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The Medallion novel Chapter 1141

The businessman in the blue robe, in particular, was shivering all over because he had just ridiculed Rocky, Prince Crimson of the Holy Dragon Empire, in public. Insulting a royal member was a serious crime, and he could be beheaded for this.

Needless to say, the most embarrassed among the lot was the young man who had tried to pick on Rocky. He was still in the shock, unable to believe that he had offended such a mighty figure in the empire, in front of whom even his father had to kneel down. He swiftly crawled over to Rocky and begged for mercy. "Your Royal Highness, please forgive me! I failed to recognize you and I deserve punishment. But please, spare my life, Your Royal Highness!"

Ignoring his pleas, Rocky walked towards Mia and said, "Please, get up. You don't need to do this."

Mia raised her head slowly. When Rocky nodded to her with a smile, she stood up, but the other businessmen were still kneeling down on the floor with their foreheads touching the floor. Their hands were visibly shivering in fear. Rocky continued to ignore them.

"Why didn't you tell the butler who you were? I wouldn't have made you wait here in this living room if I had known it was you," Mia grumbled. If Rocky had informed her sooner, he wouldn't have had to endure such offense from the businessmen, which now annoyed her even more.

"Well, I wasn't in a hurry. Besides, you seem to have a lot of guests." Rocky shrugged with a mischievous chuckle.

"They are not my guests," she said, looking at the men groveling on the floor. She turned back to Rocky. "What brought you all the way here? Is there anything I can do for you?" she asked curiously.

"Oh, I'm only here to express my appreciation. You did a huge favor for me," Rocky said with a smile.

"Favor?" Mia was confused at first, but then understood what he was talking about. Shaking her head, she continued, "That's very kind of you, but I only did what I had to do."

"I have to admit that you made things much easier for me. Here, I brought you a small gift," he said as he took out a box and handed it to Mia.

She hesitated for a moment, but couldn't refuse. Accepting the gift, she opened it. With a loud gasp, she stared at the three medium grade Dark Heaven Eggs. Rocky had given her something very precious in such a small box; it was absolutely outrageous.

The wealthy businessmen, who were still on their knees, gaped in stunned silence at Rocky's generosity. Medium grade Dark Heaven Eggs were rare treasures, nearly impossible to find in the Wild Spirit Land. Enormously rich people would grab their chance at buying one even at high prices. But here was this man, presenting Mia with three of them as a "small gift". That "small gift" could buy three entire cities! Even the richest man among them couldn't compete with him.

Mia closed the box and pushed it back to Rocky. "This is too precious! I cannot possibly accept this," she said, shaking her head side to side.

"Keep it. It's not such a big deal. Honestly, I wanted to give you a couple of spiritual crystals, but I already gave them all to Shirley. I'll give some to you when they are next available," he said lightly, refusing to take the gift back.

He didn't realize the weight of his casual words because he did not notice the look of utter shock in the faces of the people in the room, including Mia. On top of giving her three medium grade Dark Heaven Eggs, he also wished to give her spiritual crystals. It sounded as if priceless treasures were growing in his backyard, and he could just go and pluck them whenever he wished.

They didn't believe that Rocky was sincere about the offer, but he indeed was.

"May I have a word with you in private? Please follow me." Seeing the expressions of those wealthy businessmen, Mia knew that Rocky had successfully managed to put them in their place.

She guided him in and soon, Rocky found himself inside a finely decorated room which Mia used to receive distinguished guests. She made tea to treat him after they sat down to talk.

"Did you come all this way just to give me this gift? Or is there anything else I can do for you?" She was smart enough to know that Rocky had something on his mind.

"Yes, I'm here to ask for your cooperation," Rocky said, taking a sip of the tea.

"Cooperation? For what?" Mia sat up straight; her curiosity was aroused.

"Have you heard of the Xiao's beast hospital in the Timber Deity Empire? It's been the hot topic in recent times," Rocky asked. He put the cup down and looked at Mia.


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