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The Medallion novel Chapter 1135

"Sabina, have you already cultivated with Basil?" Lena said with admiration, as her beautiful eyes fluttered gracefully.

Seeing that the three women were so interested in their research about co-cultivation, Rocky was at a loss whether to cry or laugh.

"You can study it first. I'm going out." While the three women were still in a daze, Rocky took advantage and disappeared in an instant.

They saw too late that Rocky had sneaked away while they were distracted. Then, they couldn't help but stomp their feet and pout.

After Rocky left the Crimson Palace, he rode Ken out of the Imperial City. He was worried about Uriah, so he had to find a deserted place first. Once he did, he immediately opened his Magic Spiritual Space and entered it to check on Uriah.

After that, he immediately did a thorough examination of Uriah. He also collected samples and did a genome analysis and testing. As a result, Rocky found a pair of incomplete genomes in Uriah's body, which was fatal to spirit-manipulated beasts. If he could not repair this pair of genomes, Uriah would not be alive for long. At worst, it could die at any time.

And based on Rocky's speculation, he suspected that Uriah's rebirth was because it sensed that its master was in danger. In other words, Uriah shouldn't have come out of the egg so early, and that was what led to a fatal defect in its genomes. If he was correct in his theory, and that was indeed the case, Rocky would undoubtedly feel guilty.

But he told himself that it was useless to feel guilty now. The most important thing that he needed to do was to try to repair the defects on the pair of genomes. Therefore, Rocky immediately rushed to the Fragrance House.

The Fragrance House was no different from other brothels. However, as soon as Rocky entered it, someone invited him to go directly to a room on the third floor. As soon as he stepped inside, a delicate figure threw herself into his arms.

"I heard that you went to the Dragon Master Clan to the emperor's rescue. I was so worried about you!" the figure exclaimed in a flurry of movements.

"There is nothing to worry about. I'm here now, and I'm fine." Rocky hugged the beautiful woman in his arms, which was Laney.

"But why did you suddenly come to the Fragrance House? How is the emperor?" Laney asked, looking up from beneath her lashes, which emphasized the darkness of her eyes.

"We saved him successfully. There's nothing to worry about now," Rocky reassured her.

"I think you have a lot of things to do after saving the emperor. Besides, the emperor will probably want to pass the throne to you. It seems that you will soon be the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire," Laney speculated. In her opinion, it was reasonable and justifiable for Rocky to inherit the position of the emperor. After all, over half of the Holy Dragon Empire's forces were behind Rocky. Besides, he had established prestige in the empire before. Thus, as long as the emperor was willing to issue the order, Rocky could immediately become the next emperor.

"I'm not interested in being the emperor. Besides, I have something more important to do. I want you to help me send a letter to Juey. I think it's time to show off," Rocky said with certainty.

"The plan you mentioned?" Laney guessed, to which Rocky nodded in agreement.


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