilla, don't pity him. You don't know how hateful and arrogant this guy used to be. It's not easy for us to have a chance to make him suffer. Make the most of it and don't waste it," Sabina said as if she held a grudge against him since long before. In fact, she even intentionally pulled the shackle around Rocky's hand, making him stagger a few steps forward.

"Oh, when are we going to meet your uncle?" Rocky rolled his eyes at Sabina and inquired.

"It's tonight," Sabina responded simply.

"That's good news. I mean, it's a good thing we don't have to stay overnight in this place. The Magic Phoenix Empire is really not a place where men can stay peacefully. Look at this place. This is the paradise for women, and one wretched hell for men..." Rocky shifted his gaze at the women coming and going around him with disdainful eyes. At that moment, he felt that these women saw him no more than a useless dog. He was so traumatized that he wasn't able to speak a single word after that.

On the other hand, the two women couldn't help but giggle at Rocky's complaints.

To him, things would be more bearable if the two women didn't laugh. As soon as they let out a laugh, all eyes were on them. This happened only because the two women were so charming.

Suddenly, a bunch of female guards led by a seemingly strong woman encircled them. In fact, she was more muscular than any ordinary man if people didn't look at her chest and face.

"Hello there, gorgeous ladies. Are you interested in attending the imperial concubine selection?" The sturdy woman locked her eyes at Sabina and Lucilla with a drooling look. It seemed that the veil didn't do its job much because their faces could still be seen, or it was just that they were too pretty to be unnoticed.

"Sorry, but we are not interested," Sabina replied indifferently.


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