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The Medallion novel Chapter 1244

"I'm afraid that there are several human empires which may not be willing to be detached from the spiritual race. And they can hardly be blamed. After all, if they want the stronger spirit manipulators on their side, they simply have to submit to the spiritual race," Moira said.

"What you are saying might have been true in the past, but things have changed. The Genome Research Institute has gradually evolved and developed all kinds of new techniques. Not only can these new techniques be used on spirit-manipulated beasts, but also on humans. In fact, I myself have planned to on carrying out a few genetic experiments on humans. I am thinking of using genetic modification techniques to improve humans' strength and physique. If I succeed, not only will we not need the spiritual race, we can also make the humans become strong spirit manipulators ourselves," Rocky proclaimed with certainty.

His statement shocked Moira and the other women a little. They could tell that Rocky was not just saying it casually. In fact, from the way he was talking, it looked like he already had everything planned out and was about to carry it out.

"Basil, no matter what you do, we will support you. But you must remember that if we move forward with this, you will most likely become the target of all spiritual race clans out there. Are you sure you want to do this?" Marcia was a little worried. If the spiritual race found out what Rocky was planning, it would land him in a rather precarious situation.

"What's new about that?! Even if I don't do this, I'm already a thorn in so many of the spiritual race clans' sides, especially the Heavenly Demon Clan. One extra prick won't make that much of a difference," Rocky replied calmly with a smile. He knew that several clans were already annoyed at him and targeting him, but they hadn't done anything to him till now because they had bigger fish to fry. Moreover, Rocky had already thwarted the nefarious plans of the Heavenly Demon Clan again and again. He knew that when the time came, the Heavenly Demon Clan would never let him go. This gave him no option other than to be more ruthless. He needed to change the world completely and not worry about anything, especially since he was in trouble all the time anyway.

"Shouldn't you talk to your father about this first?" Marcia asked.

"Yes. I plan on going back to the Imperial City and discussing this with him, because this plan needs the support of the entire Holy Dragon Empire!" Rocky affirmed.

"All right, I am coming with you." Marcia nodded.

The next day, the two of them went to the Imperial City, while Isis and the others stayed in the Crimson City.

Once they had reached their destination, they went straight to the Palace City to meet the emperor. Word around town was that although the emperor looked energetic, his health was getting worse and worse every day. Therefore, he would spend a part of his day dealing with politics, and spend the rest of it in his own imperial chamber, recuperating.

"Basil..." The emperor was delighted to see Rocky in his chamber. He hadn't seen the latter for a long time and his happiness was evident from how ruddy his face turned.

Lena was in the palace at that moment as well. As soon as she heard that Rocky had come back, she rushed towards the chamber at once.

Since the emperor's health was degrading, Lena now had to help him deal with government affairs as the Witch of the Holy Dragon Empire. This had kept her extremely busy, and she had found not a single opportunity to visit Rocky in the Crimson City.

Rocky didn't waste any time with pleasantries and came straight to the point. The emperor and Lena were also surprised to hear his proposal. Obviously, they hadn't expected the man to come up with such a bold idea.

"Basil, are you sure you want to do this?" the emperor asked.

"I think it's imperative that we do! Otherwise, the Holy Dragon Empire is going to feel the pains of war very soon," Rocky replied seriously.


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