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The Medallion novel Chapter 1196

"Oh really?" Rocky asked with his eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Matriarch, are you really going to tell him?" The elders and advanced ordinary spiritual beings of the Phoenix Master Clan, as well as Felicia and Erica, were also shocked. They didn't understand why the matriarch had changed her mind and why she was planning to tell Rocky the truth.

"Well, I think he can do something that not even we can do. So it might not be a bad thing to let him know the truth," explained the matriarch. Then she turned to Rocky and said, "Prince Crimson, follow me." With that said, she left without a backward glance, leaving the others with disbelief still written on their faces.

When she was gone, their watchful eyes followed Rocky instead, but he soon left to follow the matriarch.

Not long after, they stopped at the gate of a sacrificial hall not far from the nest of the legendary guardian beast.

As he approached the sacrificial hall, Rocky could clearly feel a powerful demonic aura coming from it, which was very similar to the aura emitted by the mutated spirit manipulators and the Ice Phoenix Queen.

"Where are we?" Rocky asked as he spun around and cast a curious look at his surroundings.

"This sacrificial hall is one of the forbidden areas of our Phoenix Master Clan. No other members are allowed to enter here, except for me and several elders. But today, I will make an exception for you." As the matriarch finished speaking, she walked into the hall and gestured for Rocky to follow her.

Rocky felt an overwhelming demonic aura rush towards him as soon as he stepped foot inside, and he could not help but scrunch his nose in discomfort. He looked around a little to see where it could be coming from, but the hall was as bereft as the day it was built. There was nothing but a black and cyan cauldron, which came up almost to his chest, placed on the central platform. He didn't know what material it was made of, but it gave him an ominous feeling. The evil aura that he had been feeling since earlier seemed to be coming from the cauldron.

As he gave it a closer look, he realized that the cauldron and the evil aura felt vaguely familiar, as if he had encountered it before. More than that, he felt strangely attracted to the cauldron, which inexplicably made him want to get closer to it.

"This cauldron is called the Demonic Soul Cauldron. It was used to suppress the soul of the most powerful demonic beast in the ancient times. However, a few days ago, several formidable spiritual masters of the spiritual race broke into this sacrificial hall and forced the Demonic Soul Cauldron open, so the soul sealed inside escaped." The matriarch looked at the Demonic Soul Cauldron in the hall sorrowfully as she told Rocky the truth.

"It held the most powerful demonic beast in the ancient times? I've only heard of ancient spiritual beasts before." It was the first time that Rocky had heard of the ancient demonic beast, so he was eager to know more.

"Back at the beginning of the spiritual race, the ancient demonic beasts and the ancient spiritual beasts coexisted in the world. The former was evil, while the latter was considered good. The ancient demonic beasts were too ferocious and bloodthirsty, and they liked to hunt the members of the spiritual race as food. For this reason, the spiritual race had no interest in preserving them, so they later became extinct. As for the herculean demonic beast in the ancient times, it was said that it had lived for over a thousand years before it was suppressed inside the cauldron. It was so formidable that its soul remained intact even after its body was destroyed, so it had to be suppressed in the cauldron," the matriarch explained.

"So the legendary guardian beast is affected by the soul power of the most powerful demonic beast in the ancient times? But if that's the case, what made the spirit manipulators in the martial arts contest mutate?" Rocky said with a puzzled look.

"The cauldron is not only used to suppress, but it can also refine the souls into potent power which can be used by its owner. The soul of the herculean demonic beast from the ancient times had been refined by the former owner of the cauldron into an original soul and countless remnant souls a long time ago. However, it turns out that the process was left unfinished, and it was still one step away from being completed," the matriarch continued.


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