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The Medallion novel Chapter 1075

People from the Holy Dragon Empire did not have the faintest idea if Bryant would agree to the marriage proposal from the acting emperor. In effect, the Ximen Clan could refuse, but the acting emperor made the proposal himself and it would not be a good idea for them to say no. Once the Ximen Clan agreed to the acting emperor's offer for their daughter, the clan would be absolutely affiliated with the royal family. Next to the royal family, the Ximen Clan was the second most powerful clan in the entire Holy Dragon Empire. However, this was bound to change the moment they joined hands with the royal family through marriage. Controlled by the royal family, the Ximen Clan would become the strongest force behind Alston. If this happened, people would be compelled to obey Alston at all times, and he would emerge as the most powerful man in the entire Holy Dragon Empire.

On the other hand, if Bryant refused the proposal, the royal family and the Ximen Clan would become enemies. Alston could use this as an excuse to overthrow the Ximen Clan or suppress their power. This would definitely cause a clash between the two powerful clans.

Because of this, the Ximen Clan struggled to make their decision. They knew they could not refuse Alston and keep their peace at the same time.

Pressed to make a decision, Bryant together with several founding members and important elders convened inside the hall used for the official business meeting of the Ximen Clan. The decision was crucial and had to be made soon.

"Chief, we cannot agree with the marriage. Alston will control us if we do. The Holy Dragon Empire's state of affairs has worsened since he became the acting emperor. If Alston takes control of our Ximen Clan, he would have more power to oppress the people and his enemies!" a founding member proposed firmly.

"You can't say that. If we agree to the marriage with the royal family, we can establish our position in the empire and surpass the power of all the other clans. It is also an opportunity to join up with other clans. Once our power is strong enough, then we can take a stand against the royal family and regain full control of our clan in the future," another founding member argued. It filled his voice with confidence and ambition.

The other founding members and elders also had different opinions, and they could not come up with an agreeable decision.

"Okay, be quiet for a while," Bryant ordered as he waved his hand.

Everyone in the hall fell silent and fixed their eyes on their chief.

"The acting emperor wants to make Shirley his wife. Obviously, he wants to strengthen his position as the emperor of the empire and ascend to the throne. Unfortunately, since the disappearance of the former emperor, all Alston did as an acting emperor was causing resentment and devastation in the empire. This also caused protests and dissatisfaction from the other members of the royal family. However, it was the founding members of the royal family Emergency Chamber who decided and proclaimed Alston as the acting emperor. So unless they would agree, he would have to remain in that position. Because of this possibility, Alston is doing his best to secure his position in the royal family, and he will do everything in his power to become the next emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire. Thus, the decision of the Ximen Clan is a vital factor whether or not Alston can become the next emperor," Bryant explained to the surrounding people.

"But it's clear that the Emergency Chamber could not remove Alston from his current position, because no one else in the Holy Dragon Empire has the birthright to take over the position of the emperor. Much as the people hated him, no one can dispute his status as the acting emperor. Alston is also very dependent on the Dragon Master Clan. He had gone to them countless times. It is said that his strength had made a quantum leap because of their help. Even without the support of the Ximen Clan, Alston would become the next emperor. If we remain indifferent and refuse the marriage proposed by the acting emperor, we will definitely fall into a passive situation."

"Even the Ji Clan is not afraid of rejecting Alston, let alone our Ximen Clan. Recently, Alston sent an envoy to the Ji Clan to take back the empress but was refused by the Ji Clan. Later, he even issued an imperial edict for the marriage to the Ji Clan and sent many powerful men there, but a mysterious person defeated them."

"The Ji Clan is really fearless. By turning down Alston, they also openly opposed the royal family..."

Bryant and his people continued to discuss their situation.


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