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The Medallion novel Chapter 1102

Soon after, Alston amassed his spiritual power and summoned a red dragon shadow in an instant. With towering height and humongous size, it certainly exhibited so much power. On top of its head were six sharp horns that resembled a demonic dragon. Moreover, it had four huge wings that never stopped flapping. In fact, it radiated an aura that surpassed that of an ordinary spirit-manipulated beast at the fifth grade of the five-star level.

"What? A spirit-manipulated beast transformed just by using pills? It looks like the Dragon Master Clan has spent a lot of money to bribe Alston." As soon as Rocky laid eyes on Alston's spirit-manipulated beast with an odd aura, he immediately understood what was happening and looked at the figure in the black robe.

Just when everyone was busy ogling at the spirit-manipulated beast, Alston killed the dead air by shouting, "Spirit Possession!"

Meanwhile, the red dragon shadow transformed into a ray of light and dived into Alston's body, changing his shape dramatically. Now, he was wearing a red dragon armor and six horns on top of his head, just like his summoned spirit-manipulated beast. Moreover, his aura rose to the fifth grade of the Divine Stage.

At the same time, the Thunder Dragon Spear emerged in Alston's hand. Soon after, he rushed towards Rocky at lightning speed. Now that Rocky was off guard and no resistance at all, Alston wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Rocky once and for all.

Everyone who witnessed this broke out in a cold sweat, especially Sabina, Lena, and a bunch of other women. Without a doubt, they were all concerned about Rocky's welfare. However, at that moment, they stood firm on their belief that Rocky would surely win against Alston.

Like a tsunami charging with intensity, Alston's spiritual power was approaching Rocky fast. At the same time, Robin and Ken had already landed beside Rocky.

"It's a bit of a waste. But everything is worth it as long as I can kill Alston." After his voice trailed off, Rocky took out the last Holy Spirit Panacea from his pocket. He thought that if he refined the Holy Spirit Panacea at a normal pace, then it would be possible for his strength to at least reach the third grade of the Divine Stage.

But Rocky had no intention of doing so. Instead, he directly placed the Holy Spirit Panacea inside his mouth, and the next moment released the power at the sixth layer of the seal in his body. Soon after, he activated the Holy Spirit Panacea and merged the power of it at the fastest speed with the help of the amazing sealed evil power of the sixth layer. His original power of the fifth layer had been activated quickly, and the final fusion was completed.

Moreover, Rocky's aura had also skyrocketed, instantly breaking through the second grade of the Divine Stage. However, under the crazy release of the sealed power of the sixth layer, his aura kept on rising.

Meanwhile, Alston's Thunder Dragon Spear was about to stab Rocky with great momentum. It might seem like an ordinary stab at first, but the tip of the Thunder Dragon Spear had already condensed fierce spiritual power. As long as it touched Rocky, the spiritual power would burst out completely.

In a flash, the Thunder Dragon Spear was so close to Rocky that its tip already touched him. Despite this, it was a mystery why Rocky didn't move at all.


With an ear-splitting noise, a violent cloud of dust suddenly surged up into the sky for several dozen feet. Meanwhile, the ground surrounding Rocky continued to crumble and collapse, affecting a radius of hundreds of kilometers around him. Everyone present saw that the ground in front of the Witch Palace trembled furiously, as if it had encountered an earthquake with deadly magnitude.

At that moment, strong thunder radiance coupled with lightning constantly shone in the air, continuously emitting infinite explosions one after another. It seemed that the power of this spear was not only to bring into play its full strength but also to gather all the spiritual power that was needed to attack.

Marcia and the others could not help but feel nervous, because they could see that Alston's powerful spear was beyond what they had imagined. To be more exact, it was so lethal and dangerous that it did not seem to be some normal spiritual martial arts at the Divine Stage anymore.

"Since you are so special, I have prepared this move just for you!" Looking at Rocky, who was still shrouded in thunder radiance and didn't have any reaction under the strong explosion, Alston laughed crazily. This kind of spiritual martial arts was not a kind of human spiritual martial arts but was from the spiritual race. That was why its power was so astonishing and had never been seen before. It could be said that this move's power was far greater than that of a master at the fifth grade of the Divine Stage.

Not long after, the bursts of explosions gradually dissipated and then vanished. The strong wind blew up, slowly blowing away the billowing dust.

Just in the middle of the savage blow, a figure with black flame all over his body appeared. At that moment, this figure wore the Ghostly Ice Fox-wolf Armor which shone brightly its colorful lights whenever the sun struck the dazzling armor. His hair, which was long and reached his waist, was danced with the wind. His cold and firm face was filled with evil, and his sharp eyes gave people a sense of piercing coldness.


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