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The Medallion novel Chapter 1100

"I'll leave this wretched old man to you," Alston mumbled to the three cloaked figures.

In no time, the three figures dashed towards Sheridan. At that moment, Sheridan noticed that these figures' auras were out of the ordinary. Looking closer, he could not help but stammer and gasp in shock, "Y-you... you are from the spiritual race?"

Just as the three members of the spiritual race surrounded Sheridan, Alston went and approached Lena once more. Laughing frantically, he said, "From now on, no one will disturb us anymore."

Marcia, on the other hand, tried her best to rush to Lena's side. However, despite her efforts, she still found herself a little too far away from Lena.

The moment Alston was ready to take Lena away, a huge phoenix shadow suddenly descended from the sky. Soon after, a few figures landed on the ground.

Shocked, one of them almost fainted when she saw Rocky lying motionless on the ground. Not knowing what to do, she asked everyone around her, "Is he dead? Oh, my god. Who killed him?"

"I did. Who are you? And what are you doing here?" Alston glared at the figures who appeared without warning.

But after thinking for a while, he suddenly recognized the one who had just spoken. He knew her as Erica, the most powerful master among the new elites of the Magic Phoenix Empire. At that moment, he recalled that he had seen her face before.

"So, you killed him? Do you have any idea how important he is? You killed him! He's dead! Do you have any idea how serious this is? Now, how will I report this to my master?" Erica scolded with a furious look on her face. She didn't expect that she would be too late to stop this from happening.

As soon as Erica landed at the Holy Dragon Empire with her entourage, she wasted no time and began to look for Rocky. But since Rocky was at the Gehenna Border at that time, she wasn't able to find him. But after a while, she finally heard a word that Prince Basil was spotted in the Ximen Mansion.

Rocky's identity spiked Erica's suspicion long before. In fact, Tasha had even told her that Rocky said that he had defeated her in the flesh. With that being said, Erica began suspecting that Rocky might be Prince Basil all along.

Although she had learned that Rocky was in Marcia's mansion, there was no way that Erica could meet Rocky at all. In order to rescue Lena, Marcia had to close her mansion and refuse to receive any guest to make full preparation for the rescue.

At that moment, Erica had no other choice but to wait for Rocky to show up. That was the only way she could see him. Unfortunately for her, she didn't have that chance until he left Marcia's mansion. Erica tailed Rocky all the way. But somehow, she raised her eyebrows when she found him entering the heavily guarded Palace City alone. Trying not to get into any trouble, she had to wait for him outside the gates of the Palace City.

After waiting for a long time, she still had not seen any sign of Rocky and started to suspect that something was wrong. Luckily, she saw a group of spirit manipulators attacking the east side of the Palace City. Taking advantage of such a chaotic event, she stealthily entered the Palace City and looked for him in every corner. But when she saw the chaotic battle in front of the Witch Palace and finally found Rocky, it was already too late.

If Rocky died, the other part of the spiritual treasure would be buried with him forever. No wonder why Erica was so angry! After she spent so much effort looking for him, it seemed that all she did had been in vain.

"So, are you one of his women, too? I don't get it. What's so good about him? You are not the first one here. Why are there so many women willing to die for him? Damn it! Damn it!" Alston shouted in frustration. In the blink of an eye, he held the Thunder Dragon Spear and rushed towards Erica.


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