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The Medallion novel Chapter 1216

The scene shocked every single person who was watching the confrontation. These included various spiritual race beings and human spirit manipulators, who widened their eyes in disbelief and talked to each other feverishly.

"Am I dreaming? He made the demonic beast surrender to him! Such a powerful beast and it actually surrendered!"

"He is just a human being, but he managed to subdue a demonic beast so powerful that even the spiritual race couldn't handle it..."

"Forget whatever people are saying! I don't think this guy is human!"

For a moment, the entire Fog Demon Plain was filled with the cries of astonishment. It was hard for most of the onlookers to believe their eyes. Who would? The most powerful and ancient demonic beast was now kneeling down in front of a human being.

In fact, even Felicia, Marcia, and Alyssa were shocked by the scene. They knew that Rocky was powerful, but they hadn't expected that the man would be able to tame such a strong and ancient beast.

"Please tell me that is not possible!" Townsend, who had been stopped by the three women, was also stunned. He had imagined thousands of outcomes of this fight, but only not this one. Rocky had extracted the original soul of the demonic beast. Then, he had let it be reborn in the form of his own ancient spiritual beast. Moreover, he totally subdued and controlled it. Everything was going against the patriarch's plans.

Obviously, Jill was also surprised.

"He did it! Wow, he actually did it!" Sabina, Shirley and Lucilla were very excited.

'You really are something, Prince Crimson!' Felicia and her disciple also looked at each other, with the same thought in their minds. Despite their calm and composed exterior, their eyes betrayed the admiration they were feeling.

And it wasn't just the two of them. Every single human spirit manipulator was shocked, excited and proud. It was a humongous feat to be able to subdue such a strong beast, that too when one was a human. As so many spiritual race beings watched in helplessness, it was a human who had managed to win the fight against a beast even they were unable to tame. This would increase the human's standing several times over.

On the other hand, the spiritual race beings were still surprised and stunned, as if they hadn't come to their senses yet.

Marcia and Alyssa, by contrast, began smiling after a moment's surprise, because they were used to such impossible achievements. They had a way of happening to Rocky every now and then. In their minds, none of his feats came close to this one. It was true that he had brought under control three powerful spirit-manipulated beasts as strong as guardian beasts; it was true that he had helped them break the curse seal which, once again, even the spiritual race could not break. It was also true that he could summon an extinct ancient spiritual beast. And yet, those achievements seemed to be nothing compared to what had happened just now.

"Go inside my Magic Spiritual Space, Glutton!" Under the watchful eyes of the public, Rocky proudly nodded at Glutton who had been reborn with the help of the flesh of the ancient spiritual beast.

Instantly, Glutton moved its huge body like a puppet, entered Rocky's Magic Spiritual Space, and disappeared from the sight of the people.

Seeing that he had successfully managed to subdue Glutton, Rocky finally breathed a sigh of relief and flew down towards the ground. He was a little exhausted now. As soon as he touched down, Marcia and Alyssa immediately rushed towards him with a worried look on their faces.


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