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The Medallion novel Chapter 1193

The Ice Phoenix Queen was so attracted by the magical saliva in Rocky's palm that its eyes were fixed on it. When Rocky was just a few inches away from it, it leaned its head forward and observed the magical saliva with vigilance.

With patience, Rocky reached out his hand to the queen. However, it had some doubts about whether to trust Rocky or not. After a few long stares and scrutiny, the queen finally felt that Rocky was not a threat. Soon after, it stuck out its tongue and licked Rocky's palm, quickly devouring a few drops of the magical saliva.

While it was busy drinking the magical saliva, Rocky took advantage of the opportunity to pet its head. After easing its hostility, Rocky began to do a regular check up on it.

After finishing the examination, Rocky found that the queen was oddly healthy, at least in the physical aspect. However, he found something rather unusual in its body—a bizarre and very amazing evil aura. Despite being sealed, the aura was still faintly visible and was constantly spreading out of the queen's body.

After a moment of thought, he turned around, walked a few steps and then said to the elder of the Phoenix Master Clan through the enchanted barrier, "I want to take some blood samples from the legendary guardian beast to study, but doing so may make the beast hostile. No matter what happens later, please stay calm and do not make a move."

Hearing this stunned the elder immediately. Without delay, she witnessed how Rocky opened the Magic Spiritual Space and took out the special syringe that was created through the current refining technology. The syringe looked a little rough around the edges, but at that time, it was still considered to be a very advanced product of the era.

Right after preparing his tools, Rocky went to the side of the Ice Phoenix Queen again. With the syringe in his hand, he quickly stabbed the syringe into its neck as fast as he could and drew out some of its blood essence.

Of course, the legendary guardian beast felt immense pain. As a result, it suddenly roared again out of distress and its huge body stood up straight, spreading its four phoenix wings hastily. In an instant, the strong icy wind shrouded the entire lair, freezing everything within dozens of meters.

At once, Rocky was stuck in the lair, facing the raging beast.

On the other hand, the elder saw this and sensed that something was not going well. However, she didn't dare to open the enchanted barrier and enter to see what was going on. Instead, with a little bit of hesitation, she immediately vanished from where she stood.

Meanwhile, Rocky's eyes narrowed as soon as he noticed the beast launch an attack. Not long after, it let out a loud howl that echoed all throughout the atmosphere. Its wings shook violently, sending countless ice cones flying towards Rocky, like sharp knives.

Puff! Puff! Puff...

The ice cones were shot in the air and fell on the ground with loud and striking explosions, causing ice debris to shoot in all directions.

Naturally, Rocky tried his best to dodge the explosions that kept on being launched at him one after another. But since the whole lair was frozen, he was also completely trapped in the domain of the Ice Phoenix Queen. At that moment, whenever he dodged a wave of ice cones, several thick and long ice thorns shot out from beneath his feet.

Since the queen was enraged, Rocky didn't dare make a single move. Otherwise, it might end up being more hostile to him.

A few moments later, the matriarch and three elders of the Phoenix Master Clan, along with several ordinary spiritual beings, Felicia, and Erica, also rushed over to where Rocky was. They were bewildered to see Rocky trapped inside with the savage legendary guardian beast.

"Oh, no! Basil..." Seeing Rocky's situation, Erica couldn't help but want to save him.

"Don't go up there. It's very difficult to deal with the Ice Phoenix Queen once it gets angry." The matriarch immediately grabbed her hand and stopped her from making a mistake.

"But if this goes on, Prince Crimson will most certainly die from the beast's wrath," an elder said in a matter of fact.

"It seems that only I and the three elders are the only ones capable of helping Prince Crimson," the matriarch decided.


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