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The Medallion novel Chapter 1148

After a recount of the exact number of soldiers, Rocky learned that there were only about twenty-three thousand uninjured soldiers left in the Black Dragon Group. If they included the two thousand injured soldiers, the total was almost the same as the mysterious army on the opposite side. However, the gap in their combat effectiveness was large. The mysterious army had proven their strength by defeating the Black Dragon Group. Even with over fifty thousand soldiers, the Black Dragon Group was forced to retreat to the Munoz Pass because of the impact of the mysterious army.

It would definitely be a tough battle for them. They needed a smart strategy and some tricks up their sleeves.

However, all of Rocky's actions completely confused Boyd and the other commanders, although he had just taken over the command of the Black Dragon Group.

Rocky asked the soldiers to block the solid wall at the side of the Holy Dragon Empire's mainland. Once this wall was blocked, then the Black Dragon Group would have no way to retreat when the mysterious army launched its attack. They would become a turtle caught in a jar. The commanders had no idea why Rocky sealed their only way out.

Besides that, Rocky also ordered them to burn down the rest of the provisions, leaving them with provisions that would last for five days only. He also asked five thousand soldiers to dig holes everywhere in the Munoz Pass. He instructed them to make the holes wide in the bottom but narrow at the top. Over a thousand holes were dug in the valley which people would fall into if they did not pay enough attention.

Boyd, the Commander in Chief of the Black Dragon Group, was appalled by Rocky's deranged behaviors. But he could not do anything about it since he had agreed to let Rocky take the command.

All the commanders of the Black Dragon Group complained of what Rocky was doing too. They had never ever seen a general preparing for an incoming battle like that. It was a complete disaster in their eyes. Although it was true that Rocky used to be the Commander in Chief of the Crimson Dragon Group, they all believed that he held that position only because he was a prince and Isis' husband. There was nothing special about him. If he was indeed a respected general, why was he doing so many crazy things? However, they did not dare to voice out their resentment towards Rocky.

On the other hand, Rocky did not mind the questioning eyes from the entire Black Dragon Group. He just executed his plans calmly. However, even Isis and Sabina did not understand what he was actually doing.

"Basil, what the hell are you trying to do?" Isis could not hold it anymore and asked him. Rocky, who was standing on the city wall and looking at the mysterious army stationed two miles away, slowly smiled.

"There is an old saying, 'cutting off all means of retreat to strive for the hope of survival'. Have you heard of it before? That is exactly what I am doing now," he simply replied.

"What? Cutting off all means of retreat?" Isis slowly repeated his words in complete bewilderment.

"Once Munoz Pass is broken, the Black Dragon Group will have nowhere to retreat. Even if we retreat to the mainland, we will not be able to afford the consequence. We are giving the entire borderline to them if we do that. In case another country comes to attack us, the entire Holy Dragon Empire will face even greater trouble. So, we must defend Munoz Pass at any cost. With the current morale of the Black Dragon Group, it will be impossible for them to match the enemies' strength. So, it's important to give them some stimulation to boost their morale," Rocky explained to her lightly.

"But what if the tables turn and we get the opposite of what you are expecting?" Isis understood Rocky's plan, but she still has other worries. Things would escalate in the opposite direction when the situation became extreme.

"Please have some confidence in me," Rocky replied and looked at her with a gentle smile.

"Of course, I have confidence in you. I've always believed in you. No one knows your capabilities better than me." Isis looked back into his eyes with an assuring smile on her face.


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