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The Medallion novel Chapter 1064

Erica could not help but frown upon hearing his words. Obviously, she could sense that Elder Duke was not telling the truth.

Meanwhile, Duke scanned the crowd and noticed Sabina and Allen in the crowd. He stepped forward and asked in a rather surprised tone, "Is that Miss Sabina? Is she with Mr. Allen? Why, isn't this a surprise! If I may ask, what are you two doing here exactly?"

"It's none of your business. Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong," Sabina snorted in annoyance.

"It is really licking today! Or perhaps, it is you who stole it?" the elder couldn't help but ask. At that moment, he couldn't control the words that came out of his mouth. The words slipped his tongue as his intuition had taken over. After all, he didn't buy the reasoning that Sabina's presence was mere coincidence.

"I don't care who took it, as long as you hand it over to me. Plus, I don't want to make things difficult for you. It's my job to stop you from taking it out of this cave, so you'd better appreciate this chance and do as I say," Erica announced severely as she talked to the crowd coldly.

"Well, it has to be them. What brings so many of them here today? Well, it doesn't matter anyway. We only got three people here, and it is clear who has the bigger chance," Sabina explained loudly, folding her arms across her chest and nodded at Duke and his followers.

"Don't sling mud at us, Miss Sabina. He who has a great nose thinks everybody is speaking of it. You took away the things and framed us!" Duke was almost red in fury upon hearing Sabina's accusation.

On the other hand, Erica was not able to tell who took it right when Sabina and the elder were blaming each other. After paying close attention and examining Sabina and her two other companions, Erica concluded that the man among them wasn't the one she was looking for. At that moment, she tried her best to recall the three portraits she saw. Without a doubt, she was certain that it was Sabina and another woman that she didn't know. But where was the third one?

After thinking for a while, Erica came to a decision. Soon after, she averted her gaze from Sabina and the elder, and said, "Since none of you is willing to give it back, then I just have to take you all back to the city, and ask the imperial preceptor to do his job."

"We refuse. Do not accuse us of something we did not do! Plus, it's impossible for me to go back with you. I'm an elder of the royal family. How can I be a prisoner of your level?" Duke objected as he waved his sleeve angrily. At that time, they were carrying out a secret mission, and if they went back with Erica, it would inevitably cause disputes between the two countries. Moreover, the emperor would surely be unhappy about it.

"I'm afraid that the decision is not up to you now. Come with me. Otherwise, we will fight right here, right now. I'll show you, cultivators from the Holy Dragon Empire, how powerful the spirit manipulators of the Magic Phoenix Empire are!" Erica said in a murderous voice, her eyes narrowing, shooting out a piercing glance.

Despite being young, Erica was known to be mature and steady. Even if the opponent was an elder of the royal family of the Holy Dragon Empire, she was hesitant to show any respect towards him.

Seeing how confident and serious Erica was, Duke's face also changed. However, he still had to consider the three masters of the Divine Stage, who stood behind Erica. At a glance, he knew that in case they started a fight here, they would surely arrive at a stalemate. And besides, they didn't take it, so they were not afraid at all to go back with them. At the same time, the elder believed that it was Sabina and her companions who took it. If they were taken back together, then the perpetrator would surely show up. By then, everything would be clear, and he wouldn't have to explain anymore. Naturally, if they really had the object with them, then they would not sit still and wait for death. The sanest decision would be to take the thing away first so that nobody would find it.

Finally, under Erica's team's surveillance, Duke's team of spirit manipulators together with Sabina and her companions all left the Nine-phoenix Demonic Land at the same time. Morning came, and all of them finally arrived in the Blood Phoenix City.

Meanwhile, Erica took the two groups to governor's mansion and arranged two separate courts for them to rest their weary bodies. Without a doubt, it was a treatment made with courtesy. Of course, these two courts were also surrounded by heavy troops. In fact, they were so heavily guarded that even flies could not get in their zone.

Without wasting time, Erica immediately sent the news to the capital city and asked the imperial preceptor to come over and take care of it in person.


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