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The Medallion novel Chapter 1112

"So, what's the bloody chaos of the Wild Spirit Land you just mentioned?" Rocky asked straightforwardly.

"These nine spiritual treasures are immensely powerful as they can turn living things into ashes. Their strong power is the reason why the nine powerful warriors from different clans of spiritual race who owned them were afraid that these treasures would be used for battles among the different clans. So, they agreed to seal them in nine different places in the Wild Spirit Land. They also used their own power to set up the enchanted barriers that any clan of spiritual race could not enter. The warriors did everything in their power to protect the treasures and prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. However, the nine powerful warriors also had their own motives. So, they allowed humans to set foot in the places where the spiritual treasures were sealed in anticipation that when their clans needed the help of the spiritual treasures someday, the humans would know where to find it," Lena explained.

Rocky was dumbfounded when he heard her explanation.

"However, the spiritual race is also afraid of the power of the spiritual treasures, so they won't take out them unless they really need to. Once the spiritual treasures are taken out, the restriction on the different clans will be broken. This means that the nine spiritual treasures will reappear in the world. If a spiritual treasure appeared, the other clans who had the spiritual treasures would surely try to take them. The reason why the Dragon Master Clan wants this spiritual treasure in front of you is because this is the Sunrise Magic Dragon Bow owned by the Dragon Master Clan. It was originally sealed in another place, but it was taken back to the Holy Dragon Empire and was sealed in this royal forbidden area," Lena continued.

"So, you mean all the clans of spiritual race in the Wild Spirit Land are searching for spiritual treasures to protect themselves. But there are only nine spiritual treasures, and the number of clans searching for the treasures is far more than that. And other clans that didn't own spiritual treasures are looking for it..." Rocky said doubtfully, getting more confused by the minute.

"Well, that's normal. Back then, the nine clans of spiritual race with the nine spiritual treasures were the strongest among all the clans, which included the Butterfly Divine Clan, the Dragon Master Clan, the Phoenix Master Clan, the Wood Clan and so on. As time went by, the nine clans, like the Butterfly Divine Clan, faced inevitable challenges to become extinct. Over the years, some clans among the nine became weaker while there were also other clans that became stronger. So inevitably those spiritual race clans that didn't own the spiritual treasures wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to take one of the spiritual treasures and use it to secure a place among the powerful clans," Lena explained further.

"You sure do know a lot. Who on earth are you?" Rocky could not help but ask again when he found out that the mysterious person attached to Lena knew so much and explained to him every piece of information.

However, Rocky suddenly felt a strong burning sensation in his chest. Then, the figure of the Dragon-shaped Soul Beast suddenly appeared on the dragon-shaped jade on his chest.

"Is that really you?" the Dragon-shaped Soul Beast deeply looked at Lena and asked.

When Lena saw the Dragon-shaped Soul Beast appearing on Rocky's chest, she was astounded and shouted, "Why are you with this young man?"

"It really is you, my old friend. He has taken over your unfinished mission," the Dragon-shaped Soul Beast said in a deep and ethereal voice.

When she heard this, a smile appeared on Lena's face and she said, "I see. I see. Well, it seems that it is not a coincidence that you can enter here as someone else other than the emperor! It must be fate. I am really relieved. Even if the nine spiritual treasures are truly gathered already, there is still a glimmer of hope."

"Wait, are you the Witch that appeared in my memory?" When he saw that the Dragon-shaped Soul Beast knew the mysterious person attached to Lena, Rocky immediately had that thought in mind.

"You are really smart indeed." Lena glanced at Rocky and continued, "If you want to know everything about the spiritual race, you only need to find the blood essence of the nine legendary guardian beasts to unlock all the memories. If you do that, you will perfectly understand everything. Of course, it would be the best if you could prevent the nine spiritual treasures from being gathered. In that case, you can take your time in collecting the blood essence of the nine legendary guardian beasts. Your lone mission is to protect the Holy Dragon Empire and avoid the disputes among the different clans of spiritual race in the entire Wild Spirit Land. This is also the duty of the Holy Dragon Empire's Witches. If you fail to carry out the mission, the prophecy of the first Witch will come true."

When she said the last sentence, Lena looked profoundly serious.


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