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The Medallion novel Chapter 1115

"But it's too dangerous for you to do that alone," Lucilla said, her voice shrouded with worry.

Sabina nodded in agreement.

"Lucilla is right. You're not strong enough. It's better to let my grandfather do it," Shirley added.

Rocky smiled calmly and said, "It will be easier for me to flee." With that, he summoned Ken and vanished with it before they could stop him.

A moment later, violent explosions rang out from the habitat of the Fierce Eagle Dragons. Obviously, Rocky and Ken created the explosions. After the deafening noise, they quickly headed to the west. The dragons, startled by the explosions, grew angry and chased after the man and the beast.

Soon, there were almost no beasts left in the habitat.

"Let's go." Marcia nodded to the team.

They crossed the habitat and ran all the way to the other side. Although they had to still encounter some Fierce Eagle Dragons halfway through the habitat, with Bryant, Marcia and Sheridan leading the way, they successfully passed through.

They reached an area covered with stones and decided to rest there while waiting for Rocky to come back.

The group waited for more than half a day, but Rocky was nowhere in sight.

"Could anything bad have happened to him?" Lucilla asked, stealing a glance at Marcia worriedly.

"That guy just likes to play tough," Shirley snorted.

"If it weren't for Basil, we couldn't have come past the habitat so smoothly," Sabina retorted, glaring at Shirley.

Shirley glared back at her with the same intensity of hate.

"I'll go and find him," Marcia said, getting up from the stone ground. She was worried about him too. He was followed by a bunch of beasts, after all.

But just as Marcia got ready to move out, a figure covered in weeds and dirt appeared in front of them. As soon as the women saw the figure, they couldn't help smiling.

"It must have been hard to get rid of them all." Marcia covered her mouth and smirked at the sight of him.

"Rocky, are you hurt?" Sheridan asked immediately, walking towards him.

"Well, when a man is unlucky, he could choke on water. It took me a lot of effort to get rid of the Fierce Eagle Dragons, but then I bumped into another group of supernatural beasts. I managed to dodge them somehow, or else I would have ended up fighting those too," Rocky replied as he pulled out the weeds from his dirty clothes.

"Good. We should keep moving now. There are more dangerous beasts waiting for us on the way," Marcia warned, and the rescue team continued on their journey.

Just as she had predicted, as they went deeper, the supernatural beasts they encountered became bigger and stronger. Most of them were stronger than the beasts Rocky had fought in the Mysterious Cave in the Spiritual Pasture Valley of the Wood Clan. Every step forward was a challenge for the team.

As soon as they managed to get rid of a dozen supernatural beasts at the six-star level, they ran into three at the seven-star level!

After two days and two nights of this perilous journey, Sabina, Lucilla and Shirley were exhausted and were panting for breath. Rocky, Bryant, Marcia and Sheridan were strong. But while in the midst of the fierce battle, especially against powerful supernatural beasts, it was difficult to protect the others.


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