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The Medallion novel Chapter 1236

"Moira! Basil!" Marcia cried, her expression changing dramatically. Without hesitation, she rushed to the Dragon Master Clan's lair.

Their surroundings were completely destroyed; what was left were in ruins. From the center of the Dragon Master Clan's territory, a burst of wild laughter boomed and echoed. Rex, who had just used the powerful, forbidden skill of the Dragon Master Clan, was standing atop a mountain of corpses.

"Moira! Basil!" Marcia cried out again. She rushed over as fast as she possibly could, and was absolutely stunned when she surveyed the scene before her. Because she couldn't see any signs of Moira and Rocky, her anxiety grew tenfold. Seething with rage, she turned to glare at the giant-like Rex.

"Your sister is as good as dead. It's impossible for her to have escaped from one of the most powerful forbidden skills of the Dragon Master Clan I've just used. Your man is also buried with her. Actually, you came just in time. Hand over your legendary guardian beast, and I might just spare your life!" Rex watched Marcia approach gleefully. Just now, Moira and Rocky were the closest to him, so they suffered the brunt of the force. Moira was already seriously injured prior, and Rocky was a mere human, so it was impossible for them to have escaped his fatal blow.

"I will avenge them!" Marcia screamed, her eyes seething with rage. She summoned the Holy-blood Dragon King, and the Flood Dragon Halberd appeared in her hand at the same time.

"Rex, did you really think you are the only one who knows how to use the Dragon Master Clan's forbidden skill?" Just then, underneath a pile of ruins, two light shadows suddenly shot out and then landed on the ground clumsily.

"Moira? Basil?" Relieved to see some signs of life, Marcia was momentarily distracted and rushed over.

The figures were Rocky and Moira!

"You're still alive!" Rex cried. His expression hardened when he saw that the two had survived.

"It seems you have underestimated the power of the spiritual soul," Moira sneered at him. Despite her audacious words, she looked completely exhausted. In order to protect herself and Rocky, she had no choice but to use her fifty-year spiritual soul. This took up all her remaining strength. Moreover, since she had been seriously injured before she was totally powerless now.

Rex understood what she meant immediately. "You survived at the expense of your own spiritual soul? You really are brave, but now, there's really no chance you'll escape death this time," he huffed arrogantly.

Moira turned to face her sister. "Marcia, it's up to you now. Only you can unleash the power of the spiritual treasure of the Dragon Master Clan!"

"But I'm afraid I'm not strong enough..." Marcia frowned worriedly. She was not very confident, because the man she was facing was extremely powerful. Even if she used the Dragon Master Clan spiritual treasure, she might not be able to defeat him.

"I believe you can do it. Besides, you have him..." As Moira spoke, she nudged Rocky towards Marcia. "Brat, as long as you are with my sister, anything can happen. So, don't let me down!"

"I'll do my best," Rocky said with a bitter smile. Then, he opened his Magic Spiritual Space and asked Robin to take out the Sunrise Magic Dragon Bow and give it to Marcia.

Holding the spiritual treasure in her hands, Marcia was filled with revitalized determination. Turning to face her opponent, she shot Rex a cold look.


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