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The Medallion novel Chapter 1110

"It's possible. In fact, the spiritual treasures I have seen before are no different from Spiritual Weapons. The only difference is that the body of a spiritual treasures are made up of a gemstone called the Mysterious Spirit Raw Gemstone. So, it should be easy to distinguish them," Rocky said after thinking for a while.

"Alright. Then, let's look for the spiritual treasure first." Lena was about to step forward, but Rocky held her back.

"You wait here with Ken," he said. He felt the weapon tomb was a dangerous place. He didn't want Lena to get hurt.

"But..." Lena understood Rocky's concern, but she wanted to go with him. Before she could say anything, his piercing look stopped her in her tracks. She had to compromise. "Fine, I'll wait for you here, but please be careful!"

Rocky nodded and flew into the weapon shadows floating in the air, looking for the spiritual treasure that might be hidden amidst them. However, even after searching for a long time, he still couldn't find a single spiritual weapon that seemed like a spiritual treasure, and there was no aura similar to the two spiritual treasures he had seen before.

"It's not here?" Rocky wondered aloud.

Just as he was about to return to Lena, the weapons began to gain speed and started moving in the air, as if they were under some command. Their spiritual light gleamed bright and turned into streaks of colorful lights, gathering around Rocky.

Before he could prepare himself, the weapon shadows rushed towards him aggressively. He immediately pulled out the Frozen Wind Dagger and turned it into the Flaming Blade, trying to break out of the encirclement forcefully.

But before the Flaming Blade could form a defensive shield, a strange blue light appeared and hit the blade. The flames around the blade went out in an instant.

Rocky was stunned. What kind of Spiritual Weapon was so powerful that it could disperse the power of the Frozen Wind Dagger in a single blow? It was obvious now that the tomb that sealed the Spiritual Weapons of the previous emperors was extraordinarily powerful.

The countless shadows of the weapons were already surrounding Rocky, and were only three meters away from him now. The strong spiritual auras emanating from the Spiritual Weapons disturbed the air around them, resulting in a whistling wind which instantly enveloped him.

Lena, who was not too far away from Rocky, could see the scene unfold in the air. She watched in shock as the weapon shadows launched themselves upon him. She immediately turned and climbed onto Ken's back.

Then Ken rushed towards Rocky, but it was too late.

His body was about to be pierced by the countless Spiritual Weapons surrounding him.

Rocky stared at the deadly weapons and immediately sensed something.

Without any hesitation, he withdrew the Frozen Wind Dagger and his spiritual power, then took a deep breath. Opening his eyes, he shouted towards the Spiritual Weapons, "Come on!"

As if on command, the countless weapon shadows rushed towards him and stabbed Rocky all over his body.

Horrified, Lena yelled, "Basil!"


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