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The Medallion novel Chapter 1097

"Ken..." Rocky summoned as his eyes widened. The next moment, the Rainbow Glow Unicorn that appeared from nowhere suddenly turned into colorful light and merged with Rocky.

In an instant, his aura once again soared to the third grade of the Divine Stage.

The six peerless masters at the Divine Stage were surprised to see that Rocky used the Spirit Possession at that time. They knew that it was a considerable risk because once he reached the limit of the Spirit Possession, he would die without a doubt. However, in their opinion, even if Rocky used the Spirit Possession, he had no chance of winning against six peerless masters alone.

Still, Rocky went all out to fight against the six enemies without fear.

At the same time, the six masters also displayed their strongest spiritual martial arts. All kinds of spiritual shadows flashed out of nowhere and inundated Rocky.

"Flaming Arm!"

"Flaming Dragon Wrath!"

"Demonic Snake Flame Explosion!"

On the other side, Rocky used different spiritual martial arts to fight against the six masters simultaneously, together with the devouring power of the Holy Dragon Bead.

Everyone present was stunned by this scene!

Soon, Rocky was starting to feel the exhaustion in his bones, and he was about to reach his spiritual power limit. Of course, the six peerless masters also noticed this, and as one, they madly rushed up, meaning to take advantage and strike Rocky down. To their utmost surprise, the colorful light covered Rocky's body shone even more brightly, while the aura around his body increased to the fifth grade. He also released a wave of violent spiritual power at the same time.

The six masters were dumbfounded. They didn't know where on earth Rocky's power was coming from! Of course, what they didn't know was that every grade of the guardian beast's power that Ken had activated would support Rocky with new power. However, it would also cause a greater burden on his body.

It could be said that at this moment, Rocky was risking his life.

After releasing the second grade of Ken's power, he used a few more spiritual martial arts moves at the Supernal Stage with all his strength, forcing the six masters back.

Then, the two sides used their spiritual martial arts skills at the Divine Stage to compete with each other.

The battle was so intense that the earth within a hundred meters collapsed into a deep pit of about a few meters, getting deeper each second, as the fighters continued bombarding the land with all kinds of spiritual martial arts skills. Dust soared and swirled in the air, worsening the visibility around them.

By the time, the six masters' expressions had shifted from arrogance to exhaustion and hesitation. Their spiritual power was also rapidly decreased under the highly intense confrontation.

After a dozen rounds of fighting, Rocky had exhausted his spiritual power once again.

The six masters finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that there would be no more surprises waiting for them!

They approached Rocky and attacked him at the same time, like predators that had finally weakened their prey.

However, at that moment, an evil smile suddenly appeared at the corners of Rocky's mouth. And between one breath and the next, his body released a brighter light, and a stronger aura also burst out. The third grade of the guardian beast's power was activated again.

The six masters were utterly stunned. Their faces were ashen and pale as they hurried away from him before it was too late.


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