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The Medallion novel Chapter 1095

Simultaneously, the eyes inside the sockets suddenly narrowed, and they were emitting a cold and frightening bluish light. The figure who had just walked out of the dust turned into an ice shadow, and it rushed toward the spirit manipulators at the Heavenly Stage.

Although the spirit manipulators at the Heavenly Stage exerted their best spiritual martial arts skills to the best of their abilities, they could not prevent the ice shadow from moving forward. With the help of the Ghostly Ice Fox-wolf Armor, Rocky completely ignored the attacks of spiritual martial arts that came from all directions. He bulldozed through all of them like a tsunami, an unstoppable force. He had copied the Ghostly Ice Fox-wolf Armor from Robin, and it came with excellent defensive power. In addition to that, Rocky could also protect himself with his spiritual power, so the Heavenly Stage's spiritual martial arts could not touch him at all.

When Alston saw that the spirit manipulators were falling like flies, he could not sit still anymore. It became worse when he noticed that more than half of them were now dead or disabled, all thanks to Rocky!

"You there! Fight him," Alston commanded to the several masters, not taking his eyes off the ongoing battle.

Soon, five masters at the primary and middle grade of the Supernal Stage had appeared in front of Rocky. Almost at the same time, they all summoned their spirit-manipulated beasts, as they joined the group of masters at the Heavenly Stage to block Rocky's way.

When Rocky saw the five masters at the Supernal Stage and their spirit-manipulated beasts coming towards him, he didn't hesitate or even flinch. The only visible response he had was the flames on his left arm, as they increased in volume and numerous fire snakes flew out.

The five masters used their spiritual martial arts to resist this attack.

The next moment, the area around them was shrouded in dazzling flames and spiritual light, as strong explosions rang out one after another.

But not long after, a figure rushed out from the light works and headed for Alston.

"All of you people are worthless! So many of you cannot even stop him? Fight with all you've got, and stop him at all costs!" Alston was in a lot of pressure at that moment. He cursed in distress, and immediately signaled to the rest of the masters at the Supernal Stage to join the battle.

At once, the rest masters at the Supernal Stage did as he bid them. They were above the medium and premium grade, and five of them had fought in the competition for marriage held by the Ji Clan, so their formidable strength was not hard to imagine, especially when they joined hands.

Soon, more than a dozen masters at the Supernal Stage and their spirit-manipulated beasts above the fourth grade of the four-star level had trapped Rocky. Several dragon beasts flew through the air, working with the spirit-manipulated beasts on land to corner Rocky.

At that moment, Ken, who was previously floating in the air, descended from the sky. As soon as its feet touched the ground, its crystal deer horns immediately emitted a dazzling light, illuminating the surroundings.

As soon as this light erupted, all the spirit-manipulated beasts' pupils changed dramatically, and all of them went berserk at the same time. They lost control of their faculties, as they started attacking everything, including each other and themselves.

Everyone was stunned by what they saw, as not one of them had expected Ken to have such a terrifying ability. They had no idea that just a month ago, Ken had activated the guardian power at the third grade. As a result, it also strengthened its ability to control spirit-manipulated beasts through hallucination. Now, it could influence the minds of spirit-manipulated beasts within a specific range in a short period, causing them to go ballistic.

Without those spirit-manipulated beasts as his opponents, he could concentrate on fighting the masters at the Supernal Stage.

As soon as the aura around him increased, he began to attack the masters with all his might.

The fierce battle raged on.


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