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The Medallion novel Chapter 1144

"Originally, we planned to use the spiritual treasures to stir up the disputes among different clans of the spiritual race, so that the Wild Spirit Land would once again fall into eternal war. Once this happens, we can take advantage of this opportunity to break all the other clans of the spiritual race down one by one, and finally rule the entire spiritual race. Progress-wise, things are still a little unsatisfactory, but we are getting there. Moreover, if you look at the bigger picture, this plan has successfully brought all the other clans of the spiritual race to fight for the spiritual treasures. Although the unexpected internal strife occurred in the Dragon Master Clan, it is also our saving grace for it swept us away from facing big trouble. The Holy Dragon Empire has been separated from the Dragon Master Clan since then, and thus, the latter does not pose a threat to us anymore. What's left now are the Wood Clan and the Phoenix Master Clan, and they have also obtained their respective spiritual treasure. Therefore, I believe that both of them will stay quiet to protect themselves from here on out. If all goes well, then our plan will be carried out smoothly. All that's left to do is to ignite the fire more." At that moment, a shrewd smile crept on the face of Townsend, the patriarch of the Heavenly Demon Clan.

Just like the famous saying, "When the water subsides, the rocks emerge," it was most likely that someone was behind all of this mess. As it turned out, it was the Heavenly Demon Clan who plotted in the dark for the clans of the spiritual race to hunt spiritual treasures.

"I'm glad that everything is under control. Don't worry about the Dragon Master Clan. I can handle them on my own. As long as Rex and the Mu Clan remain incompatible as fire and water, they will certainly do us the work and wear each other out. When that happens, I will take the Dragon Master Clan into my hand soon," Reginald said confidently, as he clenched his fists sinisterly.

"Rex must have never thought that his most trusted confidant is lusting over his position all the time. How pathetic!" Townsend exclaimed pretentiously, putting a little sarcasm into his voice.

"May I ask you something? So, where is the soul that I brought you last time? How is it doing now?" Reginald asked and changed the topic.

"Oh, yeah, that one. I put it in a vessel as you have asked me to. A couple of days ago, we just conquered a small clan of spiritual race and captured their only spiritual master. I planned to induce him to join us, but that stubborn old thing refused everything I said. I was so pissed off that I drew his soul out of his body. I stuffed that body with the soul you brought me," Townsend said and stood up, giving Reginald a signal to follow him.

Soon after, the two of them left the hall, crossed the long corridor, and headed for the depths of the palace.

A few minutes passed, and they had finally arrived at a thick and exquisite gate somewhere deep in the palace.

The door slowly opened, and a huge pool filled with blood-red liquid rushed into their eyes. This thick liquid flowed slowly inside the pool, while eight stone pillars with thick and long iron chains were tied to a spiritual master who looked like a fish monster in the pool.

Both of them came closer. Being only a few inches away from it, they saw the blue veins popping all over the spiritual master's body. Moreover, his face turned ferocious as if he was enduring unfathomable pain.

"It won't take long for the soul to completely adapt to this body. There may be some side effects, but it is not a big deal, compared to the gains. To tell you the truth, his willpower is stronger than I thought. Originally, it is impossible for a human soul to bear the power of the spiritual master's body. But look at him. He did it," Townsend said lightly, as he stared at the body inside the pool with great sanctification.

"What can I say? The power of hate is unimaginable," Reginald sneered.

At that moment, the spiritual master in the pool shook his body violently, clanking the chains tied to its body. Without warning, it shouted exhaustively, "B... Basil I'm going to... kill... you! I... will kill you!"

After a few months, Sabina and Lucilla were standing outside a huge greenhouse delivery room inside the Genome Research Institute at Crimson City, looking extremely nervous.

"Sabina, do you think we can make it?" Lucilla couldn't help but ask as her voice shivered in excitement.

"I don't know. I don't have a single clue! This is the result of Basil's three-month worth of painstaking efforts. If it doesn't work, then I guess he will have to work on it for many more months," Sabina said and heaved a deep anxious sigh.

Since the establishment of the Genome Research Institute, Rocky had showered it with his full devotion. In fact, he had spent almost all his time working in the institute if he didn't cultivate with Sabina and the others.

Therefore, Sabina and the others had very few chances to talk to him every day, just like the typical neglected little wives.

Then, another delicate figure came over, holding a cute child in her arms. The moment she saw Sabina and Lucilla, she asked, "Hasn't Basil come out yet?"


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